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Why doesn't Rivera value a returner at all?

Sam Mills Fan

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It's mighty hard to evaluate a returner until they actually make a return in a real game. No amount of practice gaming can mimic the pressure of having an entire stadium awaiting the catch, an entire fanbase holding their breath, the sun in your eyes and 11 wild-eyed berserkers bearing down on you. And no amount of practice doing it at the college level can prepare you for what you'll face when each person on special teams is a better player and tackler than 90% of your entire college team.

If you don't get lucky and find one before the season starts, you're left with just looking through the cast offs hoping someone can be coached up. Then there's that first kick again...

And if you get one, even if all they can do is reliable fair catch the ball, you lock that guy down into a contract. I'd say that less than half the teams have a reliable returner and great ones are incredibly rare.

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Returners are overrated that’s why. A. Touchbacks and new kick off rule pretty much voids out a need for a kick returner and B. When was the last a punt returner in the NFL ran one back for a TD? Hell, when was the last time a big return was made that wasn’t negated due to dumb “illegal block in the back” penalties?

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On 10/28/2019 at 1:56 PM, thefuzz said:

There is something really weird about Pete Carroll that I cannot put my finger on.

He is one of the most conservative head coaches out there, and still manages to win double digit games seemingly every season.

Maybe there needs to be a thread on what exactly makes Ron and Pete so different when if comes to consistency....it really is baffling to me.

He has Wilson who is as good as they come and will mask a lot of deficiencies on offense....and despite what this homer forum says Wilson is a better QB than Cam, and up until recently The division has been dildos.

But he’s also just a flat out better coach than Ron. He is just as conservative but a million times more creative.

Ron’s philosophy is much like fox. No mismatches, no scheming...it’s 1 vs 1, to win, the individual player just has to outplay their opponent. And if you lose, you lost your way and that in itself is a sense of a win. Old school mindset.   Carroll definitely  has those tendencies but not to the extreme like Ron, and one thing I learned watching the Seahawks is Pete will learn, and adapt as the games and seasons go on whether it’s in the gameplan or not. Something Ron is very stubborn about.

Then factor in the personnel/talent evaluating. Ron will favor vets or a certain player to the extreme.

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8 hours ago, PanthersNC1984 said:

Returners are overrated that’s why. A. Touchbacks and new kick off rule pretty much voids out a need for a kick returner and B. When was the last a punt returner in the NFL ran one back for a TD? Hell, when was the last time a big return was made that wasn’t negated due to dumb “illegal block in the back” penalties?

So far in 2019:

10-6-2019 Desmond King, Chargers, against Broncos https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/K/KingDe01/touchdowns/

9-22-2019 Deonte Harris, Saints, against Seahawks https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/H/HarrDe07/touchdowns/

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