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Clausen disscusion here


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lol cut the favorite person on the team (without cap relief) under the guise you're going to anoint the guy who's been in the system for three years, then turn around and draft the biggest asshole available

there goes that team chemistry

What makes you think that Matt Moore was ever in their plans?

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What makes you think that Matt Moore was ever in their plans?

that whole "highest possible tender" they put on him should have been an indicator.

not to mention them coming out and saying he would be the starter

Salient part of Fox/Hurney presser: The decision was made early that Moore would be the starter, that sparked decision to cut Delhomme.

— Darin Gantt (@daringantt)

March 5, 2010
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Fiz, they might have said he was the starter then. They don't draft (and try and trade up) for Clausen in the position they are in, unless they are starting him. He knows the system, the panthers run the same freaking offense as Weiss did in ND. He has more experience in the system as a starter then Moore does. He wins the starting job in camp, otherwise fox and Hurney don't draft him.

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Let me start off by saying that I think Jimmy is the best Qb in the draft and I think he is the real deal. Now, with that being said, I think this pick was crazy. What about Moore now? I am not saying Moore is the next Tom Brady or anything like that, but I think he will be pretty darn good. Every game he has played in, he has looked great. Does excatly what is aked of him. Sure you can say he played against teams at the end of the season, but he still played against the starters of the Vikings and Giants and torched them. Granted, the Giants were not as good as the Vikes, but they were still an 8-8 team, but he lit up the starters of the Vikes. He should be our Qb for years to come.

Drating Jimmy is pretty much saying "Good bye Moore, we never had faith in you anyway" That is complete BS. Just because Fox didnt like his character you draft a Qb in the second round to pretty much replace him. Moore has proven he can play. What are they gonna do when Moore turns out to be pretty solid and wins a lot of games. Trade him? That would be stupid because then your gonna let an unproven guy play over an already proven player. Of course, If Moore doesnt work out we do have a good backup. But that could have been addressed in FA or a later qb pick.

This reminds me of when the Giants had Hurt Warner and they drafted Eli Manning. (I am not comparing Moore to Warner or Jimmy to Eli) What I am saying is Warner was a good Qb for them but they got Eli because he would be a franchise QB and Warner was old. Well, Warner was the starter for a while and played solid, and you could just tell that the Giants were just waiting for him to make one mistake so they could get their franchie Qb in to play. Sure enough, Warner had a bad game and the next thing you know he was on the bench and Eli was starting. My point is, that this is what will happen to Moore, he could play great all season or for 8 games, but no matter what he does the Panthers are going to be starting Jimmy sooner or later thats why they drafted him and it is ashame. so dont get used to Moore he could play great for a season or two, but in the end he will not be our Qb. What a joke.

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They don't draft (and try and trade up) for Clausen in the position they are in, unless they are starting him.

obviously, duh.

He knows the system, the panthers run the same freaking offense as Weiss did in ND. He has more experience in the system as a starter then Moore does.

lol you're comparing college experience to pro experience have fun with that extra chromosome.

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Matt's the guy and clausen means we won't have to have hunter cantwell possibly taking snaps next year if matt gets hurt.

Sure we could have taken a better character guy later in the draft but I think we took the most talented guy available, Hopfully he won't play for 2 years and smitty only punches him out less than 3 times in that span.

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He has more experience in the system as a starter then Moore does.

Has he ever had to read NFL defenses?

Pretty silly statement.

If Jimmy comes in and beats out Moore I will be shocked. I will be happy about it, but shocked. To me I think he may have fallen because he sounds a lot like Ryan Leaf did, and the NFL tends to learn lessons from years past.

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obviously, duh.

lol you're comparing college experience to pro experience have fun with that extra chromosome.

Wasn't comparing the two. Fox has told Clausen that they run the same offense that ND did under Weiss. It's pretty much the exact same offense. Just saying he has more experience in that offense then Moore does.

"I think it's going to help me tremendously, being in coach Weis' system," Clausen said of the offense run by John Fox in Carolina. "Coach Fox told me, he said it was the same exact system I've played in the last three years. I'm really excited about that."
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Has he ever had to read NFL defenses?

Pretty silly statement.

If Jimmy comes in and beats out Moore I will be shocked. I will be happy about it, but shocked. To me I think he may have fallen because he sounds a lot like Ryan Leaf did, and the NFL tends to learn lessons from years past.

No he hasn't, but ND ran a pro offense. So he has the ability to read defenses. Clausen is now Hurney and Fox's guy, similar to how Delhomme was the guy. Even if Moore somehow makes it to the season as the starter he has the shortest leash of any starter in the league. 1 or 2 bad games in a row and he's going to get yanked just like Rodney did back in 03.

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