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Clausen disscusion here


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1. not the best qb in the draft

This is true.

2. there's a reason he fell

There was a reason why Aaron Rodgers and Dan Marino fell too. That's a stupid reason to hate a particular player that's drafted. He was a great value at that pick and there's little risk to taking him there. Your not paying him a ton of money and he has to beat Matt Moore in training camp in order to start.

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There was a reason why Aaron Rodgers and Dan Marino fell too.

Rodgers fell because there weren't any teams that needed a QB after one passed on him.

Marino was a cokehead.

Let's be specific here Jesus christ people

That's a stupid reason to hate a particular player that's drafted.

when numerous teams needing QB help pass on a guy multiple times there's a reason.

He was a great value at that pick and there's little risk to taking him there.

do you know the term "opportunity cost"

Your not paying him a ton of money

they'll still pay him first round money

and he has to beat Matt Moore in training camp in order to start.

lol you think he'll have to beat out Moore

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That's what I do. ;)

It's also worth noting that Stewart's first reaction on twitter was "Jimmy!!!!!!!"

Chris Harris responded to a dude asking him what he thought of the pick by saying he loved it. This was a guy critical of who we let go in the offseason. Unless the Panthers put a gag order on him, if he didn't like it, I'd expect him to say so.

That may only be two players, but it certainly suggests there are no feelings of betrayal in the locker room so far. Of course, Matt Moore may beg to differ.

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Rodgers fell because there weren't any teams that needed a QB after one passed on him.

Marino was a cokehead.

Let's be specific here Jesus christ people

So what's your point here?

when numerous teams needing QB help pass on a guy multiple times there's a reason.

So what. There can be any number of reasons for any player to slide. The same thing happened to Randy Moss too.

do you know the term "opportunity cost"

Yes, and this was good use of a draft pick. Someone that was considered to be one of the top players in the draft that slid because of off-field character issues. Who if you watch tape of him and Golden Tate and understood both positions on the field would realize that he is very good as a quarterback and made Tate look better then he really is (a receiver that can't separate from a defender in college generally doesn't do well in the NFL as a #1 or #2 WR, he's at best a slot possession receiver).

they'll still pay him first round money

Again, so what. Its not like your paying him top 10 money. At most your paying bottom first round money for what's considered to be the most important position on a team. Given that, its still a bargain and he has the bonus of not having the pressure of a first round pick.

lol you think he'll have to beat out Moore

Yes. He would have to beat out Moore. What makes you think they have to give him the job? What are you basing that on? Past history? If you are then it suggests that you don't know the team's history under John Fox.

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So what's your point here?

That Marino slipped because of a drug problem and Clausen slipped because he's a prick with his fundamental leadership abilities in question?

So what. There can be any number of reasons for any player to slide. The same thing happened to Randy Moss too.

There's a tiny bit of difference in teams passing on a upper tier WR and an OMG FRAAAAANCHISE QB. Moss didn't slip until the middle of the second, either.

Yes, and this was good use of a draft pick. Someone that was considered to be one of the top players in the draft that slid because of off-field character issues. Who if you watch tape of him and Golden Tate and understood both positions on the field would realize that he is very good as a quarterback and made Tate look better then he really is (a receiver that can't separate from a defender in college generally doesn't do well in the NFL as a #1 or #2 WR, he's at best a slot possession receiver).

I saw Tate bail out Clausen much more than the other way around. I'm sure this Notre Dame QB won't be over rated like the others though. We picked him after all, he's got to be awesome.

Yes. He would have to beat out Moore. What makes you think they have to give him the job? What are you basing that on? Past history? If you are then it suggests that you don't know the team's history under John Fox.

In no way, shape or form will little Jimmy need to legitimately beat out anyone. The job is his, just not this season. Probably not, anyways.

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That Marino slipped because of a drug problem and Clausen slipped because he's a prick with his fundamental leadership abilities in question?

And which of these things are worse character issues in your opinion?

There's a tiny bit of difference in teams passing on a upper tier WR and an OMG FRAAAAANCHISE QB. Moss didn't slip until the middle of the second, either.

Moss was the number 1 overall talent in that draft. There are a consensus on this that year. He slid because of character issues. Its all the same thing.

I saw Tate bail out Clausen much more than the other way around. I'm sure this Notre Dame QB won't be over rated like the others though. We picked him after all, he's got to be awesome.

I'm sorry, but I just don't think Tate is that great. Getting separation from a defender is critical in the NFL and he didn't show that ability in college.

In no way, shape or form will little Jimmy need to legitimately beat out anyone. The job is his, just not this season. Probably not, anyways.

I don't see it that way at all. That's not John Fox's style. He'll have to beat out Matt Moore or Matt Moore will have to fail or get injured to see the field here.

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So what's your point here?

you're just throwing out names to try to sound impressive because you don't actually have a point. There are specific reasons that players drop, some their own fault and some not.

comparing Clausen to Rodgers or Marino is hamfisted at best and intentionally misleading at worst but it's the kind of juvenile comparisons that get made here all the time

So what. There can be any number of reasons for any player to slide. The same thing happened to Randy Moss too.

really are you just going to keep pointing out the few players that slid and overcame it because I'm pretty sure I could win a name posting contest.

x slid and did well so y sliding means nothing

Yes, and this was good use of a draft pick. Someone that was considered to be one of the top players in the draft that slid because of off-field character issues.

the only people who considered him that are analysts for television networks who don't have jobs with NFL teams.

are you one of those people that raves about Dan "first round talent" Connor?

Who if you watch tape of him and Golden Tate and understood both positions on the field would realize that he is very good as a quarterback and made Tate look better then he really is (a receiver that can't separate from a defender in college generally doesn't do well in the NFL as a #1 or #2 WR, he's at best a slot possession receiver).

ahh yes if only I understood the intricacies of looking good at Notre Dame with average receivers then I would know that Brady Quinn is going to be great.

Again, so what. Its not like your paying him top 10 money.

you said he wasn't going to get a ton of money.

Just pointing out you're wrong.

Yes. He would have to beat out Moore. What makes you think they have to give him the job? What are you basing that on? Past history? If you are then it suggests that you don't know the team's history under John Fox.

yeah Fox has just loved playing Matt Moore over the years I forgot.

Fox disdain of Moore's attitude is going to outdo his disdain of playing rookies.

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lol none of the other Notre Dame QBs outside of Quinn and Mirer have been overrated.

Beurlein, Theisman, and Montana were all pretty good.

pre-Sports Media

one day I'll make a thread about just how much ESPN has actually changed sports.

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