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Will We Sign Our Younger Players to Long Term Contracts?


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So I subscribe to some of my friend's facebooks. And I thought the last text I had was from this girl I'm talking to. So I send her something that wasn't supposed to be seen by anyone other than the two of us.

Unfortunately I forgot I had a status update from one of my friends since the last time that I had texted her. I'm not going to repeat exactly what I said in accidentally hitting on my best friend, but yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


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this thread is better than the n.o xplode poo i just took

hey bro check out my new diet it's really intense

+Diet--1800 kcal


4 eggs OR 2 eggs + 100g lean meat

1 lg. grapefruit OR 1.5 c berries OR 40g oat bran OR 2 corn tortillas (~50kcal ea.)

steamed spinach

.5 c. salsa OR tomato slices

3 fish oil caps



125g lean meat/chicken/fish

120g sweet or regular potato (raw measure) OR .5c/80g rice (cooked measure) OR 40g oat bran (raw measure)

OR 280g squash (raw measure) OR 2 corn tortillas OR 30g lentils (raw measure) OR 1 lg. grapefruit

green vegetable and coloured peppers

4g/1 tsp. olive/coconut/grapeseed oil


125g lean meat/chicken/fish

120g sweet or regular potato (raw measure) OR .5c/80g rice (cooked measure) OR 40g oat bran (raw measure)

OR 280g squash (raw measure) OR 2 corn tortillas OR 30g lentils (raw measure) OR 1 lg. grapefruit

green vegetable

30g pesto sauce OR 18g olive/coconut/grapeseed oil OR 25g nuts OR 100g olives OR 100g avocado

OR 60g hummus (i.e. 160 kcals from fat source)


125g lean meat/chicken/fish or salmon

30g pesto sauce OR 18g olive/coconut/grapeseed oil OR 25g nuts OR 100g olives OR 100g avocado

OR 60g hummus (i.e. 160 kcals from fat source)

green vegetable and cauliflower

3 fish oil caps

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