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John Fox's philosophy leads to the need for come from behind victories


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You're the one who's insane. It's clear by the fact that you jumped to the "EXTREMES" with your 42-0 comment, as if anyone expects that, ever. Didn't even expect 34-0 against the Chiefs earlier this season.

NO LEAD IS SAFE, but some are safer than others. If John Fox could win every game by a 7-3 score, he'd be satisfied with it, even though that type of game will clearly come down to a few INCHES here or there, which is a 50/50 style of play...AT BEST. Anything goes wrong, and you'll probably lose.

No lead is safe, but at least try to make the other team have to SCORE TWICE to beat you, instead of barely squeaking by. His philosophy IS TO SQUEAK BY.

That's my problem with him. If those "come from behind kings" coaches WERE PERFECTLY FINE WITH EVERY GAME BEING A SQUEAKER like Fox clearly is, then yes, they sucked.

The problem with you belief is that we don't have any more come from behind victories than any other NFL team that has had our level of success this year. Tampa has more come from behind victories than we do. Giants have been down in the second half at least 4 times this season. Its a myth that we have to come from behind any more than other other similarly successful teams. Believe it our not, the other team actually effects the outcome of the game on occasion.

This is the NFL, thats the way it usually goes. All that matters in the end is the W.

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Fox wants to win by a Kasay FG every game. He likes to win close and lose big. This year its working, but for the past couple years it didnt. It'll be interesting to see if this philosophy will bring us another winning season next year.

have we won by a john kasay field goal this year?

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The Fox philosophy is to run the ball, stop the run, play good D, win field position with good special teams play and have a chance to win the game at the end.

He is 17-10 in December in his tenure. He is not opposed to blowing a team out but won't pass the ball recklessly to do it. I like it especially this time of year

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I can tell the starter of this thread enjoys talking out of his ass.

Ya know, as long as our team executes (which I don't care what you say, that falls on the PLAYERS to execute), the team gets a fast start, Fox's style gives us wins. More wins than any other coach. He wouldn't be easily replaced.

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Good thing Jake has had a knack for it...too bad we didn't get the ball last in the Super Bowl (which matters more).

If the Panthers have had the ability to come from behind, which in many cases means waking up offensively, then they had the ability to be playing that way the entire game...

...but they don't, primarily because Fox doesn't mind "getting lucky breaks" as long as he gets a win.

Thus, my frustration with John Fox.

If your team played the entire game like they did during the comebacks, they'd have never been in that position to begin with.

Panthers score a TD...relax.

Other team scores...Panthers wake back up.

Panthers get a field goal...Panthers go back to sleep.

Other team scores a TD...Panthers try to wake up, but go three and out.

Other team gets a field goal...score stays were it is for most of the game.

Panthers score a TD...defense has to try to hold. They do.

Panthers get a field goal.

Jake gets a "come from behind victory."

Play it close. Hope you get a break in the end...that's John Fox's philosophy.

Try to blow a freaking team out and stop relaxing each time you get a "SMALL" freaking lead.

Playing close games isn't Fox's football philosophly but rather a product of his philosophy. Fox wants to run the ball and stop the run. Very simple and straight forward. He also doesn't rely heavily on schemes but rather demands his players to be dominate at their position forcing their will on the opposing team. Player execution is the key to success this style of football and when the players are skilled and execute the team can win any game.

The reason why teams with this philosiphy play a lot of close games or have to come from behind to win is because of the level in which the players are executing and most players excell when the pressure is on the most. The biggest downfalls of this philosiphy are that 1) injuries can kill a team due a drop-off in skill on the depth chart at certain positions 2) in-game adjustments are limited and major in-game problems are hard to overcome.

I, personally, like this philosiphy more than a style that is dependant on scheme. New England is a team that uses a lot of schemes and have found success with it. Their scheme can allow for many games to be blowouts or where their opponent isn't able to adjust to be competetive agaisnt the scheme. However, when New England has played teams like the Panthers, the Steelers, the Ravens or the Giants that don't rely heavily on scheme they have struggled. Last year's Super Bowl is a great example. New England knew exactly what New York was going to do; rush the QB. But none of their schemes or in-game adjustment were able to stop them. The Giants didn't use any type of special scheme to accomplish this. The Giants' players used their skill to will their gameplan onto the Patriots.

Both philosiphies can produce wins and loses and both have produced Super Bowl champions. Probably the biggest advantage of relying on scheme is that a team can be more consistant throughout a season as well as year to year.

So I don't feel it is fair to blame the coaches for relaxing with small leads. Fox's style doesn't change because of the score. If anything, Fox pushes his philosiphy of running the ball even harder when they are in the lead, either by 3 points or 20 points. And if the players execute in that situation then the lead will increase.

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John Fox's philosophy is as sound as any you will ever find as long as it's executed properly. I've seen it work over and over in my 30+ years of watching the NFL.

You don't win consistently in this league with trick plays and gimmick offenses like the run n shoot. You win by having a balanced offense with a good running game, and by playing good defense. Hell, even the best WCO teams usually have a good running game and the successful ones always have a good defense, otherwise it doesn't work in Dec and Jan.

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Fox likes to run and stop the run. When we have the run working we are usually in the lead, when we get the lead, we will run to run out the clock and conserve the lead... this is not the problem. The problem is that when a team we are playing is behind they will pass to regain the lead and our pass defense has not been that good for a long time. And conversly, (i'm sure there is some grand statistic for you level headed fans to say this comment is junk) everytime we are behind and have to throw jake throws a freaking pick. Now i know it's not everytime, but if it weren't for great recievers like Smitty and Moose it would be almost everytime! We won last week only because of SS!!!! The fix... establish a good passing and running balance even when we are in the lead!!!

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