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Clausen disscusion here


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Wow....bet Moore sh#t a brick with this one. I am surprised too. Clausen will have a big chip on his shoulder. Hope he is able to turn that into positive energy. Isn't his reputation that he is immature and not a good leader? Better not stand next to Smitty.

Im suprised to say the least, but I think management couldnt believe he had fallen so far and were wiling to bet that he is a good value for a 48th.

At least we didn't trade away any picks to get him.

I was listening to the draft on Sirius when this was announced. Shortly after they said the Panthers started trying to trade up at 33 to get Clausen....he was their guy all along. (Also said this was an owner's pick, not the coach and GM). We were lucky that they could find no one to trade with them.

I like the pick, theres still a good chance with how the draft is unfolding that one of the top 5 wr's is there when the panthers pick in round 3.

Hope you are right.

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Every single dipshit cock sucking inbred hick fan that posts from the burger king near their meth dealers house is going to rave aboutthis because they f**king know poo about poo.

f**k this entire board fuxk everythinng

I'm going to take all the acid I can find and check into the rock and roll hotel

shed this f**king mortal choil

f**k you god. I'm coming to piss in your mouth.

I am just wondering why Fiz has yet to be banned. I mean really? Sounds like a immature child trolling. As a fan of hte same team/forum, he is embarrassing.

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Hate the pick, now tate is gone. You commit to moore in off season and now pull the rug out from under him. You create a qb drama and don't improve your team. Clausen is Ryan leaf jr. Clausen will probably start, since its obvious fox does'nt like moore. Fox is looking to kill the team on the way out of town

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This is an unbelievably great pick.

If you would have told me that we could have Clausen at #48 I would never have believed you. There is no doubting his skills, the big knock was his ability to lead. A lot of people said he was a douche. You know who else is a douche QB in the NFL? Philip Rivers.

Anyone concerned about what Matt Moore thinks is being retarded. First off I am sure that Fox and Hurney called and told him about the pick before it went down. You just can not pass up the chance to draft a possible Franchise QB in the middle of the second round. Matt Moore will be fine. The TC competition between theese two should be awesome.

Also, with Carolina taking Clausen with thier first pick in the draft it creates a great atmosphere to push him harder to be great. All those teams passed on Jimmy, Carolina selected him with thier first pick and did it quickly. They wanted this guy, now he needs to prove the rest of the NFL wrong. Great scenario. I think Clausen will take this draft personally and it will motivate him, possibly to be greater than he would have been.

Is Clausen the guy I really wanted? No. Did Carolina really have the option to pass him up? No. There is just too much potential there to let him slide by. If Moore is the real deal he will also take this slight personal and it will push him to become better. Win Win.

your out of your god damn mind, golden tate made him look good, we need a WR, LB, DE, not a QB. This is the worst first pick in our history

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I really like this move. I would have been happy with either McCoy or Clausen.

Basically, suppose Moore isn't elite and we end up picking in the top ten next season. We would be taking a QB with that pick most likely. This way JR saves MILLIONS on that QB.

If Moore is elite then we can develop Clausen, and let him show off in the preseason and deal him for some nice picks in two seasons.

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:lol: Less than a second after the Commish said "Jimmy" I said out loud "and the Huddle implodes in 3 2 1"

Took me forever to log on so I guess there is a lot of hate on here. I feel the same way about Obama's health care bill. I don't hate it but I don't love it either.

However, BPA folks and Hurney really believes in it and pretty much everybody on here and in Panther land thought QB was a top 5 need. Maybe not top 2 but top 5.

I wonder if Hurney called Moore immediately afterward.

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