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Official Bucs at Panthers predictions thread

Jeremy Igo

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I have been hesitant to weigh in on my feelings regarding Sundays game and the upcoming Thursday nights game. I have re-watched our game Sunday and the Bucs game.

The bucs looked better than I expected, especially on defense. However on offense well, Jameis is still Jameis. Although he did rip one pass that caught my attention. Looked like 2015 Cam.

the game will not be easy.

And now for our game. The O-line although not stellar was much better than I expected. With a little time to gel and no injuries we have the chance to have the best line in years, including 2015. Unfortunately Greg May be slowing a bit. Love the guy though.

Samuel and Moore were disappointing. Not ready in IMHO.

McCaffery is amazing. Belicheck’s wet dream. We have to take care of him or we are in serious trouble.

Now, Cam. I’ll reserve my opinion for now

Defense did everything Ron asked them to do so the encouraging thing is that Ron admitted that the coaching staff needed to do a better job putting them in position to succeed. For some crazy reason I actually believe that he will. He takes pride as being hailed as one of the best DC’s in the league even if we all think he is an average at best, HC.

Panthers 24- Bucs 3

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I can see us winning this game.  After having played like poo, then gotten it together only to come up short...

I think it might be a recipe for improved focus.  And that’s really what it comes down to.  Talent wise and scheme wise, this team is poised to be very competitive.

Being that it is a home game... I like our chances against a less than mediocre Bucs team.

The pass rush must get results.  The run D must get better.  The offense must eliminate turnovers.  Just mentally sound football.

TB - 19

CAR- 33

Cam will be smiling throughout.  Always a good sign.

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I think another factor I want to see change this Thursday is Norv Turner's playcalling. Was not a big fan of what transpired last Sunday. Progression did not call for nearly any vertical route as the initial read. Curl routes were the most frequent vertical route style, which doesn't have the highest success rate. Rams bottled that up well with soft coverage. Curtis Samuel had far more slot snaps than I liked, with DJ Moore having more outside snaps than I would've liked. Their roles need to be switched immediately. Only using Greg Olsen to attack the MoF was also concerning, alongside pretty much staying conservative all game. I understand Cam Newton's foot was recently injured, but with that kind of offensive playcalling reliant on success or bust, it's no wonder Cam's mistakes were glaringly bad.  

And I admit to Cam having an off game. Even then, the offensive coordinator should not have exacerbated the issue.

Can't tell if that's Norv not trusting Cam Newton's shoulder yet or whatever. Needs to re-orient his play-calling to tailor to ensuring the deep pass exists so defenses don't tighten up assuming we can't throw deep. Curtis Samuel needs more opportunities on the outside and Norv needs to be more aggressive with these weapons. 

Just my two cents.


If Norv unleashes this offense, then well I can see us completely dominating this game offensively with panthers fans sighing in relief that the off-season hype wasn't just talk.

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If Samuel doesn't get touches in this game, I am just going to have to assume all this talk from camp about how good he looked was just flat untrue. Otherwise there is no logical reason for him not to be featured more. If it weren't for Moore's point shaving Butterfingers, I'd be a lot more bullish on him.

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Ask me yesterday, Bucs prolly win.  Ask me today, Panthers prolly win.  I just don't know.  Either way i see it being close, down to 4th quarter.  I can see the Bucs coach making it a point to shut down CMC, don't bother doubling Olsen and force/dare Cam to throw downfield.  We take the lead...start playing soft, burn timeouts due to confusion of what play we should run.  Panthers D keeps us in play, Our offense struggles.  Guessing a field goal wins it, we love playing for field goals.  But I hope CMC, Moore and Samuels have a field day.

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