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New Huddle Mod Nominations

Jeremy Igo

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Just now, Mr. Scot said:

And every time I've respectfully declined.

Like I said, I appreciate it. But I've done that job before and I wouldn't want to do it again.

Don't blame you. No way I would I either. I just don't take stuff serious enough. 

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14 minutes ago, PhillyB said:

i can understand the frustration there. the problem IMO is an institutional refusal to lock down legit hate speech. the only person i spill over into main forum stuff with is ecu88 because he's been dumping nazi poo on these boards for years and had somehow gone unchecked. this whole thread exists because he was deliberately shitposting in the gameday thread and i called him a stormfront poster and he responded by posting my address and pictures of my house, then begged igo to block me for him (even though he can do that himself, he just doesn't want to own his emotional reactions.)

again, decide what is definably racist (proud boy avatars, lynching avatars, fascist icons, racial slurs, etc) and ban for it, no exceptions, and most of these issues will simply solve themselves.

You literally just threatened to spray politics from one end of this forum to the other until you get banned if the Tinderbox gets shut down. Read what you just posted and then think about your reaction. How is that kind of reaction any different than the behaviors that are demonstrably making this forum less civil?

And, having no idea about your personal life at all, I would seriously question why you so strongly feel the need to engage in these pitched battles on the internet. If you legitimately have such strongly held beliefs then you need to step out from behind the keyboard and get into the streets. You should be protesting, organizing, talking to people and generally making a real difference. But here we are with you on the internet not being able to disengage from your political/social views enough to even have a football discussion without being a part of a large group that frustrates the rest of us.

All the while neither side of this argument gains appreciable support from anyone, just angers and inflames a few and the rest leave. So, what good does this campaign even do in the Football forum? What good? Honestly.

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7 minutes ago, uncfan888 said:

You'd be a good mod, I think

Thanks, but I don’t post enough. I also have no interest lol.

1 hour ago, GOOGLE JIM BOB COOTER said:

king taharqa would straighten this place out

I wish he was still here. One of the realest posters on the board. I used to love his posts, and he kept the Hornets form running well. He’d be my first choice.

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36 minutes ago, kungfoodude said:

Why? For what purpose? Whether people or disagree with you is irrelevant. Whether a noble cause or an unhealthy obsession is irrelevant.

This. Is. A. Goddamn. SPORTS. Message. Board.

You have the entire fuging internet and all of social media to take up your cause and solider on but why the fug are you doing it in a goddamn sports message board? WTF is wrong with you people? 

I’d imagine it’s easier to prey on and feels more empowering to blindside a football forum where user’s purpose/interest isn’t to be informed to debate such things. Plus you watch the Panthers it’s a win win. The social sites geared towards tinderbox topics simply would be too much of a challenge and not give the attention/satisfaction needed for our tinderbox internet warriors.

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2 minutes ago, onmyown said:

I’d imagine it’s easier to prey on and feels more empowering to blindside a football forum where user’s purpose/interest isn’t to be informed to debate such things. Plus you watch the Panthers it’s a win win. The social sites geared towards tinderbox topics simply would be too much of a challenge and not give the satisfaction needed to put tinderbox internet warriors.

I said to someone else (forget who) that believing their personal crusade was so important that they couldn't even allow people to have a simple football conversation made them kind of douchey.

It's true.

There are loads of places all over the Internet to talk politics and whatever. Trying to shoehorn that in to a football conversation is just annoying.

I'm pretty sure if you had people with hardcore religious views trying to turn every conversation about football to that, people wouldn't like them.

Unfortunately, some of the people who would be upset about that are doing the exact same thing with their political views.

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