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After reading about this guy, I'd like to hit him in the face and then rip his balls off so he can't reproduce. What a total and complete LOSER. This guy is 29 years old and gets his jollies off of hanging out in strip clubs and pretending to be a Panther... I think that might be the most pathetic thing I've ever heard.

The good news is that one day this ass clown is gonna cross paths with someone who will put him down for good.


Sounds like he and his crew are a bunch of losers...with dead-end jobs....no hope for a decent future....who still thinks its cool to act tough and pretend to be a Panther Player.

Sounds like something an idiot 16 yo would pull....and this guy is almost 30 yo.

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The loop goes back a long time. Trust me the looper is not Greg. The stories are true... He is a douche but he he hhis like a car crash you cant stay away from the drama. I had to grow up and move on.... And the Panthering thing gave him like 60 confirmed bangs.... like it or not

So, the only way this loser can get a girl is to pretend to be someone else?

Anyone who can find this douche anything other than pathetic is a complete moron as well.

His nickname is French Frye? How lame? His buddies think it is cool and because of his last name.

However, we all know his nickname is because the highlight of his day is asking customers "Would You Like Fries With That"

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For any of you guys that are speculating what happened that night but have no clue... Frye was seriously hurt by beason over a simple comment. witnesses are coming out of the woodwork after todays press conference. police are in process to moving this to a felony due to time spent in hospital and severity of the injuries. I wasnt there but had a couple friends there who saw beason level this guy like you wouldnt believe. the reason it took so long to get a warrent is because the city and panthers orginization is trying their hardest to cover this whole thing up. and the cameras at uptown cab just magically dissapear??haha. this is not the first time weve seen something like this. frye never touched this so called hero and now people want to bash him.

LOL, in your other post you said "I was at uptown caberet that night and saw this entire event". In your second post you say you weren't there......


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There are only a few things more satisfying in life than a douche bag who deserves it get a beating. I like and respect Beason even more now.

This dude won't look good in the inevitable civil suit. If Beason fights it the whole way he'll only have attorney costs, which would be well worth it.

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i wonder how many of these "witnesses" that are coming out of the woodwork know that beasons attorneys are going to be checking their alibis to make sure they were where they said they were. hearing what happened from someone who was there isn't the same thing as being there.

i don't expect that these guys that run around with fry would understand that.

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So, the only way this loser can get a girl is to pretend to be someone else?

Anyone who can find this douche anything other than pathetic is a complete moron as well.

His nickname is French Frye? How lame? His buddies think it is cool and because of his last name.

However, we all know his nickname is because the highlight of his day is asking customers "Would You Like Fries With That"

Exactly what I was thinking!!!! You know the type of girls that fell for this story where the ones we all knew in college who got passed around like a copy of last years final. You could of told them you had a hen that laid golden eggs and gotten laid.

I didn't hang with this guy but knew of him from seeing him out in bars, was a loser then and still obviously a loser today. I read a story somewhere of someone seeing him the next morning after this trying to buy a pack of Cigs without any money. He was trying to write a check using a deposit slip, then gave her his debt card number he had memorized that was declined. During this whole time he had the pack opened and one all ready lit up. They mentioned that he then stated he had to run to his car to get some money and never came back. They should get that witness and the cashier in to testify on his character along with all of the people who knew him at UNCC though I I'm sure he never actually graduated.

This FAN33 guy is in on it which explains the conflicting stories, it seems none of them who were there or knew someone that was there are giving slightly different details. This is why the detectives ask the same questions over and over to find the subtle differences in the stores. The stories can be rehearsed but the details can't. They are spreading rumors of more serious charges most likely from instructions given to them from his ambulance chasing lawyers to try to get this to settle out of court. Beason will spend 3 times the money to clear his name and make sure this guy doesn't try this on someone else.

In the end this will turn into Beason filling a suit against Frye (though he has nothing to sue for) and Frye being charged with many things from this that will land him in prison for a few years where he gets his a$$ beat regularly in more ways than one.

The plus side for all of us is that this Douchebag will never be able to show his face again in Charlotte without being laughed at from the stories told by those who know him like the one of him getting caught in the stall in High School spanking Mr Happy, that was priceless.....

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