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Video: Teddy with deadly end zone accuracy

Jeremy Igo

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4 hours ago, LinvilleGorge said:

This would not be a difficult accomplishment. As long as he's around his career averages, that'll be just fine with me. We'll probably be sitting in that #1 spot next April.

I really doubt we are going to be that terrible. Top 6 most likely though. 

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Too much positivity. This forum only wants, scratch that, needs negative comments and negative assessments. No need to be positive, especially for preseason practice scrimmages. This team sucks and has a bottom 5 roster, at least that is what I was told over and over again by our professional armchair huddle scouts.

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I am waiting for all the bitching and moaning if we win more than 3 or 4 games. Imagine Panther fans complaining about winning because we can't get the first pick in the draft. Then the "why is Rhule trying to win? We just like mediocrity BS.  Mark my words, there will be huge complaints if we improve where folks think we should be.

Another indication 2020 Is totally wack.

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I wish I could say that I cannot wait for folks to eat crow, but if we have seen anything over the last few years it's that people will commit to their bad takes regardless of reality.

So I've quickly pivoted from waiting for people to humble themselves to rubbing their faces in it :3

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