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Possibly the biggest regular season game we've ever played.


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Big players play their best in big games.

Do we have big players or not??

As for Garcia I hope we do what we do against Vick. Spy him and contain him. If he stays in the pocket he is mediocre at best. We have to fill our gaps and hit when we get the chance. I hate the constant blitzing and flying by the quarterback. If we anticpate him taking off and stop looping around the ends and pressure up the middle, it makes it harder for him to escape.

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Biggest regular season games in Panthers history...

1. Vs. Steelers in 96 season finale

2. Vs. Falcons in 05 finale

3. Vs. Cowboys on Xmas Eve, 05

4. This one


I can close my eyes and see Chad Cota catching that ball in the end zone .............

The stadium erupts, fans don't leave because we want to feel that way forevah, and the Panthers come out of the locker room to run around the field and celebrate with the fans. :hurray:

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I think, in some points, this IS the biggest game. It won't decide a playoff spot, for sure, but it does have some tweaks we've hardly ever seen before:

1. These two teams have never been THIS good before we've they've met. Either they've been okay, or one has been a lot better than the other. But this time, both the Bucs and Panthers are dominant teams, unlike the Panthers-Falcons in '05

2. The division has never been THIS close before. All four teams have winning records, and all for have a chance at the playoffs. A loss here by either teams could decide their fate.

3. A game of this import has never been televised nationally for the Panthers. The eyes of the entire nation are going to be watching a game that may decide the division.

4. It's still the infamous Panthers-Bucs rivalry, the players are more hyped, the fans are more hyped, and I don't see the Giants-Panthers having this sort of excitement.

So while it may or may not decide a playoff spot, it may decide the division, and is probably the most important game we've ever had as far as determining the true strength of both these teams.

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yes, if we "lay" down tonight then no more complaining of the non attention from the media. But again, I don't mind the non attention and low expectations.....we seem to thrive on that...doing something that no one thinks we can do. SO, go out and punch them in the mouth, repeatedly, tonight Panthers!

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