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Parade Magazine- Fixing the NBA


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"Instead of ejecting a player after six foul," says agent Steve Mountain, who represents Orlando's Jameer Nelson, "assess a technical for fouls six and seven, and eject after eight. This would keep the best players in the game longer."


"Shorten the 24-second shot clock to 20 seconds to make for more possessions," Falk says. "Or create a four-point play. People thought the three-point shot would destroy the game, but it added to it instead."


"You should have to be out of high school for three years to play in the NBA," Falk says. Playing college hoops would allow athletes to develop a fan base that they could carry with them into the pros.


"There's a reason why Charles Barkley, who is retired, is still getting endorsements," says Sports Illustrated writer Jon Wertheim, who has covered the NBA for 13 years, "and, say, Tim Duncan and Carmelo Anthony aren't. Today, the players with personality often have the color bleached out of them." Blogger Bethlehem Shoals of FanHouse.com advises, "They should Twitter all the time. It could be a lifeline to these guys' personalities."


"Eliminate or significantly reduce rules that require salaries of traded players to match up," Mountain says.


The NBA's season comprises 82 games. Reducing the number of contests could make each one matter much more to players and fans alike. As Falk explains, "In pro football, there are only 16 games, so every game is critical."

Can't say that I agree with these suggestions, particularly suggestion #1. Why slow the game down with more fouls if you then follow that up with speeding the game up per suggestion #2?


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Hell, if they just did #6 it would do a TON for the league. The regular season games don't matter and the post-season is too long. Do a 50 game regular season, and start the playoffs right after the NCAA tourney is over.

#3 is also a good one.

Oh yeah, and I'll add one of my own. Call traveling violations... that sh*t they play now isn't basketball, it's who can shoot the ball most.

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1) I agree to a version of #1 that was tried in other leagues. I think after the 6th fouls players should get two-shots and the ball. That way you can keep your superstars on the court, and aren't taken out of the game from a lot of bad calls in the nba (Some calls are tough to make). Even still the coach will take a lot of players out after the 6th foul because it would be too much risk keeping them in the game.

2) I disagree with changing the shot clock.

3) I agree with the age limit

4/5) Agree with both of those

6) I don't think the season needs to be shorten, plus that also means less money for the nba teams and that will never fly.

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I like the shorter season idea...but the rest of those don't do much for me!

I'd like to see more intentional fouls called on these hack a shaq plays...by definition they are intentional fouls

I'd also like to see them get rid of some of the timeouts too...there are way too many in my opinion.

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I'm fine with 82 games being played per season, but I wouldnt mind them shortening up the season. Like it was said above; 50 would be about right.

I agree with #3, and #5.

But, being real, Im fine with how the NBA is now. It's exciting and thrilling for me, yearly.

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I don't agree with #1 at all. As Hawk said, you already see hack-a-Shaq stuff when a defender can't handle a player. Adding more fouls would just increase that. Plus if you can't defend without molesting a guy, should you really be there?

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1. Enforce the rules! Walking is a violation for a reason. Add a ref if you have to.

2. Have a rookie salary cap by age...18 year olds get so much, 19 year olds get so much more, etc

3. Contract two teams. Would anyone miss Toronto or Memphis?

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