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Hey there! Did you know you can ignore people?

Jeremy Igo

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2 minutes ago, My Goodness My Guinness said:

It's one thing when it's new posters being idiots. But I'm gonna put a few vets on blast:

@Snake@GOOGLE JIM BOB COOTER@uncfan888@mjligon@steven8989

Y'all's bickering has really been the catalyst to this ridiculous Kyle vs Cam crusade that's engulfed this place.

Grow up and stop stoking the flames if you really want this place to change.

I ignored Steven. I'm done with it

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3 hours ago, Toomers said:

It doesn’t make anything I stated less true. Read it with I’m a lifelong panther fan. Is it true? 

   Just like most on this board it’s attack the poster not what he says. True or not. 

This, coming from the man who literally told me that he wanted to be a dick to me. 


You're a hypocrite!

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Just now, My Goodness My Guinness said:

That warms my heart

Him coming at me for no reason was the final straw. The only reason I even had a problem with him is cuz he's constantly overreacting and being super negative about the team. But now I don't have to see it haha

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

You seriously want to make political viewpoints a standard for banning people from football discussion?

did you know that nazi is a political viewpoint and that we have a well documented nazi problem in this country? did you know this site itself has countless documented instances of nazis running around with proud boy avatars and and lynching avatars and alt squadrons posting the n word?

do you think those are political viewpoints worth being banned? or are you personally unthreatened by them and therefore selfishly ambivalent?

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2 minutes ago, PhillyB said:

did you know that nazi is a political viewpoint and that we have a well documented nazi problem in this country? did you know this site itself has countless documented instances of nazis running around with proud boy avatars and and lynching avatars and alt squadrons posting the n word?

do you think those are political viewpoints worth being banned? or are you personally unthreatened by them and therefore selfishly ambivalent?

I think the stance many people take on this is where is the cutoff? Recent years have seen people loosly labeled as racist, alt-right, or communist, when most people are in fact not any of those. 

If somebody used a lynching as an avatar then absolutely they should be banned. Same goes with the n word. Things like this really show the heart of the individual and should not be tolerated, even in the tinderbox.

Hard no on banning people based on political viewpoints though.

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2 minutes ago, My Goodness My Guinness said:

I think the stance many people take on this is where is the cutoff? Recent years have seen people loosly labeled as racist, alt-right, or communist, when most people are in fact not any of those. 

If somebody used a lynching as an avatar then absolutely they should be banned. Same goes with the n word. Things like this really show the heart of the individual and should not be tolerated, even in the tinderbox.

Hard no on banning people based on political viewpoints though.

No on banning for political views, but intentionally turning a thread into a political discussion yes

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12 minutes ago, PhillyB said:

did you know that nazi is a political viewpoint and that we have a well documented nazi problem in this country? did you know this site itself has countless documented instances of nazis running around with proud boy avatars and and lynching avatars and alt squadrons posting the n word?

do you think those are political viewpoints worth being banned? or are you personally unthreatened by them and therefore selfishly ambivalent?

I have no problem calling out people who actually hold abhorrent views. 

Here's the problem.

How do you define what view someone actually has versus the way someone characterizes them?

How many times have you seen someone say something like "Newton has bad footwork" only to have someone else go "Oh, I know what you're really saying."

No you don't.

In reality, you don't know jack sh-t about most of the people on this board, but that doesn't stop anybody from attacking people and suggesting heinous things about them for nothing more than disagreeing with their views.

It's a form of bullying, basically an updated version of McCarthyism, and it's sadly a pretty common tactic on here.

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1 hour ago, Jeremy Igo said:

Yeah, might be time to axe the tinderbox and ban talk of politics. 

Im going to tell you straight up. Tinderbox is nothing but a cult of posters who stick together and shout down any opposing points of view they do not agree with. It mirrors everything we see is Washington today. I left it completely because any rational thought between two opposing views in a respectful manner is completely thrown out the window.


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5 minutes ago, My Goodness My Guinness said:

I think the stance many people take on this is where is the cutoff? Recent years have seen people loosly labeled as racist, alt-right, or communist, when most people are in fact not any of those. 

If somebody used a lynching as an avatar then absolutely they should be banned. Same goes with the n word. Things like this really show the heart of the individual and should not be tolerated, even in the tinderbox.

Hard no on banning people based on political viewpoints though.

would you ban a nazi who politely expressed his viewpoints?

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2 minutes ago, Mr. Scot said:

I have no problem calling out people who actually hold abhorrent views. 

Here's the problem.

How do you define what view someone actually has versus the way someone characterizes them?

How many times have you seen someone say something like "Newton has bad footwork" only to have someone else go "Oh, I know what you're really saying."

No you don't.

In reality, you don't know jack sh-t about most of the people on this board, but that doesn't stop anybody from attacking people and suggesting heinous things about them for nothing more than disagreeing with their views.

It's a form of bullying, and it's sadly a pretty common tactic on here.

i don't think people should be banned for saying cam has bad footwork or kyle allen is better than cam or cam is a grandma, i think people should be banned for typing racial slurs and having lynching avatars and wielding alt right icons. wouldn't you agree?

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6 minutes ago, jfra78 said:

No on banning for political views, but intentionally turning a thread into a political discussion yes

I must have missed the part where I turned it into a political discussion. That happened way before me and it's a thread about ignoring people which turned into what designates a ban. I don't think anything I said was political but pretty reasonable, no?

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1 minute ago, PhillyB said:

i don't think people should be banned for saying cam has bad footwork or kyle allen is better than cam or cam is a grandma, i think people should be banned for typing racial slurs and having lynching avatars and wielding alt right icons. wouldn't you agree?

I wouldn't know what an alt-right icon is but racial slurs, sure.

Here's the flipside though.

Suppose someone suggested banning anyone who used an antifa symbol in their icon? Would you accept that?

I'm guessing not, and therein lies the problem. It's all subjective. And if you're going to make is so people can be banned for what they think, you're basically becoming the thought police.

Do you really want to be that?

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