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what in the name of mighty allah is this


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Who are the BroncoGators? What is a BroncoGator? Are we to believe that The Golden Calf of Bristol’s fans are so loyal, so committed to this young man that they have all of a sudden become fans of an entire NFL team, namely the Denver Broncos?

Well, when you hear reports of this same young man turning down 7 figure endorsement deals so he can focus strictly on football, what would be hard to believe? The Golden Calf of Bristol commands such loyalty for exactly the same reasons he’ll turn down money if it feels like the wrong time. For the same reasons it actually became fashionable to do volunteer work on UF’s campus in Gainesville. (See 1st and 15)

In an atmosphere of unbridled youth, of typical partying and other wanton acts (by more than just the athletes, if you can believe it) he managed to change a lot of people’s hearts and minds, whether they subscribed to his particular religious view or not. That’s The Golden Calf of Bristol. Not just the toughest Gator QB but just the toughest Gator period.

So when the Broncos made what was probably the most controversial 25th pick in the history of the draft, it really is no surprise that they picked up an extra 100,000 or more fans that evening. The Golden Calf of Bristol changes the very landscape he inhabits. Not only by his play, his renowned tenacity and legendary work ethic. Nope. It is not just that.

Many other UF greats have gone on to NFL greatness, but I can’t recall any Gator fans becoming Dallas Cowboy fans even for a runner as great as Emmit Smith. No, it’s what he does off the field more than anything. He really is the genuine article. When he talks about being blessed with football as merely a platform so he can go out and do God’s work, he isn’t kidding. 100,000 might sound like too large a number, but seriously, it might even be too low. Even way too low. His NFL future is uncertain. To a degree, so it is for every rookie. But can you really say that you’d be surprised to see him dominate, especially off the field? Denver will fall in love with this guy too. No doubt. It’s already starting to happen. Déjà vu all over again.

Turning down money to focus on ball? Are you kidding me? Ask any of these BroncoGators and they’ll tell you that in a year or two, you’ll be hearing things like the infamous “The Promise” in Denver. They’ll also tell you about their disappointment in Jacksonville. Jersey sales alone have probably already got the Jags second guessing their decision to pass on The Golden Calf of Bristol, but wait until they feel the backlash of the fans.

These Bronco Gators are strong and growing in numbers everyday. They plan on being in Jacksonville for the first game of the season. But they are NOW coming as BRONCO fans. They plan on having twice as many BroncoGator t-shirts and hats out there than Jags schwag. Sound like too high a number? Well, it may be low. Even way too low.


Here you go, all the merchandise a bandwagon florida fan needs to be a bandwagon Broncos fan.

Your choices are...

Gay Chinese Dragon BroncoGator Shirts


Acid Flashback BroncoGator Patches


Shiny Trailer Park Trash BroncGator shirts for that special cousin in your life


no word yet on Jorts or custom truck nuts but I'm holding out hope

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Well, The Golden Calf of Bristol is an idiot and doesn't understand business. He is also failing to maximize his potential to do "God's work".

You have to sell high. There is a very good chance he will never able to make more money from endorsements than he can right now. Becoming a successful NFL player is never a lock and I would say his chances of super-stardom are very low. By not signing endorsement deals now he is losing out on tens of millions of dollars that he quite likely will never have the opportunity to make again. Not to mention the sooner he has that money the sooner he can start earning interest.

Now you're thinking, well he doesn't care about the money. Ok, but he has clearly stated he cares about "God's Work" and even says that football is his way of doing that. I'm no christian but I would think making a poo ton of money and giving it all away to make the world a better place and help those in need is more "God's Work" than scoring touchdowns.

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