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Hey there! Did you know you can ignore people?

Jeremy Igo

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Just now, Mr. Scot said:

I wouldn't know what an alt-right icon is but racial slurs, sure.

Here's the flipside though.

Suppose someone suggested banning anyone who used an antifa symbol in their icon? Would you accept that?

I'm guessing not, and therein lies the problem. It's all subjective. And if you're going to make is so people can be banned for what they think, you're basically becoming the thought police.

Do you really want to be that?

nazis: let's kill blacks and jews

antifa: let's stop nazis from killing blacks and jews

mr. scot: these things are equally as offensive

see how silly that is? being objective is useless. there's a line in the sand. being objective about your posting rules subjects posters of color to abuse by people who wish them dead or removed and i would rather see a "biased" huddle than a huddle that's a safe space for nazis.

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3 hours ago, Jeremy Igo said:

So many of the squabbles on here are the same handful of people going at it thread after thread after thread. 

So I have an idea. What if we all fixed the problem together and just chose to ignore the people you know you don't want to hear more from?

Simply hover over their icon, click "ignore user". 

Thats it, you don't need to be bothered by them ever again. 


(Sadly, you can't ignore me. I feel you, I have tried for years)

That Philly Guy is too immature to be on here. 

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2 minutes ago, GOOGLE JIM BOB COOTER said:

bullshit. you went out of your way to defend nolan nawrocki’s racism and never once apologized. you have a huge problem with “calling out abhorrent views.” you are much more concerned with “calling out” people who disagree with you.

See, here's a prime example.

I've never defended anybody's racism. What I said back then was that the argument wasn't race-based, and actually showed evidence of other draft profiles of black quarterbacks with a positive view (including JaMarcus Russell of all people).

Also said when Cam was drafted, that I hoped it was a good decision. Turned out it was.

But again, rather than discuss actual football topics (which it's pretty clear you don't have the knowledge to do) you always want to deflect with something like this.

So again, thanks for illustrating my point.

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Just now, PhillyB said:

nazis: let's kill blacks and jews

antifa: let's stop nazis from killing blacks and jews

mr. scot: these things are equally as offensive

see how silly that is? being objective is useless. there's a line in the sand. being objective about your posting rules subjects posters of color to abuse by people who wish them dead or removed and i would rather see a "biased" huddle than a huddle that's a safe space for nazis.

Whoa. This is seriously getting out of the way. @Jeremy Igo

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2 minutes ago, PhillyB said:

nazis: let's kill blacks and jews

antifa: let's stop nazis from killing blacks and jews

mr. scot: these things are equally as offensive

see how silly that is? being objective is useless. there's a line in the sand. being objective about your posting rules subjects posters of color to abuse by people who wish them dead or removed and i would rather see a "biased" huddle than a huddle that's a safe space for nazis.

Did I actually say anything about antifa there or did I just ask you a hypothetical question?

Again, you're showing the problem. You just claimed I said something that I actually didn't.

if you can't differentiate between what somebody says and what you think they said, you're not in a good position to comment on what somebody truly believes.

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26 minutes ago, PhillyB said:

did you know that nazi is a political viewpoint and that we have a well documented nazi problem in this country? did you know this site itself has countless documented instances of nazis running around with proud boy avatars and and lynching avatars and alt squadrons posting the n word?

do you think those are political viewpoints worth being banned? or are you personally unthreatened by them and therefore selfishly ambivalent?

You sound like a nazi and someone who uses the n word constantly at home hiding behind a computer trying to make people think you’re not a racist 

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nolan nawrocki’s “scouting report” on cam was a racist hatchet job and that is widely accepted even on this forum. you smeared the people who pointed it out then and i suspect even today you would do the same. all in service of a disgraced racist. you’re not fooling anyone mr scot

You're actually doing a really good job of proving my point.

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8 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

I wouldn't know what an alt-right icon is but racial slurs, sure.

Here's the flipside though.

Suppose someone suggested banning anyone who used an antifa symbol in their icon? Would you accept that?

I'm guessing not, and therein lies the problem. It's all subjective. And if you're going to make is so people can be banned for what they think, you're basically becoming the thought police.

Do you really want to be that?

It does not appear you have any idea what Antifa is.  Every sane person should be anti fascist. Would you ban people who support civil rights too? Would you ban people who are in a different political party? 

Being against Nazis is just as bad as being a Nazi? Yeah, this guy should't be moderating anything.

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11 minutes ago, My Goodness My Guinness said:

I must have missed the part where I turned it into a political discussion. That happened way before me and it's a thread about ignoring people which turned into what designates a ban. I don't think anything I said was political but pretty reasonable, no?

I never said you did

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2 hours ago, Montsta said:

Just a heads up from a moderators perspective. We did warnings and 24 hour bans and then 48 hour bans to a lot of people in the off-season leading up to this year. The people that join and in 24 hours are clearly trolls have gotten banned for life. Believe it or not, those people are not the problem. 

The problem is that we have a lot of posters with solid history that beef with other posters because of perceived slights, and they no longer look at the content of each other’s posts, it goes straight to talking poo. And each one of them would swear on a stack of bibles that the other is the problem. Some people here are so god damn self righteous that they can’t even acknowledge their role in getting this board to its current state. It really is a microcosm of today’s political culture. Talking about different points of view has gone the way of the dodo. It’s cliques and other bullshit. It’s the equivalent of “These kids today are lazy” and “ok boomer”. 

I have tried, but some people on here have almost turned into caricatures, almost intentionally going off the deep end. So if people want me to start heavy handed banning people they don’t agree with, they just need to remember the next time they call someone on here retarded or something and get the perma ban themselves. 

But what will that do? Everyone will start threads flaming me because they think I sided with someone and am out to get them. Honestly Jeremy’s suggestion to simply ignore the people with whom you don’t get along is simple and time-tested throughout history (here come the oh should have Poland just ignored Hitler hur durh replies, please it’s not that serious) but even JI is immediately mocked and told its his job to keep people civil to one another.

I mean we could vote on who gets banned I really think that would work because it’s obvious to most of us who should be.

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