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Bright spots and , uh, not so bright spots.

Jeremy Igo

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17 minutes ago, Jeremy Igo said:

Bright Spots

Teddy played well enough to win the game. 

Brown and Chinn look like ballers.

Panthers look no worse than the 2019 Panthers and will only get better as opposed to decline.


Not so bright spots

Boston and Whitehead. Don't need them.

DJ Moore. Do better 

KK Short , was your name even mentioned all game?



I think you should have mentioned Robby Anderson. He's a baller. 

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The good:

Thank god we have Christian McCaffrey or this would truly be the worst team in the NFL.

Robby Anderson adds a speed element the offense hasn’t had in a long time

The offensive line played better than I expected

Chinn and Brown and even Pride played well

The bad:

Wow Tre Boston and Tahir Whitehead are awful. Let’s try and convince Luke to come out of retirement 

Run defense is still a hot load of sh!t

Offensive play calling was questionable 


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7 minutes ago, Ricky Spanish said:

I disagree. 

Elite pass rush makes shoddy secondary look better. 

Secondary was eaten alive all game specifically becasue we couldn't get to Carr. 

Then again with an elite secondary, they can cover longer and then don't need to get to the QB as often.

either one would be good. Unfortunately we don't have either. 

We had a Third and 21 and Carr had forever to sit back in the pocket.

That kind of thing makes me want to tear my hair out.

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I don't get it. Isn't this what most people wanted? A competitive, entertaining team that loses most games and ends up with a high draft position? 

To answer the question:

Good -

1. Chinn looks fantastic. Probably the best player on defense today.

2. Bridgewater minimizing big mistakes (e.g. holding the ball too long, ill-advised throws). He wasn't sharp at times but we can stay in games if we can avoid turnovers.

3. McCaffrey is still a superstar.

4. Slye 3/3 on field goals, scoring 10/11 possible points. Not bad.

5. Robby looking like a very good starting wr and worth the $10 million.

6. Offensive line held up really well. I'll gladly take Miller and Okung over Turner and whatever we had at LT last year.

7. Pharaoh seems like our first legit returner in a while.

Bad -

1. Whitehead is a liability in coverage. The last PI was crushing and totally unnecessary. 

2. Almost no pressure on Carr. I realize he's getting the ball out quick but we should've had at least a hand on him a few more times.

Considering the cirumstances (young team, huge roster turnover, minimal offseason, coaches with limited experience) good seems to outweigh the bad. 


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1 minute ago, Ricky Spanish said:

I disagree. 

Elite pass rush makes shoddy secondary look better. 

Secondary was eaten alive all game specifically becasue we couldn't get to Carr. 

Then again with an elite secondary, they can cover longer and then don't need to get to the QB as often.

either one would be good. Unfortunately we don't have either. 

In theory, it should.

But look at all the great pass rush teams lately, Sacksonville had Ramsey and Bouye, 2015 Denver had Harris and Talib, hell you can even look at how the LOB made Seattles Pass Rush. Look at the Raiders today and how their CBs even tackled well.

Look at Belicheck. He never, ever pays for talent like that, and look at what Gilmore, and their pass rush makes itself. He didn't pay Chandler Jones and hes one of the best pass rushers in the NFL.

Having good pass rush is essential, yes, and it definitely can elevate a secondary, but I'd prefer to have corners that do their job.

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5 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

We had a Third and 21 and Carr had forever to sit back in the pocket.

That kind of thing makes me want to tear my hair out.

Why taking a run stuffer was not our best pick in the Draft.  That is past history and we have to live with that mistake.  Maybe someone can light a fire under him and see if he can truly can rush the passer.



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2 minutes ago, cmichd said:

Why na run stuffer was not our best pick in the Draft.  That is past history and we have to live with that mistake.  Maybe someone can light a fire under him and see if he can truly can rush the passer.

Last year, we loaded up on pass rushers and teams ran all over us.

Seems like we always zig when we should zag.

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