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this is what you all wanted


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People on here for years have been begging for the Panthers to become the team that values production over sentimental value. A team that identifies their core players and ruthlessly deals with the rest. A team like the New England patriots who value youth, budget, and versatility above all the lovey dovery crap.

Well guess what? It's happened. Really really fuging quick.

For years this was the team that would depend on Dan Morgan when he had a bowl of instant oatmeal for a brain. Deshaun Foster when he was nothing but a toe tag. Mike Rucker when he literally had one leg. If minter hadn't retired he would have been wheeled out there. Lucas, Colbert, everyone and everything associated with Danny Crossman, Jake, Stephen Davis for a time, the list goes on and on.

Not anymore.

None of the players lost besides Julius Peppers aren't quickly replaced by people already on the roster. Just because you loved Brad Hoover doesn't mean he was healthy all of last year and was easily replaced by Tyrell Sutton, who can actually gain more than 2 yards at a time if he's ever needed to run.

Yeah, Diggs was solid, but so was Anderson last year, and it's time to see if Connor can play.

Yeah, Lewis was a gold mine, but so was Louis Leonard, and Corvey Irvin is ready to contribute.

Yeah, Brayton exceeded all expectations, but so has Charles Johnson whenever he's been in the game, and Tyler wanted a big contract.

Yeah, Jake took us to a Super Bowl when most of you people started acknowledging the team existed, but contract or not, that motherf**ker had to go.

Of course the players are going to be shocked. They've grown accustomed to Charlotte being a place where they could ease into retirement, knowing they'd always have a guaranteed paycheck, and in the case of jake and deshaun, a farewell contract they had no business getting.

i like this much better.

WE'RE NOT HAVING A FIRE.........sale

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People on here for years have been begging for the Panthers to become the team that values production over sentimental value. A team that identifies their core players and ruthlessly deals with the rest. A team like the New England patriots who value youth, budget, and versatility above all the lovey dovery crap.

Well guess what? It's happened. Really really f**king quick.

For years this was the team that would depend on Dan Morgan when he had a bowl of instant oatmeal for a brain. Deshaun Foster when he was nothing but a toe tag. Mike Rucker when he literally had one leg. If minter hadn't retired he would have been wheeled out there. Lucas, Colbert, everyone and everything associated with Danny Crossman, Jake, Stephen Davis for a time, the list goes on and on.

Not anymore.

None of the players lost besides Julius Peppers aren't quickly replaced by people already on the roster. Just because you loved Brad Hoover doesn't mean he was healthy all of last year and was easily replaced by Tyrell Sutton, who can actually gain more than 2 yards at a time if he's ever needed to run.

Yeah, Diggs was solid, but so was Anderson last year, and it's time to see if Connor can play.

Yeah, Lewis was a gold mine, but so was Louis Leonard, and Corvey Irvin is ready to contribute.

Yeah, Brayton exceeded all expectations, but so has Charles Johnson whenever he's been in the game, and Tyler wanted a big contract.

Yeah, Jake took us to a Super Bowl when most of you people started acknowledging the team existed, but contract or not, that motherf**ker had to go.

Of course the players are going to be shocked. They've grown accustomed to Charlotte being a place where they could ease into retirement, knowing they'd always have a guaranteed paycheck, and in the case of jake and deshaun, a farewell contract they had no business getting.

i like this much better.

WE'RE NOT HAVING A FIRE.........sale

Not saying I disagree..but.I think the leadership in the locker room will be missed.I also feel that this may not go over well with the some of the players

I dont see sutton being a full time FB.I agree with you on Diggs.Its too early to say what Corey Irvin can do.We dont know if Brayton wanted a big contract or not.with the panthers wanting to cut cost they probably low balled him.

I will take a wait and see aproach.I think we will be fine

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Right on Fiz. We are sending a very clear message to anyone invloved with this team. Start playing good football or get the hell outta here and we will find someone else who will. I am lovin the last week. Things are changing!

The front office tough talk is called 2010/2011. The owners have alot of leverage and are trying to scare the players into thinking there will be a lockout.

But if the players were smart they would ride it out. The individual players only need to worry about themselves and their familes. The owners have to worry about EVERY players contract, stadium deals, taxes, marketing yada yada.

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Not saying I disagree..but.I think the leadership in the locker room will be missed.I also feel that this may not go over well with the some of the players

Good! Like Fiz was saying it's about time players step up and play like their jobs depend on it!

This is what other perennial competitive franchises do. The Panthers have tried to imitate these franchises since their inception with mixed results. It's time to go all out and see if we can string together back to back winning seasons, then maybe a Super Bowl down the line.

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Good! Like Fiz was saying it's about time players step up and play like their jobs depend on it!

This is what other perennial competitive franchises do. The Panthers have tried to imitate these franchises since their inception with mixed results. It's time to go all out and see if we can string together back to back winning seasons, then maybe a Super Bowl down the line.

no, other perennial franchises do not do what they are doing. they have a deliberate approach to fa AND the draft. they get key fa and draft well. they dont HAVE to dump all vets to make up for past mistakes. i mean really how much money do we need? peps contract is gone and we played with his numbers on the cap for the last couple of years, so why all the cap cutting now? one reason salary dump in a uncapped year.

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Agreed. Last year, there were numerous critical posts about how loyal the FO is to vetrans, how it needed to be changed. Now when they do , there are numerous critical posts how its too much.

You can't have it both ways.

yes you actually can! it is call a happy medium, kinda what good franchises do. why cant there be a middle road?

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