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Talking Rams... What do you know?

Jeremy Igo

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If you wanna stop the rams, you gotta stop the run.  If they set up PAP it’s over.  The best chance to stop their O is to put Goff in 3rd and long situations and make him beat you straight up.  

Muddle huddle and shifts after the 15 second mark on the play clock.  Don’t let McVay call audibles from the sideline.  But never on 1st down, he likes to goes quick on that down or any second down after a 5+ yard gain. 



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That they're damn good.

And yes, coaching is a legitimate concern. You've got a young hotshot "outside the box" thinker in McVay going against traditionalist Rivera, who's running a different scheme than before.

On the flipside, we're facing a defensive coordinator who absolutely dismantled us in the Super Bowl. The good news there though is that we're not trotting out Mike Shula to play chess with him.

I'm pretty sure Norv Turner and Wade Phillips have faced each other their fair share of times. Might not be a bad research project to look those games up.

(no, I'm not doing it; get one of the youngsters) :eyeroll:

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Went to the game in LA in 2016. Obviously theyre a much different team now. Im not sure what to think of Gurley - something didnt seem right with him towards the end of last season. If Ron is indeed calling the defense it should be an interesting chess match between him and McVay. I hate the idea of going against a Wade Phillips defense though, he seemed to write the blueprint on how to beat Cam

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One of Phillips' general philosophies when it comes to quarterbacks is "hit them, hit them again, hit them some more, hit them even harder and then change it up by hitting them from a different direction".

He's got the horses to implement that philosophy too.

We're definitely going to need some quick throws and a good run game.

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The Panthers have won 4 out of their last 5 week 1 games with the lone loss being the one point loss at Denver.

It does feel as though there are more unknowns this season than past seasons. The Panthers starting offensive unit had very few plays together in the preseason. In truth, the starting defensive unit likewise had few preseason snaps together. 

It strikes me that a key will be to stop Gurley and make Goff throw. I also have a sense that it will be important for Cam to get off to a great start and you know Wade Phillips will have some surprises and I hope the same is true of Norv Turner.

I choose to be optimistic. 



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Optimist: When Phillips took us down in the Super Bowl, we didn't have Norv Turner.

Pessimist: Last time, Phillips figured out how to destroy us with only two weeks of planning. This time he's had an entire offseason.

Realist: I have no idea what's going to happen.

Fatalist: We're all gonna die.

Philatelist: Anybody know where I can find some rare stamps?

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