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Hahahah he probably did, but either way he's going to have to pay the toll for his charity work.

Yea, lets start paying every douche bag who gets in a fight with an NFL player, great idea.

Whole thing sounds like a he said she said pile of garbage. I'm sure there are bits of truth in all this but we're likely to not know what actually happened. Remember, Beason is pleading not guilty, so he is contesting he assaulted the dude in the first place.

Frye looks like he should be on hotchickswithdouchebags.com , minus the hot chick.

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Halarious! what about the other side?

You know that little red squiggly line under your "words?" that means they've been misspelled.

I'm not usually one to point grammar and spelling out, but "halarious" and "deuch" aggravate me a little. :D

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You weren't there, he does deuchey things for sure but Beason definately out-deuched him on this one. Beason shouldn't be around Coke if he doesn't want it talked about, either way its no reason to hit a guy especially if you are a high profile person. You already have your mind made up and aren't open to both sides so its an erroneous conversation. He shouldn't have been telling beason's coke story i agree, but Beason should have talked it out with him not attacked him in a Titty Bar....also here is something you won't see on TV, he was Jumped by Beason AND Dante Rosario. The magistrate won't give him both warrants for whatever reason IDK. Beason is 237Lbs or so, why does he need Dante to help him? That's some Deuchebag poo right there.

I don't think that is douchebag poo......dumb, yes. But if you go looking for trouble and it happens to punch you in the face.....and can't take what you were asking for......that is douchebag stuff.

If what went down as you say is correct then Beason was stupid. This Frye guy obviously went looking for trouble and found it.....I got not problem in the grand scheme of things of trouble finding those looking for it.

Punish Beason w/ a game this year and be done w/ it.

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The club did, and then they banned him for getting his ass kicked haha. His lawyer is taking a lawsuit out against the club too. I think the whole thing is funny. And i see your point about don't talk crap if you don't want your ass kicked....but you also gatta see this side. Beason is a public figure...christ he is on a poster in an elementry school here promoting healthy eating and physical activity. he is a roll model, and now he is involved in an altercation at a strip club at the wee hours of the morning....yeah its his right to do that, but he is a role model and a public figure where as greg is just trying to get his lapdance on. So you see...its not a level playing field. Regardless if he deserved it, the video tape shows Beason hitting him first and it doesn't really matter if the felony will hold up in court or not, this will settle out of court for sure. Lesson be learned to all of you public figures!

Yep, lesson should be learned......there are asshole douchebags out there willing to get their pansy asses kicked to try and score some cash.

This is a case of an asshole running his mouth and gettingcalled on it. He wants to get paid because he got his ass kicked.

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this says it all in a nutshell...:lol:

Well where do i begin .. i think i possibly could be the coolest person i know!! I am a professional football player and play for the Carolina Panthers. "Yeah thats right !! WHAT THESE BITCHES WANT" When im not on the road with football ,, i am listening to 80'S MUSIC, DANCING AROUND MY PLACE ..I like masterbation, long walks in the park , I eat like a total slob, my car smells like crap, i enjoy plucking my nose hairs , i shave my arms, i consider myself a metro sexual ,and i love to get my way!! Dont hate me because i have it all .. the brains the looks , the girls, the money , the career! I love to gossip and chat on the phone with my boys. We talk about everything .. Im such a good listener!! I'VE NEVER BEEN IN FRONT OF A MIRROR I DIDNT LIKE!!! HEY !!
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this is what happened i was mid-loop with frye when it happened.

But I know the waitress that works there she lived in my building a few years back and still keep in touch with her, she told me about the story before greg did and both of their stories matched up.


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But I know the waitress that works there she lived in my building a few years back and still keep in touch with her, she told me about the story before greg did and both of their stories matched up. The only thing i can't get clear is if it was Dante he said doing the Coke or if it was beason, the girl said she thought he said beason, he says it was dante, so i tend to beliee it was dante, aparently dante swung on him and missed she said and he elbowed him as they were falling down and then beason saw this and jumped over the table and through some people and pummeled him. This is a pretty accurate account of what went down. I was at strike city earlier and saw greg there talking with beason and them, they all left to go to Uptown Caberet, I stayed at strike city because titty bars aren't my thing. So again i didnt' physcially see it, but i have stories that matched up from greg and the waitress the day after it all happened.

I thought you said that you were with him when it happened. Then, your posts are based on a waitress as the place.

I think The Looper is full of poo.

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Yea, lets start paying every douche bag who gets in a fight with an NFL player, great idea.

Whole thing sounds like a he said she said pile of garbage. I'm sure there are bits of truth in all this but we're likely to not know what actually happened. Remember, Beason is pleading not guilty, so he is contesting he assaulted the dude in the first place.

Frye looks like he should be on hotchickswithdouchebags.com , minus the hot chick.

His lawyer has the surveillance tape and it supports his story. Nothing he said she said about it. either way i don't care, im not boys with greg or anything i just know who he is and some of his stories. I'm just giving you guys some inside info because it's fun to talk about. I could care less if if greg gets paid or not. Although just in general i believe if you hit someone first you have to pay the piper either with criminal charges or your checkbook regardless of scumbag appeal involved.

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