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Where have all the BDJS ers gone?

Hairless Cat

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And the whole Smitty made Jake or vice versa debate .

What's pretty funny about this is that, if you look at Moore's numbers as a starter, his stats are padded by Smitty more than Jake's were.

This guy has even admitted that Moore was bad in the preseason and yet now, we are to expect him to be better in the regular season. The sad part is that he'll play now we're likely to put more emphasis on running like we should have been all year. An average performance by Moore will fuel more idiotic posts.

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Then your comments earlier are retarded and utterly wrong.

How could they be if I didn't direct them towards you or anybody specific. I directed them towards a specific group and you replied/disagreed along with panthers55. I'mma have to assume you are a BJDS unless you voice an actual opinion, don'tcha think?

Support and blind faith are totally different.

Of course, lemme try to dumb this down even more...

Blind Faith: belief without true understanding, perception, or discrimination

Support: to sustain (a person, the mind, spirits, courage, etc.) under trial or affliction


to uphold (a person, cause, policy, etc.) by aid, countenance, one's vote, etc.; back; second.

Okay, support usually has a reasoning behind it while blind faith doesn't. But, support can become blind faith. We're talking about blind faith in this thread.

If I support Jake Delhomme, I'mma say I support Jake because I truly believe he gives us the best chance to win. I actually have the option of offering my personal reasons as to why I think he should start or not. Blind Faith is supporting Jake Delhomme just because and offering no reasoning; overlooking who he actually is as a person and QB.

The reason I say blind fans irritate me because they don't offer any true personal analysis or opinion on the team. As long as it is Carolina Panthers/John Fox, I don't care: CHEER! You guys are mixing support with blatant blind faith. If John Fox said, "Godfrey gets the start." They'll prolly support that crap even though Martin has clearly outplayed Godfrey.

Ex: (Not really a good one...) That's like McCain supporters telling McCain after he loss, "You struggled and loss as a candidate; time to see what Obama can do!" and hops on the Obama bandwagon before he even takes office. That shows that you really don't care about McCain and his ideals...but just putting blind faith in whoever is President. A real McCain supporter would tell him that they still think he was the best for the job and still believe in his ideals. (I'm an Obama supporter by the way) If you voted McCain, stick with him.

You can still support the whole team(America) and we all have to have SOME hope/faith in our QB(President), but you don't have to be a blind supporter. And if you are, don't sit here and try to discredit people who actually have personal opinions about the team. :patriot: :rant:

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They tried in 2007. It didn't go so well.

A lot of folks who talk about this team ignoring the QB position forget that.

2006 they should have went after Brees. Carr was damaged and needed to take a couple years off as starter. Unfortunately for him Jake screwed his elbow up.

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Doesn't this describe your support of Moore? You haven't seen him do anything with the current roster and yet you're 100% behind him being the starter.

Jake = Definitely Terrible

Moore = Possibly Terrible.

Pretty much this. We all knew Jake was terrible. Nobody knows how Moore is going to do. I wanted Moore to start earlier to find out how he is going to do and see if he could maybe salvage our season. All I'm going off for Moore is hope that he isn't as bad as Jake. I understand he could possibly be worse than Jake. I just wish he would have gotten his chance sooner.

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When has he shown he can consistently get open against good corners? Look at his performances against good corners and you find that physical defensive backs shut him down as many times as not. You don't have to go back past last week to see that. Smitty's size plays against him. He struggles to get separation against bigger physical backs or against double coverage. Quarterbacks have a smaller window to hit as well given his smaller stature. Even his great leaping ability has been absent this year.

As for playing with lots of quarterbacks other than Jake, he hasn't. But again that doesn't prove or disprove anything. My point is that people assume Smitty would be better with any other quarterback and all I am is saying that until it is proven, it is simply speculation.

This year, you might be right. But there was no doubt he could get out of many coverages, otherwise,they wouldnt do anything more then double coverage if that. I mean look what Seattle did years ago. Of course he would be better with certain other QB's. Maybe not just "any". But any wr regardless of there skill would be better if they had a great QB like Peyton, Brady, and other upper echlon starters, there would be no reason why he wouldnt.

Just because it hasnt happned doesnt mean you cant make a logical accurate assumption.

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2006 they should have went after Brees. Carr was damaged and needed to take a couple years off as starter. Unfortunately for him Jake screwed his elbow up.

Thats hindsight. In 2005 Jake just help us go to the NFC Champoinship game. Brees was just off of surgery from tearing his labrun and damaging his rotaor cuff. He was also asking for top 5 QB money. I don't think you can really blame the team for not going for him at the time.

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Why are we still having arguments on this?

Jake = Definitely Terrible

Moore = Possibly Terrible.

Some of us attended camp and have watched practices. Moore is not just "possibly" terrible. He's not the answer, just hyped because he's the available option. If we're going to blindly pick a starter, why not Feeley? At least he has some significant experience he might be able to call upon.

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