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Clausen disscusion here


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Well, I was unhappy with it at first, especially since Golden Tate was still on the board. But we still don't know that Matt Moore is 100% our guy. Anything can happen. Injury, Jake Syndrome, etc. I mean, we have Brandon LaFell and Armanti Edwards as well, project guys at receiver. We could be a lot better off this season than I originally though.

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The Clausen pick is one of the best picks the Panthers have ever made.

If for no other reasons than it has put Fiz into a fit and it brought KaseKlosed out of the netherworld.

Fiz is just upset that there is someone in Carolina that has the goofy pretty boy look down better than he does.

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Things I like about the pick:

Since the year is uncapped we can sign him to a cap friendly contract which is a huge advantage with a franchise QB.

No matter how good Matt Moore is, we only had him signed for a year. So if he plays well we have to give him a big contract. If Clausen plays well then we don't have to suddenly deal with signing him to a huge contract when we'll have to worry about kalil, williams, davis, and marshall.

He's going to the best team possible for a rookie QB. Great o-line and running game. Solid receivers, shouldn't have problem with targets.

It's nice to not have to deal with some undrafted guy who is facing a bunch of adversity.

If Moore shows enough but Clausen starts then maybe we can trade Moore for some picks.

I can sit back and dream that Clausen is the next Peyton Manning.

Things I don't like about the pick:

Two young QBs on the roster, no veteran presence.

I would rather have gotten Moore some weapons. I think that is a better way to win.

I sure hope his character concerns aren't something serious.

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you're just throwing out names to try to sound impressive because you don't actually have a point. There are specific reasons that players drop, some their own fault and some not.

comparing Clausen to Rodgers or Marino is hamfisted at best and intentionally misleading at worst but it's the kind of juvenile comparisons that get made here all the time

You were the one that made a big deal out of him dropping and that he has character issues. I didn't even bring up Dan Marino using cocaine as an example. And how is it misleading for comparing why someone that drops in one draft verses another?

really are you just going to keep pointing out the few players that slid and overcame it because I'm pretty sure I could win a name posting contest.

x slid and did well so y sliding means nothing

The ultimate point I was making was the pick was a good value considering where he was projected to go.

the only people who considered him that are analysts for television networks who don't have jobs with NFL teams.

But most of them have worked in the NFL and experience judging talent. And personally, I'll take their experience over your pointless ranting about why you don't like him any day. Hell, there are alot of scouts that agree he has first round talent but also agree that character issues could and would hurt his draft stock.

are you one of those people that raves about Dan "first round talent" Connor?

and what does this have to do with this discussion? and you call me juvenille...

ahh yes if only I understood the intricacies of looking good at Notre Dame with average receivers then I would know that Brady Quinn is going to be great.

where have I said that he was a great quarterback? I did said that too much credit is being given to Golden Tate for "bailing" him out of "inaccurate" passes. My knock against Golden Tate is that he doesn't separate from college defenders. Yes he's great after the catch, but if you can't separate from a defender then that means the quarterback as to be dead-on accurate.

you said he wasn't going to get a ton of money.

Just pointing out you're wrong.

Show me where I'm wrong here. Has he signed a contract? No. You have no proof to back your argument here. You should concede here since you have no proof of what your saying.

yeah Fox has just loved playing Matt Moore over the years I forgot.

Fox disdain of Moore's attitude is going to outdo his disdain of playing rookies.

Right... Let just forget the John Fox stuck with Jake Delhomme even when Jake was absolutely terrible and the fact that he tends to make young players compete and prove themselves or a vet gets injured before he will ever start them. Or the fact that John Fox in general has great disdain for rookies like you said. Once again, so me some proof of what your saying.

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I believe in Matt Moore and I think he will prove to us yet again why he should be our guy. I hope he dominates next year, resign him and then maybe put Clausen on the trading block in the future. It's not like Fox/Hurney to let a guy play extremely well and then not try to extend him. If Moore is the guy they will try to lock him up after next year. I don't think they will risk losing someone just to give a 2nd round pick his shot.

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Positive or negative, there's not any comparison between the two. They have practically nothing in common.

I can agree with that. Jake has an ability to lead and inspire his teammates, Jimmy Clausen has definitely not shown that yet. I would have preferred Colt McCoy personally and I think he's much more like Jake in leading and inspiring his teammates.

Either way, its not a bad pick for Carolina. Clausen knows this offense from college and can make the throws in the offense. I doubt he's starts here week 1 and I definitely want Matt Moore to be the quarterback as I feel he much better equipped to handle this offense right now.

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"To put a price tag on this drop, as a lower top-10 choice, Clausen stood to receive something along the lines of $22.6 million in guaranteed money. As the 48th pick, he'll get something along the lines of $2.6 million. (Let's not even consider what the financial impact was if, as some predicted, Clausen would have wound up with the Washington Redskins at No. 4)."

So Fiz, what were you saying about him getting paid like a first rounder?

Concession accepted.

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WTF......we have needed a Wr for a while now and we get a qb before we got a damn good wr......FO better hope there is not a injury next year cause we will be screwed, our TE are gonna have to step up next year(not like they haven't though)

like the pick but still.....lets get moore some weapons before we draft him some competition.

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