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Jaws breaks down the 1st game, offers keys to winning tonight


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Interesting read... I love listening to Jaws break down game tape. I didn't get to see Matchup this week, so the article was pretty insightful. We better figure out that f'ing tight formation.

Tampa is a great team, no doubt, but I felt what kind of made the 1st game a fluke was exactly what Jaws mentioned - we fell behind by 14 before we could even think. I also don't expect Smitty or Rosario to tip up well thrown balls in the air that result in INTs that lead to 14 points tonight like they did that game. That kind of eliminates your ability to establish the run like you want. I don't see that happening tonight. I'm going 31-10, good guys.

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Well in my mind that does not make great reading. The article is very interesting, but the facts they pulled out leave me a tad concerned.

First off was the fact that there were tell tale signs from our OL that it was either a pass or running play. From my limited knowledge the LBs and safties use the OL's blocking style to determine this, but going by this information there is pre-snap information that will give it away. This is not good as it completely negates the 'play-action' passing game that we use. If they know pre-snap when we are runing and passing then we will really strugle to shift them out of their coverages. Obviously the point Jaws picked out was on Hangartners head, so with Kallil back startin this may no longer be an issue. But it is a concern if this kind of behaviour has not been ironed out by our OL coach and could still be present in Kalil's technique.

Secondly is their Tampa 2 scheme. Cossel mentioned that we do not have the precision and accuracy to consistently fire into the Tampa 2 and to get any joy from the passing game we really need to try and get them out their confort zone. Problem is their comfort zone is perfectly alligned with our comfort zone. We simply will not move to a singleback three recevier set as Fox will want to play power running and force it on them. TB have had some wins recently but their games have been VERY close and they looked like losing recently and this could be a major reason. Getting them out their comfort and specialised defence is key, problem is it will force us out of ours. So we need a huge rushing performance in my opinion.

Finally is our defence. They play simple efficient offence. We play simple efficient defence. They thrive on prety much pre-determinin the entire play, setting up blocks and creating an entire route, be it pass or rush. They obviously thrive on the short pass, which is designed to then be turned into big yardage after the catch through blockers. The problem? Our D will almost definately line up far of scrimmage and allow them to set up their blocks quickly and easily. This is the major reason we have so much problem with Garcia, we allow him to have the easy pre-designed throws. Teams have done well when they have forced Garcia to actually WIN the game and make big plays. His accuracy drops like hell and he starts to pick up sacks. The key to stopping Garcia is not sticking him on his ass, but rather taking away his easy completions and forcing him to start jumping around for no reason.

We simply do not match up well philosophy wise against TB. We CAN win this game, but we need to have a huge game on the ground and we need to somehow get Garcia out his comfort zone. This is going to be tough.

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Well in my mind that does not make great reading. The article is very interesting, but the facts they pulled out leave me a tad concerned.

We simply do not match up well philosophy wise against TB. We CAN win this game, but we need to have a huge game on the ground and we need to somehow get Garcia out his comfort zone. This is going to be tough.

Truth is that we have usually matched up very well against the Tampa 2 even without a great running game. Our philosophy is exactly the right one to beat the Tampa 2. I posted a recent article that actually mentioned the Panthers as a team that matched up well with the Tampa 2.

As for the other issues regarding telegraphing plays and failing to adjust to a tight receiver set, I hope we figure that one out as well. I also hope Gruden does the same thing he did before expecting it to work again. Hopefully Trgovac can make adjustments this time. I know he is not great at that but we usually play the team much better the second time. Reference the Chicago game in the playoffs in 2005. Plus we have not been swept by the Bucs since 2002.

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the bad thing about the 1st game is it was seriously sh*t for the panthers.

it started wrong- went wrong, and finished wrong.

we will see a much improved, more balanced team tonight!

Yep. The first time around we started out bad essentially from jump. After that punt blocked for a TD the whole complexion of the game changed. If we don't make mistakes like that...we win.
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I suspect if Turdo doesn't make the adjustments, Fox will. I think some of the "pre-play reads" that our OL was giving away may have been b/c Hangartner was in and not Kalil. Everyone talked about how smart Kalil was coming out of USC, and was pro ready... Well, this may have something to do with it... The little things.

And like I said, the Bucs didn't really play the Panthers that first game... They played the Panthers down by 14 points and out of their gameplan... Tonight will be totally different.

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I would expect to see several plays tonight that the Sucs have not seen from us on tape this season. It's time for Turg, Foxy, and Davidson to pull out everything and leave nothing unturned. We can not lose this game! They must lay it all on the line. Everyone says we do not get National attention...well, good or bad, tonight is our National attention and it's in our hands to dictate which one it will be. I hope to see a Panther D like the Ravens last night...that was sick! That's the intensity we need right there!

On another note, today is going by way to slow. I'm going crazy!

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Truth is that we have usually matched up very well against the Tampa 2 even without a great running game. Our philosophy is exactly the right one to beat the Tampa 2. I posted a recent article that actually mentioned the Panthers as a team that matched up well with the Tampa 2.

As for the other issues regarding telegraphing plays and failing to adjust to a tight receiver set, I hope we figure that one out as well. I also hope Gruden does the same thing he did before expecting it to work again. Hopefully Trgovac can make adjustments this time. I know he is not great at that but we usually play the team much better the second time. Reference the Chicago game in the playoffs in 2005. Plus we have not been swept by the Bucs since 2002.

Mentioned in the other thread, one of my favorite things about Fox is that, for whatever you think about his in-game adjustments, he has been very good in game to game adjustments.

When we face teams that beat us earlier in a season, whether it's regular season or playoffs, we generally beat them.

Hope that holds true tonight.

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