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Ok let's hear it. Predictions for Carolina at Arizona

Jeremy Igo

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40 minutes ago, rayzor said:

This coaching staff doesn't know how to win, their goal isn't to win. Their goal is how to keep from losing while we stick to whatever plan we go into the game with come hell or high water, (over)using whoever we really like right now.

Rivera has never had the killer mindset he needs to be a truly great coach. Right now he's trying damage control, which is a precursor to losing. 


As long as we lose closely and stick to the game plan Ron will be satisfied and keep doing the same things. I dont expect meaningful change until we get blown out, that's when it fails his lipness test of sucess.

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I think Christian took the last game personally and he's going to have a massive bounceback game against the Cardinals. 

Actually having a healthy QB who can throw the ball down the field accurately could make a world of difference. Allen looked pretty bad in the pre season but looked pretty good near the end of last regular season. I'm hoping we can get the version of him from last year. 

I wouldn't be suprised with a win or a loss in this game. No one really knows how our offense will perform with Allen so, its intriguing at least. 

I'm expecting Norv to dial up a heavy dose of McCaffrey and Olsen and sprinkle in some shots to DJ and Curtis down the field. 

If Rivera's defense cant fluster a rookie QB with a questionable O-line, there's going to be a lot more panther fans calling for his head. 

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Wow!  3 pages of overwhelming negativity.

But there are almost 20,000 Huddlers who haven't spoken out on this prediction, and I'm gonna guess that like MAGA hat wearers, they keep their opinions to themselves, for fear of being attacked as being deplorable homers.

Fearless, I step forward.  2 games of film will supply our D all it needs to press/pressure, and disrupt this dink/dunk spread offense -- Luke will be the major disrupter.

We have too many vets not to show some angry pride.  Allen has passing talent, and will hit all the open WRs that Cam couldn't last week.  AZ is very weak vs the run, and CMC will establish our run game early, allowing (for the first time this year) an effective passing offense to show up.

Not even close.  AZ will be shown to be the pretender they are, and optimism will once more be allowed on the Huddle.

41-16 Panthers.



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31 minutes ago, bigdavis said:

Wow!  3 pages of overwhelming negativity.

But there are almost 20,000 Huddlers who haven't spoken out on this prediction, and I'm gonna guess that like MAGA hat wearers, they keep their opinions to themselves, for fear of being attacked as being deplorable homers.

Fearless, I step forward.  2 games of film will supply our D all it needs to press/pressure, and disrupt this dink/dunk spread offense -- Luke will be the major disrupter.

We have too many vets not to show some angry pride.  Allen has passing talent, and will hit all the open WRs that Cam couldn't last week.  AZ is very weak vs the run, and CMC will establish our run game early, allowing (for the first time this year) an effective passing offense to show up.

Not even close.  AZ will be shown to be the pretender they are, and optimism will once more be allowed on the Huddle.

41-16 Panthers.



That scorechappelle show lol GIF

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