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The Carolina Panthers are hurtling towards threats of relocation


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17 hours ago, OneBadCat said:

The downtown area is actually getting pretty nice now. The problem would be the commute. There are no good exits to Kannapolis from 85.

Rock Hill got a shiny new exit on 77 for the failed TepperWorld, no doubt they could do they same for Kannapolis.

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10 hours ago, CBird said:

I’ve said it on here before…hope it doesn’t come true, but nfl wants a team in London, Mexico, and Germany….Panthers may end up being one of them……hope not though

the NFL wants to expand teams, not move teams (despite what's going on with Jacksonville -- and there's no way the Jags would pour that much $ into renovating their stadium if they're going to relocate to London as has long been rumored)

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1 hour ago, ForJimmy said:

What the hell is going on in this thread???

I think it has morphed into a bragging contest about hot women thread. To follow along I will add a fun fact about hot women in Miami.  Be cautious when hitting on 10's in Miami because they are not all 100% female, not that there's anything wrong with that.

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Not reading 9 pages of stuff but I’m old enough to remember the hornets wanting a new stadium but the city saying no, so the team left and became the penguins. 
maybe tepper will do the same. Move the team, rename it, then we can get a new owner here to redo the Panthers. 

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Just now, Manna said:

Not reading 9 pages of stuff but I’m old enough to remember the hornets wanting a new stadium but the city saying no, so the team left and became the penguins. 
maybe tepper will do the same. Move the team, rename it, then we can get a new owner here to redo the Panthers. 

then "mayor pat" promptly promised city funds to the build it anyway so the nba gave us the bobcats.  Lucky us.  Remember when doofus pat wore that ridiculous outfit?

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On 6/17/2024 at 9:15 PM, Jon Snow said:

Where are they going to go? If he moves the team so be it it. It's his tram now so he can do whatever he wants to do with it.

It was a good thing until he bought it and ran it into the basement of the nfl. Good luck getting other owners to help you out with their support Da

Loads of commenters here hate Tepper ( Disclaimer, I have no dog in the fight as I don't know the man) , hate the team e.g."fug them"..."let them move"..."blah blah" etc. A few facts. Most major US cities are suffering from budget shortfalls. The only major US metro area that was reasonably doing well in that area is  Las Vegas, and this just in they have a team. Now those I mentioned above will start with San Antonio and Portland ( BTW forget Salt Lake City). 46% of households in Bexar County (San Antonio)are below the poverty line as of April this year. Since 2023 Portland ( Multnomah County) has lost population driven by high housing costs and the fentanyl epidemic. For those rooting to see the Panthers leaving, I'd take those two areas off my list. This to me is speculation and click bait. If Charlotte/ The Carolinas can't support an NFL team then there's not many places to run to anymore that will throw money at them.


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14 hours ago, Jay Roosevelt said:

What city is going to hand over billions of dollars to build a stadium for an owner who hasn't produced a single winning season in nearly a decade? Especially after Rock Hill.

This one. Hell even the hornets got public money and they’ve been worse

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23 hours ago, kungfoodude said:

The Pats are a little different because they technically represent a very broad geographical area that is densely populated and mostly within relatively easy driving distance to the stadium. 

They were also(as you describe) not much of a draw for the majority of their history. Winning does that for you.

Right. Those were my points. Plenty of fans to draw from and while now you’d say they now have a rabbi fan base, it wasn’t much of a loyal fan base when they weren’t winning. Winning is our only way back to a rabid fan base. Pretty much true everywhere. The teams like SF, Dallas, Pittsburgh, GB and KC have had decades of winning. That keeps through some bad years.

We’ve still never had back to back winning years. The Cam led 2013 to 2017 era was our best period. As fondly as some people remember the first SB run, pre Cam we had 4 winning seasons in 16 years. Without Cam we went to the playoffs 4 times in 20 years. with Cam we got 4 playoffs in 9 years which was nice but still not amazing.

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I am sure this will pass but I always hear about how this things bring more money to the community and having big events bring more people and money to the community.  Yet somehow it just seems to get more crowded with taxes constantly increasing and roads getting worse.  I would prefer new taxes just be on hotels and on ways to take from people visiting not on locals. 

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