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NFL should definitely copy this, but never will.

Jeremy Igo

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1 hour ago, run-run-pass-punt said:

The idea of an "even playing field" is absurd on its premise. Genetic differences alone make it an impossibility. But you can go as deep down the rabbit hole as you like.

And if we just look at the results of attempting to achieve perfect adjudication from what we've already seen, it is just a mess. We've scrutinized the definition of a catch until no one seemed to even know what a catch was any longer. And pass interference will *never* be free of controversy. There is inevitably going to be some subjective judgment to things in a game played by human beings.

Things don't always get more clear the closer you lean in to examine. They often get more fuzzy.

Aside from those issues, I think mistakes add color to the narrative of sport. Just look at the Saints with the PI issue. What drama! Not that we shouldn't have officials who do their best, but sometimes in sport you get screwed, and sport is a really nice metaphor for life oftentimes. Let's celebrate the mess. (of both)

The teams should be on an even playing field. The differences should be between the teams, not the conditions they play under. It’s not a true test of skill if the parameters are different. This isn’t the WWF, I care much less about the drama than I do the contest of skill. 

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5 hours ago, JawnyBlaze said:

Another thing the XFL did I think would be a good idea is the kickoff formation. Reduces the chances for injury and makes kickoffs a little more exciting possibly. More variation in starting field position anyway

2nd this... at least keeps it from being a meaningless play.  For us older football fans, the kickoff used to be one of the most exciting parts of the game.   It sadly has become borderline pointless in its current iteration.

I think the XFL kickoff formation is actually a very good idea.  Which means the NFL will probably not copy b/c of their arrogance.

Using the kickoff formation from the XFL and the onside "kick" rules from the AAF would add a lot of excitement to 2 plays that are basically worthless in the NFL

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12 hours ago, run-run-pass-punt said:

Yeah, I guess like goal line tech in soccer.

Personally, and I know I'm an outlier for sure, but I prefer a little less "perfection" in sport. I like that the officiating is an imperfect element that informs the narrative of contests - just like the imperfect players and coaches.

If we continue down the road that we've started walking on - the road of expecting to get every thing exactly right (an impossibility anyway), we may as well just run digital simulations instead of on-field competition.

Your last line is a bit nonsensical. How do you make the leap from using technology to improve ball placement to playing a digital simulation? Human beings are still required to throw the ball, catch the ball, and hold onto the ball despite getting tackled by 300 lbs men. Just because you use available technology to reduce mistakes in officiating, doesn't mean suddenly the game is being played by infallible machines. There are going to be tons of mistakes but the drama that people enjoy is watching those mistakes come from the players, not the officials. People complain that officials take the spotlight away from the game when they make their presence overly known. Reducing their impact will allow the focus of the game to be on what fans actually care about: the product on the field. 

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Not sure I agree with allowing technology to make a call by itself. As a back up - sure. But not full autonomy to make the call.

For those that have never been in IT, computers screw up and fail all the time. They are more objective (as far as its programming allows) but have a tendency to crap the bed at the worst possible time. Plus I'd be afraid of some hacker dictating the outcome of games from his living room half way across the country. 

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