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What now? Well, I have thoughts.

Jeremy Igo

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7 minutes ago, Jeremy Igo said:

Great win today, much needed for the fan base.

What to do at QB?

You don't bench Kyle Allen after that type of performance, especially with the easiest portion of the schedule still ahead. You play him and see if he sustains that type of extremely high level of play.

What about Cam?

Cam's foot sprain was given two weeks to heal in preseason, and it got reinjured on a simple scramble. Obviously it needs more time.

The solution is simple.

You play Kyle Allen for at least the next two weeks and let Cam fully heal his foot. If at that time Kyle Allen is still playing at a high level you keep him in. You never bench a QB with a hot hand. If he looks average to below average, you put Cam back in.


Above all else, the Panthers need to keep winning.


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The thing with ligamentous injuries is that 2 weeks of recovery time is damn near baseline. If he reinjured it and it’s worse than before which is a real possibility we could be talking several weeks, God forbid months, before he’s back to full speed.


All aboard the Allen train for now.

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keep cam out for as long as he needs to heal up his foot and shoulder. hope kyle allen keeps it up so cam can actually get back to 100% or close enough to it.

Kyle Allen did great today. But I'd take a healthy Cam Newton over him any day of the week. And I want Cam to be healthy.

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2 minutes ago, Captroop said:

About Cam. Where was he today? Did he even travel with the team? I was expecting to at least see him on the sideline to hype up the team. 

Didn't travel with the team. For the best really because he likely would've been bouncing all over the sidelines & wound up sitting for 5 weeks.

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I agree, you dont just toss cam back in there now. Allen is showing confidence to carry the load so this allows cam to heal and takes pressure off him to force himself back. Plus we are 1-2 so technically still in the hole and should be makin every move that helps winning period also puttin Littlein the line up. We can win these next couple games with Allen.

This is really what having a legit backup QB is supposed to do for you.

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2 minutes ago, Jeremy Igo said:

Great win today, much needed for the fan base.

What to do at QB?

You don't bench Kyle Allen after that type of performance, especially with the easiest portion of the schedule still ahead. You play him and see if he sustains that type of extremely high level of play.

What about Cam?

Cam's foot sprain was given two weeks to heal in preseason, and it got reinjured on a simple scramble. Obviously it needs more time.

The solution is simple.

You play Kyle Allen for at least the next two weeks and let Cam fully heal his foot. If at that time Kyle Allen is still playing at a high level you keep him in. You never bench a QB with a hot hand. If he looks average to below average, you put Cam back in.


Above all else, the Panthers need to keep winning.

I agree with that. Let Kyle Allen continue to build continuity with the receivers and o-line to see how well they jell. 

CMC is good,  but we need to spell him more during games, especially after a 77 yard scamper. I believe that I saw Bonnafon in there briefly. 

Great win today!

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1 minute ago, Byrdman4real said:

Same thing happened with Tampa bay when Ryan Fitzpatrick was killing it. People need to chill and stop over reacting. I hope Allen continue his proformance for the Panthers, but I would not say cut, trade, or say its the end of Cam just yet. 

A lot of people don't remember Matt Flynn when he balled out as Rogers' backup.

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give Cam as long as he needs and wants. sit down with him and say "Hey (start off casually, maybe turn your chair backwards and straddle it), we want you to be fully healthy, and we want you to feel good in your mind and body and spirit. if you want to go on IR, we will put you on IR. if you want 3 weeks you can have 3 weeks."

Cam is this franchise and it feels really good to have a back-up capable of coming in and winning while he gets himself right.

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