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All the pieces are lining up for a Peppers trade to New England


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They're not trading Peppers until the offseason and that's only because they won't be willing to pay him 20 million for one season. If they were going to trade Peppers they would have done so before the season started... trading him mid-season would be too drastic a move for this franchise.

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so you explained how the Pats would benefit......now how why would Hurney/Fox trade considering they are looking at a 5 win season in the face and trading Peppers only will make the defense worse? I guess you are in the camp that thinks Fox will be employed here w/ a 4 or 5 win season? I mean w/o Pep you can't realistically say they would even have posted two wins....considering the defense was a key reason we barely beat two bottom dwellers.

Regardless of the future of Fox/Hurney there is always the possibility the Big Cat could or might tell them to make a trade if a good one is out there; cause with or without Fox/Hurney I am sure the Big Cat doesnt want them to just try and squeak out some wins, while not making the playoffs, while still mortgaging this teams future.

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They're not trading Peppers until the offseason and that's only because they won't be willing to pay him 20 million for one season.

uh catman, how do you propose they trade him at the end of the season.

think long and hard about this, and take into consideration the fact he's a free agent after this year.

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They'll tag him again and it won't hurt as bad as this year with no cap

Does anyone understand that if their is NO salary cap next year expect there to be no football either. If the CBA cannot be agreed upon between owners and players, then say hello to NO FOOTBALL

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Does anyone understand that if their is NO salary cap next year expect there to be no football either. If the CBA cannot be agreed upon between owners and players, then say hello to NO FOOTBALL

I have worried about this for some time. I would have a stroke if the NFL is on strike next year. And I firmly believe if there is no salary cap next year we will probably never see it again in the NFL. Say goodbye to interesting seasons and parity in the NFL.

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makes sense.

Still think the pats would try to give us the shaft like only trading a 5th

I take it back, two packs of gum would be a even trade so a 5th would actually be a good deal for us.

Make it happen, hurney!

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how about the more important issue... Everette Brown had a good game, again. For a 2nd rounder, he's doing pretty well thus far in his 1st season in a position that takes a year or 2..

he has looked very good in passing situations. He still needs to put on some weight and muscle in the near future so he can play more downs.

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