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John Fox isnt going anywhere

Hairless Cat

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It's pretty clear that the Vikings were physically dominated. That wasn't 'opps we ran the wrong play', it was 'OMG I'M GETTING RAPED...GET PEPPERS OFF ME! I CAN'T COVER SMITH AT ALL!' Then the Vikings fan responds *wipes tears away* "no no no they didn't dominate us." lol. I guess Peppers would have had to snap Favre in 2 and throw his corspe into the stands for it to be domination.

I do agree that the NYG game will be more revealing as to Moore's QBing ability. If he comes out and plays like he did in the Vikings game, then I just might lose my voice cheering. Then again, he might play like he did in the Pats game, and I'd lose my voice crying (not really, there's no crying in football).

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This week will be a much better judge on Moore. I went to the Vikings board last night and pretty much their views was that the team simply played like crap, we didn't dominate them. But this week we'll be on the road, facing a team that still has Playoff hopes. If Moore can play like he did last night again, well...we may be on to something. Shore up the Run D, draft properl and hell...maybe one more year of Fox wouldn't be too bad.

I want to be rational and believe that a great team just had a bad game. But it was REALLY bad for a team that good to get beat by us. We lost both starting tackles and we ran on them like that. Last year we had like 40 yards or something. I'm just having a hard time believe they could play that bad. I think we wanted it more and wore them down. They were very tenacious the first 3 quarters then we wore them down.

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I want to be rational and believe that a great team just had a bad game. But it was REALLY bad for a team that good to get beat by us. We lost both starting tackles and we ran on them like that. Last year we had like 40 yards or something. I'm just having a hard time believe they could play that bad. I think we wanted it more and wore them down. They were very tenacious the first 3 quarters then we wore them down.

The difference defensively is that Peppers decided he wanted to play.

He dominated a renowned tackle and half the line of scrimmage right until the moment they pulled him (McKinnie).

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I'd be okay with him coming back at this point if:

Moore continues to play well

We cut Delhomme and bring in someone to compete with Moore for the starting spot

He fires Danny Crossman yesterday

Keeps Ron Meeks

Finds a warm body to replace all our WRs not named Steve Smith

This all sounds good but will Fox do this?

Moore will play okay. But Fox will not be loyal to him.

Delhomme will not be cut and may even start next year if he has a good pre-season.

What does Crossman have on Fox anyway?

Yes keep Meeks and Fox will.

We have bodies that's the problem. We need someone to bring out the talent we have.

I don't trust Fox. Plain and simple! If he stays same on Sh*t.

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My closest source to the situation indicates that Fox's fate isn't determined at the present moment... There are people on both sides of the argument within the organization...

The general feeling I get is that there are certain things that factor into the equation, one of which being the results of the final games, another being the status of the NFL CBA talks, and certain other things that are internal player/coach/staff issues (nothing big here, don't read too much into it)...

Personally, if Fox shows a willingness to change certain things (his belief in Delhomme as a primary one), I would love for him to at least finish out his current contract (1 year left)...

He's still regarded as one of the best coaches in the league as far as owner/coaching circles go, and there are players on other teams that would love to play for him... If we were to sever ties with him, it wouldn't be long at all before he landed somewhere else...

God damn I wish you people would listen to me when I say things like this...

The victory yesterday and internal discussions about certain things solidified the decision to keep things intact so that we don't go into a possible uncapped year completely from scratch... and of course, the "official" story, as many of you are calling it, leaks today... a full week after I gave you the dish in the first place...

Yeah, I toot my own horn a lot, but, dammit, when I am right so many times I'd hope you'd start to recognize it!


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