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Clausen disscusion here


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I'm sure the Chargers were thinking the same thing when they selected Phillip Rivers in the top 12 picks. Oh wait..

This pick makes more sense than ANY PICK that Marty Hurney has ever made. Its a win/win situation. If Matt Moore turns into a probowler then guess what...you trade Clausen for at least the pick we made for him. He is a first round talent that happened to fall because people didn't want to take QBs.

If Matt Moore ends up being a mediocre QB then you put Clausen in and IMO you have one of the best young QBs in the league. Then you do what you want with Moore.

IDT that the FO is sold on Matt Moore being the best QB for this team. It took Jake Delhomme literally melting down and becoming the worst QB in the league for them to end up playing Moore. I think that this was John Fox saying "get me a QB that will win games for me."

I'm not going to lie... about 7 hours ago I was throwing a temper tantrum cursing the world. After calming down and thinking logically I believe you nailed it in your post. At the end of the day a potential Franchise QB is impossible to pass on at that point of the draft, especially when Moore is a question mark at the starting position.

With that said if Moore shows out then we are in a good position and could always trade one of the young stud quarterbacks for a high pick...Ex: Matt Schaub. If Moore doesn't work out then he can be demoted back to a backup, released, or traded. Clausen will get his chance to be the teams Franchise QB.

Last season was evident that in the NFL you need Very good QB play to be successful. We have two young QB's on the team...all we need is one of them to excel and we are set for the next 6,7,8,9 years whatever.

At the end of the day it was the right choice, and no way should they have passed on him..... No matter how much dislike I had for Clausen in College.

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whats funny is that just weeks ago, everyone was saying moore needed to be the unquestioned leader, they come out and say moore is the leader of this team and cut delhomme. now all of a sudden more sucks, is a huge question mark!! now people are on here saying that matt will be average or just a game manager and clausen will be awesome when he hasnt even played against nfl level competition yet!! Wow. how fast things change on here!! every time some one new comes to the panthers the person before them gets trashed on here.

also where is the speed at wr? dj and lafell have almost the same 40 time. if they both pan out we will have a big wr core but not fast.

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one thing we all should expect... new fans coming out of the woodwork..

Welcome aboard Clausen fans. We are the Carolina Panthers.. PM me your pay pal account and I'll give you tips on how to be cool on our awesome forums...

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Just think about this. If Clausen turns out to be a bust we don't lose out to bad. We saved a lot of money today getting him at 48th. Maybe that money saved can be put to good use. Not to much down side to the potential with this kid. If he works out great we would have made a brilliant move! If not, then he will be like Quinn and be shipped around holding a clipboard. I think Quinn had a little to do with some teams not wanting to pick up Clausen.

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the panthers did what most teams say they will do every year and that is DRAFT THE BEST PLAYER AVAILABLE, now if drafting clausen kills moore's confidence then he is not the player alot of people think he is. if we have learned anything from the dehlomme years is that if you just give a qb nobody to push them to get better they don't, the only problem is if neither becomes the clear starter (like quinn,anderson). if they both can play at a high level then we can use one as trade bait in a year or two.

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Man some of you guys have an incredibly narrow view of the draft. We got a potential elite QB with 2nd round money, with a 2nd round pick. What else can you fuging want?

Oh and spare me the "if he's so good, why did they all pass on him?" argument. Hello, team scouts aren't psychics, they're not gods, they're people who make judgment calls and mistakes. If you said the same about Marino, Aaron Rodgers, Peyton Manning, Big Ben, Drew Brees... all guys that dropped lower than they were projected, you would look back and go 'well that was fuging retarded, why did they all pass on him?', but because you guys are so blinded by positional needs, you don't see the beauty of this pick. Minimal risk, very high reward.

What is this move going to do for Moore's confidence? What happens if Moore loses his job this year and ends up being great? Are you guys seriously asking these questions? Fox has proven to be very loyal to his vets. We didn't start Beason right off either, that should tell you something. If Moore isn't good enough to win the job from a rookie on this team, he shouldn't be here in the first place. If Moore's confidence is going to get shattered because of this, he doesn't have the guts and determination to succeed in the league.

Was Clausen my preferred pick? No it wasn't. I had other guys that I really wanted over him. Does that mean this was a bad pick? fug no. Have you guys not been following the draft these passed 2 days? Did you not see Alualu at 9? This pick doesn't even register on the bad picks list. You can say that it could've been better, but please, evaluate your own limited perspectives before you call this pick horrible. He hasn't even stepped into BOA stadium yet and he's already getting this crap. If he does well, celebrate like there's no tomorrow. If he does crap, well all we used up was a 2nd rounder.


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I like the pick.

We needed a QB. Yeah Matt played well last year but that is only 8 games at the end of the season. He isn't proven enough and when a top 15 pick falls to 48 you can't pass up that much value especially when its a position of need.

I don't understand how anyone can view the QB position as not a position of need.

You guys are like girls pmsing. Chill the f**k out and think a bit more rationally. ;)

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