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If you read one fiz post in 2009, read this one (serious post)


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great post.

i've been thinking that fox should go for a while now. this latest dud in the playoffs is only the icing on the cake. at times i really question the guys coaching ability and his ability to inspire the players. too many times have the panthers either come out flat for a half, ended the game flat, or just never shown up at all. my loyalty for jake is running very, very thin as well now. 5 picks and a funble??? seriously, i question his field vision, ability to distinguish colors and his qb smarts in general. he never has been an accurate passer and shows an incredible ability to literally throw games and seasons away. why did he even play in the 4th quarter last night? i'm about ready to call it quits on ever thinking that jake will be the qb of 2003 and 2004 again. i just don't know if the panthers can win the SB with jake running the show.

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Lets be honest here, nobody is going to fire Fox after a 12-4 season. I for one seem to curse the man each week because he provides unneeded excitement every week. Nobody is better at turning a Panthers (should be) blowout into a last second Kasey FG win.

I know some want Davidson gone, but I actually thought the Offense carried us the second half of the season. The person who should go is Turgo. His defense played terrible the last half of the year. We had no answer for Fitzgerald. How can you not gameplan for him. AZ certainly game planned to stop Steve. Our defense needs fresh blood in scheme and idea and I know Fox has alot to do with that but again I don't see a coach that went 12-4 on the chopping block.

Player wise, Delhomme needs to be replaced. The guy is so inconsistent and even if he comes back how much longer can he go? We need to address this situation now.

IMO our biggest need is on D. CB must be our number one priority with DE and DT closely behind. Someone must replace Lucas and we need to address our lack of pass rush.

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"Boring players playing a boring scheme that doesn't play to their strengths are getting blown off the ball and dominated. "

Very nice, did you come up with that? I also like the comparison to Bobby Cox and the point about even if Trgo gets fired, the scheme wouldnt change. I think Henning in Miami was proof of the restrictions Fox may put on our coordinators. In a month, I will evaluate the season with a much more clear head than today or even in a week. I am not the knee-jerk type and will not call for Jakes or Fox's heads. We are a good team, but not a great one, but have the potential. Football games are funny sometimes, last night was just not our night. The talent level in the NFL is so tight, that if things are not going your way, you are not going to win. And lastly, I am not sure I like the bye anymore either, if Pitt goes down...well that would be 0-4 for this year. Momentum and attitude wins games, and I do not feel the better team won last night, but the one that had the attitude did.

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Lets be honest here, nobody is going to fire Fox after a 12-4 season. I for one seem to curse the man each week because he provides unneeded excitement every week. Nobody is better at turning a Panthers (should be) blowout into a last second Kasey FG win.

I know some want Davidson gone, but I actually thought the Offense carried us the second half of the season. The person who should go is Turgo. His defense played terrible the last half of the year. We had no answer for Fitzgerald. How can you not gameplan for him. AZ certainly game planned to stop Steve. Our defense needs fresh blood in scheme and idea and I know Fox has alot to do with that but again I don't see a coach that went 12-4 on the chopping block.

Player wise, Delhomme needs to be replaced. The guy is so inconsistent and even if he comes back how much longer can he go? We need to address this situation now.

IMO our biggest need is on D. CB must be our number one priority with DE and DT closely behind. Someone must replace Lucas and we need to address our lack of pass rush.

In my opinion the window for this team to win the SB with Jake closed a long time ago. Sadly, this waste of a season may be the window for this entire team as we know it now slamming shut. You don't get too many 12-4 seasons in the NFL and when you go 0-fer in the playoffs that is flat out inexcusable.

Fox as a head coach has so many flaws it's sickening. From his deep, deep loyalty (i call it straight up stubborn), to his weak game plans, to his uninspiring attitude.

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I want Jake gone because I would rather replace him slightly before he is done than to replace him in the midst of a 2-7 season BECAUSE of him.

The way it is going the only way for him to leave is after he done ruined a season before said season is over.

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The only problem is that Fox hasn't changed his play calling. It doesn't matter how good Chris Gamble is when we're calling coverages for Dante Wesley. You cannot call packages for Rucker and Jenkins when you have Brayton and Lewis.

This is a great point. It's the same idea of what Fox did the last two years before this one of trying run the same plays and schemes with Deshaun Foster that he did with Stephen Davis.

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yeah good post. Still want a new QB though...

Matt Cassel, UFA, New England Patriots (will be franchised)

Kurt Warner, UFA, Arizona Cardinals (publicly stated he wants to stay in st louis)

Kerry Collins, UFA, Tennessee Titans

Jeff Garcia, UFA, Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Rex Grossman, UFA, Chicago Bears

Kyle Boller, UFA, Baltimore Ravens

Charlie Batch, UFA, Pittsburgh Steelers

J.P. Losman, UFA, Buffalo Bills

Patrick Ramsey, UFA, Denver Broncos

there's your list.

pick one

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