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John Fox isnt going anywhere

Hairless Cat

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The first three quarters of the game were not that impressive. Offense was flat and lethargic as always. Defense kept it close. I shouldn't have to watch the game and ask myself ten damn times what in the hell is fox thinking when the team does certain things and wastes time. He is still making the same dumbass decisions he always has. The team won in spite of him! He has got to go. One late win over a good team doesn't erase this pathetic season.

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The first three quarters of the game were not that impressive. Offense was flat and lethargic as always. Defense kept it close. I shouldn't have to watch the game and ask myself ten damn times what in the hell is fox thinking when the team does certain things and wastes time. He is still making the same dumbass decisions he always has. The team won in spite of him! He has got to go. One late win over a good team doesn't erase this pathetic season.


But Jerry might not pull the trigger this season which would literally rapture my heart valve.

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I still want to see a coaching change. Last nights game and how the Panthers finish out just might lead to Fox/Hurney going nowhere. If that happens my biggest concern will be the possibility they can signifantly mortgaging the Panthers future. I mean what are Fox/Hurney going to do with a 1yr contract?? If that is all you got your taking a shot again. Then if it doesnt work out, oh well your gone anyway. I dont know if I like that going into next season and i definately dont like the idea of an extension so that unfortunately leads to bringing in somebody new. Bottom line to me is 3 winning seasons the past 7 (if you included this one), doesnt cut it.

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a losing season is a losing season. there are no degrees. if you went 0-16 one year and then 12-4 the next 3 years no one would care. but if you go 6-10 then 10-6 then 7-9, that shows a inconsistent team and that falls back on the head coach.

Ah, theres a big difference from winning no more then 4 games and going 1 game off .500

Especially if you had the hardest schedule in the NFL.

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This is what makes me feel better about this team.

Look at the last couple of drives. We were so balanced. Very safe with throws that got us 4-10 yards at will. Running the ball inside and outside, absolutely keeping a GOOD run D guessing. Sure, a play or two only gaining a yard or two or nothing at all, but then a good 8 yard play afterward. We were moving very methodically. I love that. That is what got us to the Super Bowl. That is what kind of team we are. Methodical and slow moving, and occasionally a big play when we can catch them on their heels.

As far as Davidson. Yes, his play calling has been crap pretty much the whole season. But look at the paragraph above. It appears I have contradicted myself. Allow me to explain.

Jake Delhomme at QB:

Can't establish anything due to the fact that he can't complete a 5 yard crossing route.

Can't run due to the aforementioned fact.

If we can establish the run, they eventually sell out on it and we cannot capitalize due to the first fact I mentioned.

Can't throw a ball away/escape the pocket and gain yardage to at least the original line of scrimmage.

Matt Moore at QB:

Can start any drive with run or pass as he can complete a 5 yard pass.

Can run on 2nd and long because teams know we have a QB capable of completing a first down pass.

Can pass on 1st down because teams know who are RBs are.

Can throw the ball away/escape the pocket to avoid sacks.

All of these points bring me to the big picture: Play calling is getting better and will continue to get better as long as Moore starts. I know most of you who have a football mind know this, but for those who may not have understood why the few of us like Davidson's play calling, all of the points above are for you.

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Take away Peppers performance and Matt Moore's and we lose bad.....

While you're at it, go ahead and throw in Stewart's performance...and the OL play...and James Anderson...and Chris Harris...it was a team effort. We played well across the board (minus special teams...we blow on ST). Quit trying to be negative after we have something to be happy about, Negative Nancy.

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It's ridiculous that people on this board are still saying we should fire Davidson. His offense for most of this season was completely handicapped by Delhomme. Davidson was the OC last year, and when Delhomme hadn't lost it yet and our offense was rolling, nobody was calling for his head. It's plain to see that with a decent QB under center, Davidson can run a damn good offense. Even with a makeshift O-line, a 2nd string RB and only one good receiver, he called a great game against one of the best defenses in the league because he had a good QB on the field.

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It's ridiculous that people on this board are still saying we should fire Davidson. His offense for most of this season was completely handicapped by Delhomme. Davidson was the OC last year, and when Delhomme hadn't lost it yet and our offense was rolling, nobody was calling for his head. It's plain to see that with a decent QB under center, Davidson can run a damn good offense. Even with a makeshift O-line, a 2nd string RB and only one good receiver, he called a great game against one of the best defenses in the league because he had a good QB on the field.

I have been very critical of Davidson, but I have seen things I like very much as well as things I don't like.

Right now I would be willing to give Davidson a chance without Delhomme handicapping the offense.

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This week will be a much better judge on Moore. I went to the Vikings board last night and pretty much their views was that the team simply played like crap, we didn't dominate them. But this week we'll be on the road, facing a team that still has Playoff hopes. If Moore can play like he did last night again, well...we may be on to something. Shore up the Run D, draft properl and hell...maybe one more year of Fox wouldn't be too bad.

Any fan will say this. It's called having pride in your team, as well as being a douche.

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