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its fun to prove people wrong...2010 preview


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When I think about questioning his desire to win I also think about all the glorious cap room we will have in 2011/2012. Instead of using the un-capped year to overspend on a bunch of FA's he's using the uncapped year to absorb all the penalties from dumping bad contracts which is actually pretty smart long term. If we have a good year this year then think about how beastly we would be with all that cap room in following years.

The only guys that we got rid of who will probably not be replaced are Peppers and Hoover. Harris and Lewis will be difficult to replace but not as hard as Hoov or Pep.

He dumped a lot of bad contracts but only a few of those were genuine budget/rebuilding cuts.

i agree with eating all the bad contracts but remember the statement that the president said. we will use the money to lock up all our young core. this has not been done yet, and could be done during the season. but it will be damn hard to sign all our young talent this off season. we also could have picked up a free agent or two....

i wanted pep to stay and that is all now, didnt agree with the harris trade at first but i believe our safties now are better and not as 1 dimensional. dumping bad contracts was cool, but what happened to locking up the young core?

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Isn't it though? :(

If everyone can give themselves pie why wouldn't they?

Are you refusing pie, even from yourself?

Sounds like a pie hater to me...

Dammit did I abuse the pie, I don't see the PIE button anymore...I beg forgiveness...come back to me

never, somebody please give this guy a pie button.lol.

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We'll see how committed JR is when it comes time to resign some of these players (and head coach) after this season. If he gets cheap with Williams et al and lets the team fall apart, then we know that his commitment is to mediocrity and not winning.

This uncertainty is just as important to us as fans, as it is to the players. We are emotionally committed, many of us for life, to this team. It's extremely frustrating to love a team that you know has the players, but not the leadership to be successful.

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We'll see how committed JR is when it comes time to resign some of these players (and head coach) after this season. If he gets cheap with Williams et al and lets the team fall apart, then we know that his commitment is to mediocrity and not winning.

This uncertainty is just as important to us as fans, as it is to the players. We are emotionally committed, many of us for life, to this team. It's extremely frustrating to love a team that you know has the players, but not the leadership to be successful.

In the 15 years that Richardson has been the owner, it appears as though he was committed in 14 of those years, and the only year in which his commitment could be questioned was an uncapped year where his frugality may prove incredibly beneficial with a new CBA.

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In the 15 years that Richardson has been the owner, it appears as though he was committed in 14 of those years, and the only year in which his commitment could be questioned was an uncapped year where his frugality may prove incredibly beneficial with a new CBA.

There are quite a few of us on here, myself included, who have brought this very topic up over the last few seasons. This isn't a new issue. Maybe the question shouldn't be the committment or interest in winning, but rather the ability. Both the team and francise are run in an extremely conservative style. If this style is the limiting factor, then it doesn't matter how committed you are. 8-8+/- is what we'll get, with the occasional above and below average season, until the organization as a whole adopts a new philosophy.

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I think the important issue here is that we have had a team here for the last few years that looks like it's on the verge of greatness, but can't seem to get over the hump. Be that due to a flawed philosophy on the field or business office, some missing pieces in talent, or something else, we have been watching a team that looks tentative and, in our minds, is underachieving. This the cause of frustration and confusion.

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I think the important issue here is that we have had a team here for the last few years that looks like it's on the verge of greatness, but can't seem to get over the hump. Be that due to a flawed philosophy on the field or business office, some missing pieces in talent, or something else, we have been watching a team that looks tentative and, in our minds, is underachieving. This the cause of frustration and confusion.

it's insanely frustrating because we're never worse than mediocre. So just when the fans are ready to throw in the towel we start stomping teams into the ground.

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There are quite a few of us on here, myself included, who have brought this very topic up over the last few seasons. This isn't a new issue. Maybe the question shouldn't be the committment or interest in winning, but rather the ability. Both the team and francise are run in an extremely conservative style. If this style is the limiting factor, then it doesn't matter how committed you are. 8-8+/- is what we'll get, with the occasional above and below average season, until the organization as a whole adopts a new philosophy.

My assessment of the entire Carolina Panther organization for the past 6 years.

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He lost all credibility for me at the end of the article. He stated that Tank Tyler couldn't last in KC or Detroit. He never played for Detroit. Then he said that if we had enough confidence in Godfrey we wouldn't have traded for Chris Harris last year?! Godfrey was drafted to pair with Chris Harris, whom we already had on the roster for a full season before Godfrey got here.

you noticed exactly what I was going to point out as well, I actually wasnt mad while reading this till the end when he started talking out of his ass about the D, oh well, at least he didnt completly bash us like other writers

and at the same time I still cant get over how nobody thinks we will have any type of pass rush at all, I gaurentee Brown will have close or more then 10 sacks and johnson/hardy/brayton might each have a lot as well, we have talented DE's but nobody ever realizes we rotate them all so they arent playing every single down so of course they arent going to have the sack totals of jared allen

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I think the important issue here is that we have had a team here for the last few years that looks like it's on the verge of greatness, but can't seem to get over the hump. Be that due to a flawed philosophy on the field or business office, some missing pieces in talent, or something else, we have been watching a team that looks tentative and, in our minds, is underachieving. This the cause of frustration and confusion.

this. couldnt have said it any better and i think its some of every aspect you named.

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Well, the realists were right last season. The homers were dead wrong (go ahead, blame Jake all you want, you were still wrong) and the pessimists once again overreacted like little sissy babies. I'm telling you right now, though not 100% factually accurate, this article is pretty much spot on.

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Well, the realists were right last season. The homers were dead wrong (go ahead, blame Jake all you want, you were still wrong) and the pessimists once again overreacted like little sissy babies. I'm telling you right now, though not 100% factually accurate, this article is pretty much spot on.

I remember before last season (not a member then, but read up on here) I was quite optimistic myself. Right after game 1, I said, yup... I have an idea on how this season will be......... mediocre.

I'm just gonna wait and see first.. before I run my mouth at other fans lol

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