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Thinking out loud

Jeremy Igo

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2 minutes ago, Castavar said:

Yeah, like Cam would EVER get the same positive outpour that Luck got. I can only begin to imagine the massive amount of negativity and hate Cam would get if he were to retire like Luck did.

I agree that Cam likely wouldn’t get the same response as Luck, but that won’t change no matter WHEN he hangs up the cleats. But if he bows out now and attributes it to just being broken down after years of carrying Ron & His Band of Middling Morons, he just MIGHT get a little more sympathy than to appear as though he’s just showing up for a paycheck. 

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24 minutes ago, CRA said:

Cam said in his presser he had a lot of soul searching to do.  Odd way to describe studying film and practicing harder.   

See, I don't think this is the problem any longer.  I did hold that view at times in the past.  In watching him last year and this year, I think that above the shoulders, he's actually growing as a QB.  2019 Cam Newton is the best Cam we've ever seen from the shoulders up.  This was also true in 2018.

When you compare him now to the Shula years, the ball is actually coming out of his hands a lot faster.  He's throwing to guys who are open fairly often.  His ability to read seems better.  Yes, he still makes mistakes, so does every QB in the league.  However, I see the growth above the shoulders.  It's one of the reasons that his failing body makes me so sad.

Imagine if Norv / Scott had taken over when Chud left.  If this "shoulders up" growth had take place 5 years ago.  Remember his first two years:  4000 yards passing, 3800 yards passing.  If Norv and Scott took THAT Cam Newton under their wing (say in 2013), created a system like what we have now where the ball can come out fast OR go deep if time allows . . . oh baby.

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Cam already gets that negativity, and it’s broken him. He’s clearly defeated. I would say that he’s a lot of people’s most hated panther of all time. Not on here, but look at all the WFNZ Facebook posts. A lot of MAGA hat wearing ultra white guys ignore everything about the game and just personally attack Cam. It’s sad really. We had some great years though, everything changes if we win that Super Bowl

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This is his last season in Carolina unless something drastic happens. I hope we give him a standing ovation in his last home game. Booing Luck off the field was a classless move by a moronic baby fanbase. Let's show some class and show QB1 how much we appreciated what he did in Carolina.

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If he does 

You bet your arse we are trading up for one of the top 2 QBs this draft


No QB Grier or Allen are starter material.  They are avg backups.

We already are invested with tools and have some vets to wait around.  We need another QB 1 right away


Dont Luke, Turner, KK and key guys being aboe to wait around 5 mire years ti start a full rebuild.  We cant afford to have another Jimmy Clausen type situation after Jake.  We need a Wentz and Eagles type situation where they have the parts and not waiting through another complete rebuild

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24 minutes ago, Jeremy Igo said:

Is a valid point. Espescially if there is a new GM with zero emotional ties to the roster.

It’s the only logical move. How many players are on 1 year deals? Tepper will be able to tell potential head coaches that they will have full control over building the team they want. If the coach wants to be GM as well, that’s fine too. This is the perfect year to make these moves.

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31 minutes ago, Captroop said:

Cam doesn't look like he's enjoying the game anymore.

This has me the most concerned.  When Cam is having fun, the Panthers are rolling.  He's seemed super down the past two games.  He's not having fun.

Something is really up, and that is making me seriously nervous.

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I have the same feeling. Retirement appears much closer than further away. Especially if the season continues to trend the same way. We might even I.R him at some point. Then we release him in the off-season or he preemptively retires before we do so. 

The only way I see his career continuing is him going back to his style of play by being a more aggressive runner and finding an OC who will game plan accordingly. Norv isn’t the guy for that.

Speaking of Norv I feel like he’s a ticking time bomb that will quit on us like he did the Vikings and set his son up to showcase what he can do. Perhaps after the London Game.

Ron will be fired after the season and will land another job at least as a DC if not head coach again somewhere else.

Greg Olsen will further pursue his broadcasting career after this season.

Luke is one concussion away from taking the Andrew Luck approach as well. 

This team is falling apart before our eyes.

Mccoy on 1 year deal, Williams proven he can’t be a LT, also on a 1 year deal. Short and Poe about to be cap casualties. The list goes on but that’s all I have energy for right now  

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To be quite honest I don't blame him. Ron and the management he had throughout his career wasted what was probably the most athletic person we will ever see at the position. For his mark left on the NFL this may be the best time for him to leave it. Focus on getting healthy, and see how you feel in a year. If you think you can do it and your heart still says football go back. But otherwise, 8 years of being the best dual threat qb the NFL has ever seen is something to hang your "hats" on.




And HURNEY. How did I forget that loser....


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