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Wait, I was told Teddy can't throw a ball over 10 yards

Jeremy Igo

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2 hours ago, Mr Mojo Risin said:

Look at how much air he has to put under the ball. Every FS in the NFL would have a chance to pick that off

if there is a FS over the top on that side of the field, you arent making that throw. Also, is this not just him throwing to a stationery target? What gaps are you hoping to see him throw through on an empty field?

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3 hours ago, ncfan said:

Here's the thing though.

Drew Bree's never had a "Cannon"  and he's been a HOF QB in a similar system that we will be running.


Joe Burrow, didnt have a cannon, but was one of the best QBs in CFB history last season in Joe Brady's system.



As long as he is precise and accurate on the short to intermediate throws.

Joe Montana---

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3 hours ago, Peon Awesome said:

I don't follow your logic. A terrible o line mandates someone who can get the ball out quickly before the pocket collapses. It's one of the reasons Brady has been so effective despite not always having a good o line. So explain again why Panthers fans should be especially concerned that Bridgewater excels at getting the ball out early? Shouldn't we be happy that his strengths help mask our weaknesses or am I missing something?

Point is if you’re reluctant to take chances deep with a far better oline and open threats he had then, he will be even more so now.

3 hours ago, MasterAwesome said:

Isn’t it pretty interesting how you can replace Teddy’s name with Drew Brees and that entire post would still be accurate? Oh I guess except instead of 5.8 yards in the air per pass, it was more like 6.0...still bottom 5 in the league. Wait...Teddy and Drew played in the same offense last year? What?! You don’t think that could possibly be related...do you? Nah...crazy.

Never said dink and dunk couldn’t be successful. Try harder to comprehend my post in relation to what the OP posted.

3 hours ago, Smithers said:

Only uneducated football fans believe that Teddy cannot throw the ball deep enough to be an NFL caliber starting quarterback. And unfortunately there are plenty of people on this board that fall into that category to include one particular moderator.  

It isn’t about being educated or not educated, nor is it even about being able to make the throws, it’s more about the decision to do so when the opportunity presents itself. And speculations have been based on empirical data/evidence (examples).

But we are so lucky to be graced with great educated fans as yourself who foresee the contrary based on your ‘education’ defined which can only be described as your gut feeling.

2 hours ago, Brooklyn 3.0 said:

TIL a QB can only be a success, and so the team, if he BOMBS DAT BAWL@!!!@@111!

Looks like you also don’t comprehend how my post was a response to the mislabeled OP post/title. Please try harder to comprehend. If you did that, your respond would be much more suitable quoting the OP post rather than mine. Think about it.

Don’t know where the butthurt comes from. OP made a post insulating TB has been criticized for not being able to throw it deep.

My post clarified what in reality, is being speculated with no conjecture pointing to whether needing to throw a deep ball was necessary or not, or whether dunking and dunking would not be effective.

It also pointed out how TB throwing a 40 yard floater on the field by himself was not at all relevant to the criticism he has had.

Some of you really need comprehension help.

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34 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

I know that Kyle Allen had no deep ball and neither did Cam when he was dealing with shoulder issues, but surely y'all ain't so thirsty as to get excited about an underthrown 45 yarder. Good grief. Virtually every HS QB in America can throw a football 45 yards.

Wet blanket has arrived

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4 hours ago, SmartyHurney said:

Holy poo bro, do you watch football? Really?

That ball goes ~40 yards, and looks like it's attached to a helium balloon, and you're using it as some proof? Of what? Really?

It's practice, and Teddy is throwing the ball in slow motion, so much so the fuging nobody equipment manager has to slow up to catch it. 

Even if it was a nice ball, it was still be practice vs the product he has put on the field his entire life.

Posting cringe.

It was actually just a social experiment to see who could possibly get angry about a positive Teddy post. 

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