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Transcript - Ron Rivera Presser

Jeremy Igo

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RE: 4th and 1
Well what we hoped to do is Christian [McCaffrey] we felt had a good opportunity to score. So we went fake-reverse ghost action, trying to deek them a little bit. We had every opportunity. We thought we could at least get the first down but unfortunately, we didn’t.

RE: Is Cam Newton’s foot a factor in play calling?
No, his foot is not such that we don’t trust. Don’t even worry about the foot. The foot has nothing to do with it.

RE: Use of quarterback sneak previously versus now
Well, because we felt good about the play scoring a touchdown. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. That’s all I can tell you. We felt good about the play.

RE: Offensive line tonight
I thought we had our moments. Unfortunately, we gave up a couple of plays and some things that we’ve got to get shored up and get those things corrected.

RE: Does the offensive line’s performance tonight play at all into decision on 4th and 1
No. That had nothing to do with that last play call. We felt pretty confident about the play call. That’s something we’ve been working on. Felt the opportunity was right to run it.

RE: One thing you can point to for offensive troubles
No, not really. Again, we gave up a sack at an inopportune moment. We had a penalty at another bad moment. We missed a throw at another bad moment. Maybe we could have called something different. It’s a mix, a combination of things that obviously we will take a look at and hopefully get those things corrected as we go forward.

RE: Message to team starting 0-2 at home
I told the guys to do what we have always done. Come back and get ready to play. Take them one at a time. It’s week 2 and there is 15 weeks left so we will see what happens in the next 15 weeks.

RE: Cam Newton’s performance
Well, I thought he had his moments. Again, we will get the chance to evaluate it, break it down once we look at the tape.

RE: Cam Newton’s shoulder
There is no issue with his shoulder. He threw the deep ball today, threw it a couple of times.

RE: What did Tampa Bay do to limit Christian McCaffrey tonight?
From the side, it looked like they played an awful lot of man. They had somebody chasing him around for the most part. We will have to take a look at some of the other things that they did and get an opportunity to really break it down. Again, I’m looking at other parts of the game now so I’m not really getting the chance to look at the opponent’s defense as much as I have in the past.

RE: Game lost in inability to pick up any of the three 4th and 1 tonight
When you have to kick field goals, I think that’s where the game gets lost. We had opportunities and unfortunately we went backwards. You can’t do that. You can’t expect to win a football game when those things happen.

RE: Pass interference challenge
Well, I thought when the ball was in the air and the guy was still making contact, I thought that was the definition of pass interference. I don’t think it matters where the contact starts. But if the guy is still contacting him while the ball is in the air, I assumed that’s what pass interference is. I guess I’ll have to go back and look at the rule book just to make sure. At the end of the day, when we did get to look at it, what we did see at worst was illegal contact downfield. It was that obvious. But you can’t challenge illegal contact. You are hoping that the referee sees that the guy running a double move that gets illegally contacted downfield is prevented from catching stutter and go which could have been a touchdown. Who knows?

RE: What explanation was given by referee about the pass interference challenge?
That you can’t challenge illegal contact. I said, no, I was challenging pass interference. I thought that when the guy was riding him while the ball was in the air, that would be considered pass interference. Even though the contact started while the ball was in his hands.

RE: Explanation on first challenge of game on spot
Unfortunately, there was only one camera that was working. That was the overhead camera. The other cameras weren’t working. From where I was standing, on the first down marker when I saw Cam [Newton] reach, I saw his arm go past me. I assumed that that would have been a first down. We only had one camera looking and that was the one that was over the top. Unfortunately, they didn’t have enough confidence in that camera to rule one way or another so they stayed with the call on the field.

RE: Frustration with inconsistencies carrying over from last season
Obviously, it’s very frustrating. You can tell right now. To me it’s frustrating when so many things go against us. At the end of the day though, that’s on me. I’ve got to get those things corrected. We have a couple extra days to look at stuff on tape. A chance to bring the guys in and do a little bit more work. We will get those things worked out, get those things corrected. Like I said we’ve got 15 weeks and we are taking them one at a time.

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Unfortunately, there was only one camera that was working. That was the overhead camera. The other cameras weren’t working. From where I was standing, on the first down marker when I saw Cam [Newton] reach, I saw his arm go past me. I assumed that that would have been a first down. We only had one camera looking and that was the one that was over the top. Unfortunately, they didn’t have enough confidence in that camera to rule one way or another so they stayed with the call on the field.”

That is ridiculous, Thursday night football and only one camera was working/on the ball? There’s like 20 cameras in the stadium. 

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13 minutes ago, Jeremy Igo said:

When there is rain and lightning some get put away. 

When the Network won't send its camera crew out to cover the game, there should be no game.  period.  Because of this, it effected the game.

The NFL and Fox need to be on the same page with weather, ridiculous they weren't last night.

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19 minutes ago, Jeremy Igo said:

When there is rain and lightning some get put away. 

I didn’t get to watch due to prior obligations so I don’t know when and how bad it was. However, the only cam to be put away would be the on the field steady cam op. If it was lightning the whole thing would have been stopped the entire time, not just the ops. 

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33 minutes ago, Jeremy Igo said:

To me it’s frustrating when so many things go against us. At the end of the day though, that’s on me. I’ve got to get those things corrected.

Frikkin only took you 8 years to learn how to say that.

Pisses me off. Now what you going to do to fix it, Ronnie? 

Hey Tepper...time has come to hire someone to manage the game. Going to take way too long to get Ronnie's poo together. Dude can't be trusted to coach a consistent winner. Move on, for peak's sake.

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5 minutes ago, rayzor said:

Frikkin only took you 8 years to learn how to say that.

Pisses me off. Now what you going to do to fix it, Ronnie? 

Hey Tepper...time has come to hire someone to manage the game. Going to take way too long to get Ronnie's poo together. Dude can't be trusted to coach a consistent winner. Move on, for peak's sake.

Hey, we're making progress :)

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