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Overtime proposal PASSED!


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this new rule only effects playoffs. the regular season is the same as usual. play 1 ot then if no points scored it is a tie like u said.

yeah i see. I like the new rule. In regular season a tie is accepted, so that's most likely why the new rule doesnt apply to regular season yet. If they change it to no ties are acceptable, which I think they should, then I think they'll appy the new rule to regular season.

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nvm, i looked it up. There is a overtime, but if they still have the same points at the end then it ends in a tie. That Eagle game went in overtime but both teams ended up with the same amount of points at the end of it.

How can you not know that man? I knew that when I was 8. Not trying to be harsh but it's not just you; several people never knew there was such thing as OT and the rules, I guess.

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lol at the safety. thats stupid

I thought so at first, but it makes some sense, actually.

Safety would automatically end overtime both now and before. Defensive team scores, offensive team has to give up the ball. Game over.

The idea is to give each team the chance to score. The offense has a chance to score because they are on the field. If the defense forces a safety, in effect, they just scored and the offense failed. While that sort of contradicts the FG thing, safeties aren't nearly as easy to get as FG's (as cheap).

In the case anyone wonders if I was stupid enough to ask if that applied to the overtime rules from before, I was actually just asking if the quotes posted on earlier pages were referring to before or after the new rules.

Also, it's stupid to only pass this for playoff games.

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