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Clausen disscusion here


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I think Clausen out of the available QB's available in the draft, Clausen was by far the best choice. I agree we needed a WR much more than we needed a QB. But, you all have to admit we needed a QB as well.

I think in time, this will prove to be a very good choice as Jimmy is the most well rounded QB coming out of this years draft.

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exactly my point, who gives 2 shits if he ran a pro style offense? if you cant beat college bums u cant win in the pros, enough said

I know i mean that's why Vince Young and Matt Leinart have had great success in the NFL is because they proved they could beat those college bums

oh wait

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You can't tell me this isn't a good pick for the Panthers...

Clausen has WAY more upside than Moore...and I'm a memeber of the Matt Moore fan club...Moore's good, but he's not great. Clausen has the potential to be great.

I still believe we should start Moore this year and give the dude a f'n chance at least.

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someone please explain this to me?

This Faggory

Yeah. That was photo shopped and floated around right after Clausen committed to ND. It started on a USC board.

I'll admit he has made some choices and exhibited some behaviors that led to his reputation, but he sure didn't have very good teachers in those life skills.

His parents rented the Hummer limo and had been telling him he was the golden child his whole life and Charlie Weis? Hell, Charlie actually had a higher opinion of himself than Clausen, so he obviously didn't teach him anything about the value of humility.

I would say that Clausen has taken the right amount of lumps in the media and the draft for his reputation, but he hasn't raped anyone or fought dogs for fun, so I think people should lay off and see if he learned anything in the past 4 years about building a reputation. Stuff his parents and coaches should have been teaching him.

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lol cut the nicest, most well liked player on the team (without cap relief) under the guise you're going to anoint the guy who's been in the system for three years, then turn around and draft the biggest asshole available

there goes that team chemistry

Don't be a sissy. Its a tough sport for tough peopleand they pay a LOT of money.

In the NFL, performance is what matters most. You sound like you want the QB to take you to the prom instead of the Super Bowl.

Team chemistry? Pfffft. The QB that wins, makes his teammates more valuable in the market. They know this. They don't give a crap who the nicest guy is. If the guy wins and makes you look good in your free agency year......he's their best f-ing friend.

If a player is too dumb to get that....his wife and his agent will knock it into his head.

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Disagree. Drafting Clausen at the top end of the first round might mean they have to start him to make the investment pay off.

But really, being picked 48 is a WORLD of difference from being picked high first round. mid second round has far more in common with a 3rd rounder than with a first rounder. That Huuuuuuuge difference in money means the kid ain't going nowhere unless he puts out on the field.

Really, there is a huge difference between 1st and 2nd round in terms of the teams commitment. Perormance, not financial commiment determines if and when a second rounder gets his chance.

In the long run, that is better for both the Panthers and the QB's. Nobody gets a free pass to start like Jamarcus Russell just because of the guaranteed money.

Let me start off by saying that I think Jimmy is the best Qb in the draft and I think he is the real deal. Now, with that being said, I think this pick was crazy. What about Moore now? I am not saying Moore is the next Tom Brady or anything like that, but I think he will be pretty darn good. Every game he has played in, he has looked great. Does excatly what is aked of him. Sure you can say he played against teams at the end of the season, but he still played against the starters of the Vikings and Giants and torched them. Granted, the Giants were not as good as the Vikes, but they were still an 8-8 team, but he lit up the starters of the Vikes. He should be our Qb for years to come.

Drating Jimmy is pretty much saying "Good bye Moore, we never had faith in you anyway" That is complete BS. Just because Fox didnt like his character you draft a Qb in the second round to pretty much replace him. Moore has proven he can play. What are they gonna do when Moore turns out to be pretty solid and wins a lot of games. Trade him? That would be stupid because then your gonna let an unproven guy play over an already proven player. Of course, If Moore doesnt work out we do have a good backup. But that could have been addressed in FA or a later qb pick.

This reminds me of when the Giants had Hurt Warner and they drafted Eli Manning. (I am not comparing Moore to Warner or Jimmy to Eli) What I am saying is Warner was a good Qb for them but they got Eli because he would be a franchise QB and Warner was old. Well, Warner was the starter for a while and played solid, and you could just tell that the Giants were just waiting for him to make one mistake so they could get their franchie Qb in to play. Sure enough, Warner had a bad game and the next thing you know he was on the bench and Eli was starting. My point is, that this is what will happen to Moore, he could play great all season or for 8 games, but no matter what he does the Panthers are going to be starting Jimmy sooner or later thats why they drafted him and it is ashame. so dont get used to Moore he could play great for a season or two, but in the end he will not be our Qb. What a joke.

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Hey, Einstein. Quarterbacks get injured too. With a mid season injury, Its a heckuva a lot easier to find a serviceable WR in trade or Free Agency than it is to find a serviceable QB who knows the offense enough to run it well in five days.

WTF......we have needed a Wr for a while now and we get a qb before we got a damn good wr......FO better hope there is not a injury next year cause we will be screwed, our TE are gonna have to step up next year(not like they haven't though)

like the pick but still.....lets get moore some weapons before we draft him some competition.

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exactly my point, who gives 2 shits if he ran a pro style offense? if you cant beat college bums u cant win in the pros, enough said

This is unbelievable. So are you saying that none of the other players or coaches performance had anything to do with winning or losing games?

What more could he have done? Did you want his completion percentage to be 125%????? Did you want him to march the team 80 yards for a touchdown and then run back out with the defense and play middle linebacker?

You have no idea how bad Charlie Weis damaged the foundation of a good college team. They spent hours and hours talking about plays, game plans and walk throughs and almost ZERO time in full pads hitting and going full speed in practice.

He tried to apply the emotionless Belicheck chessmaster approach to college ball and it doesn't work.

In the pros, you don't hit fullspeed because every player is an investment of millions and you already know they are in shape and can play....so you save it for Sunday.

In college, if you spend all your time in chalk talks & don't work hard or hit in practice, the team will be a bunch of slow, soft and out of shape sucks no matter what.

But to say "Clausen sucks because Notre Dame sucked" is a pretty shallow level of sports discussion.

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One thing that is being overlooked is that Clausen led them back to win FIVE GAMES this year. That means that half of the games that hey played he had to make a comeback for his team to win. That is with ZERO Oline help and a really bad running game. Their defense was atrocious but that isn't Clausen's fault. He threw for 3700 yards and 28TDs...what more can you ask?

Is he going to be a pro bowler this year? No...I honestly don't even know if he's going to start this year at all. They are going to let Moore have his chance and then let Moore walk at the end of the year...get used to it we aren't re-signing Matt Moore.

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