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Good job frank wren way to trade Vazquez to the yankees


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Joel Sherman of the New York Post has confirmed that the Yankees have acquired Javier Vazquez and LHP Boone Logan from the Braves for outfielder Melky Cabrera, LHP Mike Dunn and RHP Arodys Vizcaino.

The deal is basically complete, and only pending physicals from all five players involved. Vizcaino, 19, manged a 2.13 ERA in 10 starts (42 1/3 innings) at the Single-A level this year and boasts major upside. Dunn is also a quality young hurler and Cabrera fills a hole for Atlanta, but the Yankees just landed a top-line starter and now have the opportunity to significantly improve their club with a hard-hitting free agent outfielder like Matt Holliday or Jason Bay. It must be nice to have a limitless budget.

eh it's not that bad honestly but wren's still a tosser

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okay after more reading this trade is absolutely terrible

arodys has a low a curve ball, mike dunn sucks, and melky is just as good as mclouth, schafer, and diaz. unless you're benching diaz he has to play center field, and then what the hell do you do with mclouth? when heyward comes up in june he won't be playing RF.

Vazquez was cheap as hell and had his best year god damn I hate you frank wren

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I was shocked by this trade. Vasquez has a great whip and goes deep into innings. I will have to find this stat but he had this mind boggling # of outs per 9 innings via ground balls that was way ahead of everyone else. One of those Moneyball type deals I guess.

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lol no it was just stupid

you traded for a league average outfielder after letting ryan "league average outfielder" walk

apparently they're trying to move these new pieces for dan uggla. they'll probably throw in heyward and mccann just to sweeten the deal

wren is a fuging idiot and combined with the lowe trade he's quickly moving in to wainwright for drew territory

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i mean unless this happens i want wren murdered

The Good: Vizcaino's combination of stuff and refinement is rarely found in a teenager. His clean arm action leads to effortless 92-94 mph fastballs that get up to 97 when he reaches back for a bit more, while his smooth mechanics allow him to harness his pitches and pound the strike zone. His power curveball already grades out as big-league average with the projection of becoming a true wipeout offering.

The Bad: Vizcaino is a touch undersized, which limits his projection, although his leg drive helps convince most that he can remain a starter. He telegraphs his changeup, but it's a flaw often found in young power arms. More than anything, he just needs experience.

Perfect World Projection: Vizcaino's ceiling tops that of any pitcher in the system, by a significant margin. It will take time, but the skills are there for him to become an All-Star starter.

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lol no it was just stupid

you traded for a league average outfielder after letting ryan "league average outfielder" walk

apparently they're trying to move these new pieces for dan uggla. they'll probably throw in heyward and mccann just to sweeten the deal

wren is a f*cking idiot and combined with the lowe trade he's quickly moving in to wainwright for drew territory

oh i agree. The Moneyball deal was meant for the stat about ground balls per 9 innings. Sorry for the flub.

For those scoring at home, pstall will be charged with an error.


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oh i agree. The Moneyball deal was meant for the stat about ground balls per 9 innings. Sorry for the flub.

For those scoring at home, pstall will be charged with an error.


Money ball is coming to LA me thinks as Jamie McCourt is going to take Frank to the cleaners. Already down Orlando Hudson and Juan Pierre.

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welcome back Vazquez. i'll miss melky but it was a good deal

for a starting pitcher with a 2.87 era, and i was a little worried about how the yanks worked with three guys in rotation later on into the season after Joba didn't perform, even if CC works on like 3 days rest.

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Horrible move. Everytime I think the Braves make a step forward, they take two steps backwords. Sh*t, we could've kept Church. Both he and Melky are avg outfielders. I know it's got to be tough trying to move Lowe, but they pulled the trigger to quick on this deal.

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