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With little to no hope of a win this Sunday

Hairless Cat

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1) I want to see the defensive line get pressure. I want to see defensive tackles collapsing the pocket. I want to see defensive ends finishing plays - not just getting close to the quarterback, but actually getting him. (this is particularly important this week against TB - how many times did defensive ends slide off of josh freeman's body missing what should've been a huge third down sack for a loss when we played them earlier this year?)

2) I want to see what our linebacking core looks like with a clear weakness. Presumably it'll be Anderson, Beason, and maybe Senn... whoever that inexperienced third guy is, he's going to get picked on a LOT. This is going to tell us a lot about how we look at the position overall and may give us an idea of what the defensive side of the ball will give us the rest of the year.

3) Godfrey with a great game to shut up the haters


1) The line hasn't opened holes for either of our top two running backs - so with primarily backups playing, it's that much more important for a solid game from the offensive line. If Deangelo can't find running room, Sutton and Goodson won't be able to either. This is where I'd like to see the line step up and help the young guys out.

2) Quarterback. I'd love to see rotation at this position just to see what we have on the roster. Put me on the list of people who'd like to see Armanti Edwards get some looks at the position - not because I think he's going to turn into Vince Young but because the guy clearly is a talented athlete, and with a shitstorm offseason coming it'd be nice to got a proper evaluation of what he's got. Same with Pike, same with Clausen (who I do think should start.)

3) I'd like to see LaFell targeted more. He's had a few games with some drops, and then a few where he hung onto everything. We need a bigger sample size with this guy to get a key on his abilities; I'd like to see four or five balls chucked his way.

4) Gettis has major potential but he's not going to explode into the player he could be without a lot of reps. I'd like to see more balls his way (this, of course, is dependent on the quarterback position)

5) Steve Smith not sucking :(

6) More shots at Barnidge. At the end of last year people were ready to shoot Jeff King and put Barnidge in his spot, but the guy has looked nothing short of ordinary this year - he's had a LOT of drops, hasn't shown anything when his number's been called. It'd be nice to see him reverse the trend and make some big plays again.

Special Teams:

A kickoff return for a touchdown! Goodson has come one tackle away from the endzone about a thousand times this season and it'd be nice to see him seal the deal just once before this season's over. Other than that I'm satisfied with special teams... they're covering kicks well and blocking well.

Most of all - a WIN!

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