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Hey there! Did you know you can ignore people?

Jeremy Igo

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48 minutes ago, Jeremy Igo said:

So many of the squabbles on here are the same handful of people going at it thread after thread after thread. 

So I have an idea. What if we all fixed the problem together and just chose to ignore the people you know you don't want to hear more from?

Simply hover over their icon, click "ignore user". 

Thats it, you don't need to be bothered by them ever again. 


(Sadly, you can't ignore me. I feel you, I have tried for years)

I don’t have a problem with any individual person here. I think most people here are smart people who care about football and have insightful things to say. What I have a problem with is that this online community encourages people to indulge their uglier impulses and that the moderators don’t cultivate respectful discourse about this thing we share and love.  

That’s why This comment is so distressing to me. What does it say about an online community when the moderator ‘s solution To a problem is not to read what other members write. The whole reason I started reading the posts here 15 years ago was to encounter perspectives I couldn’t encounter living outside the Carolinas. Again, my issue isn’t with any members. It’s with the culture and I don’t think telling members of a community not to engage with each other makes the community stronger. It makes it weaker. 

My 2 cents  


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I've never ignored people here, but I have in other chats.  It's really confusing when you only see one side of a conversation.  You end up un-ignoring people just to understand what people are talking about.  I also don't agree with banning people just because they differ from the opinion of the majority.

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1 hour ago, Jeremy Igo said:

So many of the squabbles on here are the same handful of people going at it thread after thread after thread. 

So I have an idea. What if we all fixed the problem together and just chose to ignore the people you know you don't want to hear more from?

Simply hover over their icon, click "ignore user". 

Thats it, you don't need to be bothered by them ever again. 


(Sadly, you can't ignore me. I feel you, I have tried for years)

Jeremy while I appreciate where you're coming from, and I already have 2 people on ignore, so I believe in this approach, it is incomplete and insufficient to solve all problems. Only mature individuals and non trolls will avail themselves of this device, those who are here as much to stir up discord and revel in it as their primary motivation will not use it, and there are enough of them on opposing sides of a particular issue that they simply continue to derail threads and make new ones ad naseum going around in circles over the same pointless qb debate.

There are reams of peer reviewed sociological research that highly suggest that the internet is inherently a more conflict oriented medium because the subtle negative social feedback mechanisms that limit us from hurling insults and calling each other names irl don't exist here or are ineffective. Pooing somebodies post doesn't stop them from saying what they want to say til they're blue in the face, even if it's non productive nonsense and they've said it 100 times before.

Pj Orourke famously once wrote 

"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."

Given what we know to be true about behavior on the internet, you can, if you choose, say that I am providing a place for people to discuss the panthers and that's it. If you're going to do so, what purpose does having mods even serve? If teenage boys are left alone with whiskey and car keys, they will indeed bear some responsibility for any predictably negative outcomes, but no one wouldn't reasonably also hold relevant adults responsible for allowing the conditions to exist in the first place. Your present policies and hands off approach are leading to a lot of whiskey and car key threads and nonsense, and if you get criticism for allowing that to persist when it is predictable and not in the communities overall best interest, then imo that criticism is entirely fair. It's still your board and you can do as you please, just please consider that human nature is what it is, and if your intention is to provide a predictable cesspool and blame the inmates entirely and just wash your hands of it, then by all means continue with the present course. However a lot of us would appreciate it if you would acknowledge that the board really doesn't need yet another Kyle vs Cam thread and moderate accordingly.

Are you going to choose to be the adult who takes responsibility for his board, or the one who leaves the whiskey and car keys out where the kids can get to both?

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The vitriol used to be contained to the Tinderbox, so that forum used to serve its purpose well.  Since that place indulged a consistent diet of pablum and outright fostering of pubescent antics, a lot of us left it.  Bored with all the violent agreement, the trolls have ventured outside the Tinderbox to wage their pedantic unraveling here.

I used to love coming here, but a lot of us are over being called Nazi, racist, sexist, bigot, small-minded, whatever to the nth degree.  More and more of us are coming to the conclusion that the only winning move is not to play.  The thought police are out in full-force and their going to prosecute imagined crimes if they can't find real ones. 

Good luck keeping this sinking ship afloat.  I honestly respect what you done over the years Jeremy.  You've put a helluva lot of hard work into this site, but I am thinking that the writing is now on the wall for any place looking for civil discourse.  This cycle is is going to run its course until the fire has burned everything in its immediate vicinity to ash.

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11 minutes ago, twylyght said:

The vitriol used to be contained to the Tinderbox, so that forum used to serve its purpose well.  Since that place indulged a consistent diet of pablum and outright fostering of pubescent antics, a lot of us left it.  Bored with all the violent agreement, the trolls have ventured outside the Tinderbox to wage their pedantic unraveling here.

I used to love coming here, but a lot of us are over being called Nazi, racist, sexist, bigot, small-minded, whatever to the nth degree.  More and more of us are coming to the conclusion that the only winning move is not to play.  The thought police are out in full-force and their going to prosecute imagined crimes if they can't find real ones. 

Good luck keeping this sinking ship afloat.  I honestly respect what you done over the years Jeremy.  You've put a helluva lot of hard work into this site, but I am thinking that the writing is now on the wall for any place looking for civil discourse.  This cycle is is going to run its course until the fire has burned everything in its immediate vicinity to ash.

imagine writing this and hitting submit

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28 minutes ago, Steves89 said:

I don’t have a problem with any individual person here. I think most people here are smart people who care about football and have insightful things to say. What I have a problem with is that this online community encourages people to indulge their uglier impulses and that the moderators don’t cultivate respectful discourse about this thing we share and love.  

That’s why This comment is so distressing to me. What does it say about an online community when the moderator ‘s solution To a problem is not to read what other members write. The whole reason I started reading the posts here 15 years ago was to encounter perspectives I couldn’t encounter living outside the Carolinas. Again, my issue isn’t with any members. It’s with the culture and I don’t think telling members of a community not to engage with each other makes the community stronger. It makes it weaker. 

My 2 cents  


Just a heads up from a moderators perspective. We did warnings and 24 hour bans and then 48 hour bans to a lot of people in the off-season leading up to this year. The people that join and in 24 hours are clearly trolls have gotten banned for life. Believe it or not, those people are not the problem. 

The problem is that we have a lot of posters with solid history that beef with other posters because of perceived slights, and they no longer look at the content of each other’s posts, it goes straight to talking poo. And each one of them would swear on a stack of bibles that the other is the problem. Some people here are so god damn self righteous that they can’t even acknowledge their role in getting this board to its current state. It really is a microcosm of today’s political culture. Talking about different points of view has gone the way of the dodo. It’s cliques and other bullshit. It’s the equivalent of “These kids today are lazy” and “ok boomer”. 

I have tried, but some people on here have almost turned into caricatures, almost intentionally going off the deep end. So if people want me to start heavy handed banning people they don’t agree with, they just need to remember the next time they call someone on here retarded or something and get the perma ban themselves. 

But what will that do? Everyone will start threads flaming me because they think I sided with someone and am out to get them. Honestly Jeremy’s suggestion to simply ignore the people with whom you don’t get along is simple and time-tested throughout history (here come the oh should have Poland just ignored Hitler hur durh replies, please it’s not that serious) but even JI is immediately mocked and told its his job to keep people civil to one another.

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1 hour ago, Jeremy Igo said:

My job has always been to provide a place for Panthers fans to talk with minimal censorship. That has never changed. Not in 16 years. 

If you don't have the self control not to read and get upset by the same people over and over and over again, thats on you. 

Fake News

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4 minutes ago, Montsta said:

Just a heads up from a moderators perspective. We did warnings and 24 hour bans and then 48 hour bans to a lot of people in the off-season leading up to this year. The people that join and in 24 hours are clearly trolls have gotten banned for life. Believe it or not, those people are not the problem. 

The problem is that we have a lot of posters with solid history that beef with other posters because of perceived slights, and they no longer look at the content of each other’s posts, it goes straight to talking poo. And each one of them would swear on a stack of bibles that the other is the problem. Some people here are so god damn self righteous that they can’t even acknowledge their role in getting this board to its current state. It really is a microcosm of today’s political culture. Talking about different points of view has gone the way of the dodo. It’s cliques and other bullshit. It’s the equivalent of “These kids today are lazy” and “ok boomer”. 

I have tried, but some people on here have almost turned into caricatures, almost intentionally going off the deep end. So if people want me to start heavy handed banning people they don’t agree with, they just need to remember the next time they call someone on here retarded or something and get the perma ban themselves. 

But what will that do? Everyone will start threads flaming me because they think I sided with someone and am out to get them. Honestly Jeremy’s suggestion to simply ignore the people with whom you don’t get along is simple and time-tested throughout history (here come the oh should have Poland just ignored Hitler hur durh replies, please it’s not that serious) but even JI is immediately mocked and told its his job to keep people civil to one another.

Perhaps certain trigger words/phrases like boomer or “cam sucks”. Should be autocorrected to “I Love You”.

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5 minutes ago, Montsta said:

Just a heads up from a moderators perspective. We did warnings and 24 hour bans and then 48 hour bans to a lot of people in the off-season leading up to this year. The people that join and in 24 hours are clearly trolls have gotten banned for life. Believe it or not, those people are not the problem. 

The problem is that we have a lot of posters with solid history that beef with other posters because of perceived slights, and they no longer look at the content of each other’s posts, it goes straight to talking poo. And each one of them would swear on a stack of bibles that the other is the problem. Some people here are so god damn self righteous that they can’t even acknowledge their role in getting this board to its current state. It really is a microcosm of today’s political culture. Talking about different points of view has gone the way of the dodo. It’s cliques and other bullshit. It’s the equivalent of “These kids today are lazy” and “ok boomer”. 

I have tried, but some people on here have almost turned into caricatures, almost intentionally going off the deep end. So if people want me to start heavy handed banning people they don’t agree with, they just need to remember the next time they call someone on here retarded or something and get the perma ban themselves. 

But what will that do? Everyone will start threads flaming me because they think I sided with someone and am out to get them. Honestly Jeremy’s suggestion to simply ignore the people with whom you don’t get along is simple and time-tested throughout history (here come the oh should have Poland just ignored Hitler hur durh replies, please it’s not that serious) but even JI is immediately mocked and told its his job to keep people civil to one another.

So what I take from all this is midget porn is still a no go. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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4 minutes ago, Montsta said:

Just a heads up from a moderators perspective. We did warnings and 24 hour bans and then 48 hour bans to a lot of people in the off-season leading up to this year. The people that join and in 24 hours are clearly trolls have gotten banned for life. Believe it or not, those people are not the problem. 

The problem is that we have a lot of posters with solid history that beef with other posters because of perceived slights, and they no longer look at the content of each other’s posts, it goes straight to talking poo. And each one of them would swear on a stack of bibles that the other is the problem. Some people here are so god damn self righteous that they can’t even acknowledge their role in getting this board to its current state. It really is a microcosm of today’s political culture. Talking about different points of view has gone the way of the dodo. It’s cliques and other bullshit. It’s the equivalent of “These kids today are lazy” and “ok boomer”. 

I have tried, but some people on here have almost turned into caricatures, almost intentionally going off the deep end. So if people want me to start heavy handed banning people they don’t agree with, they just need to remember the next time they call someone on here retarded or something and get the perma ban themselves. 

But what will that do? Everyone will start threads flaming me because they think I sided with someone and am out to get them. Honestly Jeremy’s suggestion to simply ignore the people with whom you don’t get along is simple and time-tested throughout history (here come the oh should have Poland just ignored Hitler hur durh replies, please it’s not that serious) but even JI is immediately mocked and told its his job to keep people civil to one another.

Get rid of Tinderbox... problem solved.  Do not mix sports and politics.  Watching PhillyB and Ecu88 going after each other is beyond ridiculous.

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