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The Fox regime has been pretty good about not letting good players leave


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back in the heyday of the atlanta braves run of dominance (when they'd at least wait until the postseason before they collapsed) there was an old saying: don't trade for a braves pitcher. if the braves didn't want him, there was nothing to be done with him. this held up until the braves traded their best pitching prospect for 130 games of JD Drew and Eli Merrero to prop up a meaningless record that no one gave a poo about anymore and put off the much needed year of rebuilding just to satiate bobby cox RRARARARARARAGAG fug YOU BOBBY COX

anyway, with only one notable except, Fox and co haven't been hit by any huge free agents leaving for greener pastures, which means that they value their own, and they have a good eye for talent. Only a couple of guys really stand out to me as major misses, and in 8 years that's pretty good.


Hannibal Navies - sucked

Jamar Nesbit - never more than a grease man


Kevin Dyson - sucked

Greg Favors - had one year left then fell apart

Deon Grant - overrated as hell, never more than serviceable

Reggie Howard - just a dude

Jeno James - okay he was pretty good. THIS ONE SUCKED

Jermaine Wiggins - sucked


Brian Allen - I've never heard of this man

Travares Tillman - terrible


Idrees Bashir - terrible

Ricky Manning Jr. - sucked after rule change, horrible off the field issues

Marlon McRee - murdered by angry chargers fans

Kemp Rasmussen - terrible

tutan reyes - started 9 games in the last 5 years

dante wesley - grease man

will witherspoon - fffffffffffffffffffff


Vinny Ciurciu - grease man

Chris Draft - meh

Mike Siedman - worthless bust


Drew Carter - worthless

Keary Colbert - tricked shanahan into signing him. now installing windows for lowes

Marquand Manuel - no lie: the worst safety in the league

Kindal Moorehead - fffffffffffffff boy that depth coulda helped!


Geoff Hangartner - had to be let go. we couldn't afford him. im sure they would have liked to keep him

Mark Jones - cut by tennessee in training camp

Jason Kyle - had to be done to keep peppers, doesn't look bad because it didn't screw us

Frank Omiyale - useless in chicago

Adam Seward - he a bitch

there's only three in there in 8 years of fox free agency that stick out as bad losses. that's pretty cool.

now of course this doesn't take into consideration all the players that have received extensions that boggle the mind, and of course jovan haye getting cut after fifteen minutes, and maybe it's just a side effect of fox always staying on the side of sticking with players he knows, but it's kinda cool there's not many players i have to watch and think OH poo WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN


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Tony Brown and Jovan Haye come to mind.....Although we were "stacked" on the line when they were here. Also Jarrett Bush who plays for Green Bay the past few years..

Yup, both those guys were victims of a numbers game when they were with us... we had bigger holes to fill.

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Tony Brown and Jovan Haye come to mind.....Although we were "stacked" on the line when they were here. Also Jarrett Bush who plays for Green Bay the past few years..

These guys were cuts/attempted practice squad additions. But when it comes to letting FA's go we have a pretty good track record.

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Dante Wesley came back & is doing very well for us. Grease man indeed. See 1st Bucs 2009 game.

Terry Cousin left in 2004 but came back & played ST/safety well until he retired. Now does sports commentary for the Fox tv station in Charlotte.

Mark Jones would be with us if he had passed his physical. Once he healed, he re-signed with TN.

You missed the "Predator" who cut his hair and last I knew was with Houston doing well.

There was also a fullback that we cut that is a starter for TN. Casey Cramer?

Taye Biddle who is now a NY Giant. Met him, upstanding young man. Fast as hell.

Just off the top of my head. There's many more, I'm sure. These here probably would be remembered by fans, even Huddle members.

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