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The 3-4 and the implications of the Panthers switching to it.


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I agree if Fox stays with his current defensive coaches, investing in the 3-4 would not be a good idea .

But if Panthers dump a lot of the defensive coaches,then why not change to a 3-4 .

How many seasons has FOX & Co invested in their version of the 4 -3 ?

Bend but don't break,15-20 yd cushions

But why is it easier for the

Steelers.Pats,Eagles,Ravens lose key players to F/A

But yet their defenses always rank high

Miami Dolphines went to a 3-4 under Bill in one season

How did they rank ?

How many teams run a 3-4 ?

Where are they ranked out of all 32 teams ?

And if Panthers lose Peppers, They will be 2-3 seasons away feom repairing the defense anyway

Heck some blame the loss of Jenkins this season.

Bottom line

This BEND don't Break

15-20yd cushion

Panthers wasted 3-4 seasons perfecting this current defense

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Those of you who think the problem will be solved by switching from a 4-3 to a 3-4 are missing the whole point. What you want is more pressure on the opposing quarterback. Teams like Philly run a 4-3 and get just as much pressure as most 3-4 teams. It isn't what scheme you use but what you do with that scheme. A team like Tampa does it completely different than Philly but still has a defense in the top 5 most years.

What it comes down to whether you are a read and react defense, bend don't break defense or one that dictates to the opponent what they are going to do.

You can blame our offense, defense whatever on Saturday (there is enough to go around), but the bottom line is that Arizona dictated the game to us and took away what they wanted to. We on the other hand did none of that.

The 4-3 is fine if it were run by a coordinator who was more aggressive and willing to do different things. If this is Fox's desire then he gets the blame as well. This defense hasn't worked since 2005 and it is getting worse not better. We are predictable and easy to gameplan against.

For example when Fitz went nuts in the first half did we adjust or change? No. He moved all over the field to exploit our matchups and we let them. We should have put Gamble on him all day and a safety over the top and said that he is not going to beat us. That is what they did with Smith and it worked. Other than playing tighter coverage, did we change that much in the second half? Not really.

And that is the problem. We don't have the people for a great 3-4 and we don't have the coaches to make the present 4-3 great. Until we do we won't be going anywhere late in January.

Both Arizona and Philly are playing great defense. The teams that aren't, Panther and Giants, are sitting at home.

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This is the biggest no brainer going.

They can't get pressure in a 4-3 how are they going to do it in a 3-4.

The secondary...IS NOT THAT GOOD. Very average group.

The TE drag in either direction was an ongoing Jedi mind trick since when? Since with Turgo got here.

It is his blind spot. And don't think other teams don't know that.

I have said it here a million times. Go back and watch any game.When the other team lines up 3 wides and adds a TE the confusion on the D is insane.

Either you need to remove some from the secondary or Turgo has to go. Changing packages with the same talent is basically painting a crack house.

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"The Panthers have Kemoeatu, who has the size, but cannot penetrate at all. A good NT frees up the linebackers to make plays. Ray Lewis wanted Kemo out of baltimore because he couldn't do that."

Get your facts right Fiz. Ray Lewis was furious that Kemo was lost. He's the ideal nose guard - big, takes up space, allowing our LB's to roam.

Go google Ray Lewis and Kemo's name and you will see articles about him being mad.

Finally - we have depth at LB's and plenty good ones. But you can't play them all with a 4-3. At least the 3-4 allows you to use more of your depth on the field.

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Beason doesn't fit the 3-4, he would be worse off than Vilma was. You also don't really see guys get big paychecks in the 3-4, so paying Peppers to switch to a new position would be stupid.

I love how the 3-4 is viewed as the better formation by so many people.

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"The Panthers have Kemoeatu, who has the size, but cannot penetrate at all. A good NT frees up the linebackers to make plays. Ray Lewis wanted Kemo out of baltimore because he couldn't do that."

Get your facts right Fiz. Ray Lewis was furious that Kemo was lost. He's the ideal nose guard - big, takes up space, allowing our LB's to roam.

Go google Ray Lewis and Kemo's name and you will see articles about him being mad.

Finally - we have depth at LB's and plenty good ones. But you can't play them all with a 4-3. At least the 3-4 allows you to use more of your depth on the field.

Not to mention if Kemo really isn't capable of playing 3-4 NT there is a guy out there in the draft who is...his name is Terrence Cody and everything I've read about him projects him as a very very good 3-4 NT. Rotating he and Kemo at that spot could be a solution there. If we trade Pep we are going to have extra picks and a hell of a lot of extra money so I wouldn't be worried about accumulating talent to play a different scheme....

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if you really want to mention a 3-4 NT that is available in the draft its ron brace. cody may or may not come out, last i heard he was staying as he has been at bama 1 year, before that JUCO. idk if brace is that disruptor in the middle either, a guy like raji might be, idk if he fairs as well as a NT in a 3-4 as well as UT in the 4-3, but people love to put raji as a NT as he is 320+, but i liked him at UT, he was a force with a stout NT like brace beside him. he would fair well imo to stay at UT in the 4-3 with a big NT like maake or brace beside him.

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not sure Beason could play in a 3-4. Buckner mentioned on the radio today that his game is not suited to taking on 300+ pound guards. He is better when he is free and uses his speed to make plays.

Personally I think Beason can do whatever he wants on the field but point taken b/c I trust Buckner (he did call the Peppers rumors last year at this time). I guess we are just going to be a terrible defensive team next year and have to wait until a another freak comes along to play end for us...

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Personally I think Beason can do whatever he wants on the field but point taken b/c I trust Buckner (he did call the Peppers rumors last year at this time). I guess we are just going to be a terrible defensive team next year and have to wait until a another freak comes along to play end for us...

Or we could switch to a 3-4 and have most every player washing in a bath of fail every game because they aren't suited to play such.

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Or we could switch to a 3-4 and have most every player washing in a bath of fail every game because they aren't suited to play such.


Allow 24 to SD in the first game

TB - 27

Arizona -23


ATL - 45

GB - 31

TB - 23

NYG - 34

NO - 31

Ari (playoffs) - 33

That is 10 freakin games out of 17 that we allowed 22 or more points...we won this season IN SPITE of our defense not BECAUSE of it.

The other teams that couldn't score on us...

Chicago (not a playoff team)

Minnesota - Solid defensive game

ATL - Very good defensive game (one of the few)

KC - (not a playoff team and they couldn't score on anyone)

NO - (not a playoff team)

Oak - Again a terrible offensive team (no playoffs)

Den - (not a playoff team)

So out of the games where we somewhat showed up on defense we were playing against teams that weren't even playoff teams. The only good defensive games out of those that I mentioned was the first ATL game and the Minnesota game. So if you think that this 4-3 succeeded this year then we must have different definitions of success.

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