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Albert Haynesworth Demands Trade; Refuses to attend mandatory minicamp


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Source: Redskins want money back from Haynesworth

ASHBURN, Va. (AP)—Albert Haynesworth(notes) didn’t show. Teammates called him selfish. Now the Washington Redskins want their money back.

The Redskins are going to see if they can recoup all or part of a $21 million bonus from the disgruntled two-time All Pro defensive tackle, an official within the league with knowledge of the deliberations told The Associated Press on Wednesday. The team decided to take the action after Haynesworth failed to report for a mandatory two-day minicamp.

The person spoke on condition of anonymity because coach Mike Shanahan declined to make the team’s plans public. But the coach and players had plenty else to say about a player who has collected huge sums of money from the Redskins but has decided he doesn’t want to play for them because he doesn’t like the new defense.

“Albert made a very selfish decision,” said linebacker London Fletcher(notes), the team’s most respected veteran. “When you decide to play a team sport, you have to look at it and think about everybody involved in the situation. This is not golf, tennis, things like that, where it’s an all-about-you sport. What he’s decided to do is make a decision based on all-about-him.”

Fletcher and others went further, painting a portrait of a player who has been self-centered since the day he joined the Redskins.

“It’s no different than his attitude and approach to last year’s defense,” Fletcher said, “about wanting everything to revolve around him and him making plays. And if it didn’t benefit him, he wasn’t really willing to do it.”

Shanahan also revealed that Haynesworth earlier this year was given the option of freedom or money—and chose money. The coach said he told Haynesworth in February that the Redskins would agree to release him and let him go to another team—in exchange for not paying him the $21 million bonus due April 1.

“Obviously, he took the check,” Shanahan said, “so I was surprised he wasn’t here today. … Don’t take our check and then say that, hey, you don’t want to be part of our organization.”

The Redskins can fine Haynesworth up to $9,442 for missing the minicamp practice, hardly a dent in the money he’s collected from the team for one season’s worth of work. He been paid $32 million of the $41 million guaranteed in the seven-year, $100 million contract he signed as a free agent last year.

Coincidentally, Haynesworth missed a practice that lasted all of 15 minutes, with the players stretching and running 10 100-yard dashes before a thunderstorm cut the session short. The minicamp wraps up Thursday.

Shanahan’s options are limited. He could release Haynesworth, try to trade him, look through the nooks and crannies of contract legalese to see if there’s a way to get some of the bonus money back, or keep him on the roster and force another showdown when training camp opens July 29.

A full-fledged attempt to recoup the bonus would likely turn into a drawn-out process that would certainly be challenged by the NFL players’ union. The Redskins will look for certain language in Haynesworth’s contract to make their case.

“We’ll make some decisions here shortly,” Shanahan said, without being specific.

Having pocketed his money, Haynesworth simply wants out of Washington. He is unhappy that the Redskins are switching to a 3-4 defense and prefers a scheme that would allow him the type of freedom he had during his seven seasons with the Tennessee Titans. Hoping for a trade, he did not participate in the team’s offseason conditioning program and skipped two voluntary minicamps.

Haynesworth’s agent, Chad Speck, declined comment.

Meanwhile, Haynesworth’s teammates made it clear that if he does show up for training camp, there will be fences to mend.

Defensive end Phillip Daniels(notes): “I think I speak for every guy on this team: We all feel like he turned his back on us.”

Center Casey Rabach(notes): “It’s getting to be selfish. He’s hurting the team. It doesn’t sit well with the players. … You can’t really count on him right now.”

Fletcher: “There’s ways he cannot be a Redskin: Give the money back. We’ll move on without him. I want teammates who I can depend on, who I can count on, who in the fourth quarter I know is going to be there to make a play or do his job that the defense calls (for). We need people that we can depend on. And at the end of the day, right now, he’s showing that he can’t be depended upon. … Last year we had a lot of selfishness that took place, and we got 4-12 out of that. This year, we can’t have that.”

Cornerback DeAngelo Hall(notes), who spoke with Haynesworth for about an hour on the phone Tuesday night, was one of the few willing to publicly empathize with the disgruntled player, saying that “promises were made” about the way Haynesworth would be used when the contract was signed.

Still, even Hall conceded that Haynesworth is all about Haynesworth.

“We know Albert’s going to do what he wants to do,” Hall said, “whether it’s going to benefit him, benefit the team, or if it’s a stupid idea or a good idea, he’s going to do what he’s going to do. It’s kind of hard to change his mind.”

:lol: wouldn't you know it!!! DeAndelo Hall "empathizes" with FAT Albert's "situation". BOO HOO HOO motherF*ckers, welcome to the real world where you don't always get your way.

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He took a $21 million check in April and is not showing up for a mandatory minicamp. My point is valid.

I understand why he's upset as I would be in his position since he's not leveraged to gain all his incentives. He took a 20% of that $100M in April. That's still a crap load than I ever will see in a lifetime. That was my point.

It's a game, not real life.

You're right, he is a douche, so that point is valid. However, you act as if he is guaranteed $100 million. There is a huge difference between $40 million and $100 million. It might not be a huge difference to you seeing as you are probably poor (as am I) and merely jealous (as am I), but there is a large difference between the two figures.

Also, he has a real job. It's unfortunate you and I don't get paid millions to play a game, but he has the talent to do so. You can't fault others for being more talented and having a better job than you. It being a game has little to no relevance. I might consider someone working at McDonalds as having an easier and less important job than a police officer, but does that mean that they don't have a real job?

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richardson can barely afford to put together an nfl caliber wr corps, lol.

:Yawn: Who the fug is talkin about our WR's and what BigCat can afford, beaux-tard??? Everybody knows that fat bastard Haynesworth ain't coming to Carolina anytime in his current life. Richardson wouldn't have him and we don't f*ckin want him. We already got rid of one DL primmadonna(Peppers) and he wasn't even a fraction of the problem that the cancer known as Albert Haynesworth is.


It must be really important for you to be one of the biggest f*ckin douchbag's on this board. I guess it's to be expected from a Taints fan though, carry on... :dita:

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You're right, he is a douche, so that point is valid. However, you act as if he is guaranteed $100 million. There is a huge difference between $40 million and $100 million. It might not be a huge difference to you seeing as you are probably poor (as am I) and merely jealous (as am I), but there is a large difference between the two figures.

Also, he has a real job. It's unfortunate you and I don't get paid millions to play a game, but he has the talent to do so. You can't fault others for being more talented and having a better job than you. It being a game has little to no relevance. I might consider someone working at McDonalds as having an easier and less important job than a police officer, but does that mean that they don't have a real job?

You read more into my original response than what was actually intended from my perspective.

I don't look at being an professional athlete as being a "real job" because only a select few are that talented and have the athletic ability to play a game at that level. It's awesome for someone to be fortunate enough to have that skill set and have the opportunity but it's not a realistic picture for the rest of us Joe Schmoes and it seems pretty freaking stupid to me.

I would do quite a lot more in terms of sacrifice if someone were willing to give me $21Mill just to show up and run my ass off in the sweltering heat. It's called being a team player...see an earlier post concerning his lesser paid teammates. Sure I am jealous that I don't have the access or opportunity do what he does, but I am what I am. My talents lie in many other places.

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Glad there are people who have no problem with big al.

I don't care what he was signed for. He signed the contract. Then he still bitched and moaned last season.

The change comes, and they offer to trade him anywhere as long as he don't take the second bonus check. The dude is stupid as a box of rocks. He signed the contract to be a redskins. I don't care that his contract is incentive laden. He signed the contract, he took the money, twice. He should shut his pie hole and play for the redskins.

I understand he doesn't want to play nose tackle. The way he is paid, he should be happy to play any position. He could exceed at the nose also, but as always, its all about him.

And there are fans who still drool or him. Shows you the kind of people they are.

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I'm not one to say the Panthers always make the right call with personnel but if I were a fan of a team who started Aaron Brooks for years, I wouldn't say much, ring or not.

Our coach made the decision to keep Brooks for as long as he did, he wanted to prove people wrong. Richardson is being cheap and has one known quantity at WR on your roster.

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Haynesworth's contract has a lot of money tied up in incentives. If I was going to lose all of my potential money due to not having any stats then I'd be pissed too. Of course that would be outweighed by the fact I was already a millionaire.

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You read more into my original response than what was actually intended from my perspective.

I don't look at being an professional athlete as being a "real job" because only a select few are that talented and have the athletic ability to play a game at that level. It's awesome for someone to be fortunate enough to have that skill set and have the opportunity but it's not a realistic picture for the rest of us Joe Schmoes and it seems pretty freaking stupid to me.

I would do quite a lot more in terms of sacrifice if someone were willing to give me $21Mill just to show up and run my ass off in the sweltering heat. It's called being a team player...see an earlier post concerning his lesser paid teammates. Sure I am jealous that I don't have the access or opportunity do what he does, but I am what I am. My talents lie in many other places.

I'm sure I read more into it. I'm also pretty sure I was addressing more than just you. Most of my serious posts come from thoughts about people who have made similar statements. In this case, it is definitely not the first time I've heard someone say something along the lines of "get a real job" in reference to professional athletes.

And why is it stupid? There are people willing to pay xx amount to go to games (and watch them on TV), and thus from the profits some owners are willing to pay xx amount to have players with certain skillsets. It's pretty simple. If there weren't fans willing to dish out the money then there wouldn't be players being paid ridiculous (I actually don't find the amounts that most players make ridiculous) amounts of money either. If you feel athletes make too much money, you only have yourself and fellow fans to blame.

If there were more people that were good enough to make it in the NFL and actively tried to do so, then obviously the market for football players would be lower. There is a reason they are paid so much. People don't just waste money; the market determines "fair" prices, and football players just happen to be a market.

Also, "talents lie in other places", eh? ;)

oKay, this selfish prick was signed, yes initially for the 4-3. News to A. Hayneworthless, things change!

Well, it's not like a team changes base defenses every 3 years...

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I'm not one to say the Panthers always make the right call with personnel but if I were a fan of a team who started Aaron Brooks for years, I wouldn't say much, ring or not.

If we're going to use that logic then neither side can say much, this team stuck by Delhome for far too long.

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