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Video Review - 4th and 1 - What went wrong?

Jeremy Igo

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I see a whole bunch of either no blocking or pushing down into the lane, if the play were bumped outside to the right it could've had a chance, but I get that if you are told to go to a certain hole and see nothing but opposing colors around you drop the head and push as hard as you can. Like was stated previously it looked like they wanted it more on that play, it happens and its early in the season so hopefully that changes. 

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1 hour ago, jfra78 said:

Armah should have jumped

He can't jump that high and that far man. I know he's athletic and all but be realistic here.  CMC himself couldn't have jumped from the handoff 4 yards in the air over a pile of players to get to the LOS.  It got blown up from the snap and that's the end of it.

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Another question: Where was Mike Davis on 4th and 1? Coaches talked about what a great camp he had, how great a shape he was in, and I didn't see him on the field once on Sunday.

At 5'9 and 220, maybe he should be given a shot for some short yardage plays too.

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5 hours ago, Jeremy Igo said:

Here is the infamous 4th and 1 play from yesterday that lost the game for the Carolina Panthers.


Things I see:

Paradis gets pushed back a step and a half at the snap. 

Chris Manhertz is unable to keep his man turned to the outside. His man makes first contact in the gap.


What do you see?



A coaching staff that should have known this was going to happen given the weakness of the guard and certainly the center 

this team is not built for this smash mouth football.  I mean, it’s not like they don’t have a years worth of tape and weeks of training with Paradis to not know he is a weak link 

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1 hour ago, Jon Snow said:

He can't jump that high and that far man. I know he's athletic and all but be realistic here.  CMC himself couldn't have jumped from the handoff 4 yards in the air over a pile of players to get to the LOS.  It got blown up from the snap and that's the end of it.

Lol I wasnt serious

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I'm curious how many that are crapping on the call would not be questioning the call if we gave it to CMC instead and he got stopped.

Game 1 vs Tampa in 2019: CMC stopped at goalline

Game 10 vs GB in 2019: CMC stopped at goalline

There is def an argument to be made about giving the best RB in the NFL that you just payed a hefty price for the rock in these late game situations.

I personally would've preferred a CMC/Davis backfield in that situation and at least give LV a thought that it might go to Davis. I don't blame Armah or the call....it worked earlier and Armah is a good FB. The OL lost the fight on that play.

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1 minute ago, Soul Rebel said:

I'm curious how many that are crapping on the call would not be questioning the call if we gave it to CMC instead and he got stopped.

Game 1 vs Tampa in 2019: CMC stopped at goalline

Game 10 vs GB in 2019: CMC stopped at goalline

There is def an argument to be made about giving the best RB in the NFL that you just payed a hefty price for the rock in these late game situations.

I personally would've preferred a CMC/Davis backfield in that situation and at least give LV a thought that it might go to Davis. I don't blame Armah or the call....it worked earlier and Armah is a good FB. The OL lost the fight on that play.

That's the bottom line. It didn't matter who got the carry, that ball wasn't getting to the sticks 

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1 hour ago, raz said:

brady will learn not to get cute in the nfl.  trying that play again was def getting cute

It wasn't even a cute play. That is old school football 101. But, it's also being disconnected from reality. The reality that our OL in not the kind of unit that you want to be making that kind of play call behind. 

If you even have the thought of doing something similar it should have been a straight QB sneak to hope he can get the jump on them or give the ball to CMC and hope he creates magic when the play breaks down like it did. 

This is where we got insanely spoiled by having Cam for so long. He was strong as an ox and ENORMOUS. That is the kind of play where he rarely ever got stopped. 

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This play is called and ran all the time. There are massive amounts of failures and a lack of execution that led to the outcome. If he gets the half yard, it’s a great play call, doesn’t get it, a fool. We lost the pad level battle, whiffed on blocks, etc. 

I hate being 2-7 in 1 score games over the course of the last two years, and to lose a game in this way, felt so similar to how we lost games the last two years in a row. It hurt/crushed all the good feels that I had built up prior to that drive. 

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8 minutes ago, Actionman0z said:

This play is called and ran all the time. There are massive amounts of failures and a lack of execution that led to the outcome. If he gets the half yard, it’s a great play call, doesn’t get it, a fool. We lost the pad level battle, whiffed on blocks, etc. 

I hate being 2-7 in 1 score games over the course of the last two years, and to lose a game in this way, felt so similar to how we lost games the last two years in a row. It hurt/crushed all the good feels that I had built up prior to that drive. 

I recall angrily saying to my buddy, "Nice play call, Joe Rivera."

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Truth be told, the line was getting pushed back or held up an awful lot during the entire game.

If you go back and watch some of McCaffrey's good plays, several of them started up the middle but McCaffrey saw nothing was there and bounced outside.

Armah isn't built to do that.

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