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i just bought this here computer at wal mart now lemme talk bout REAL FANS


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i kinda believe that the government should subsidize computer purchase and internet service because ideally an educated populace is the best defense against tyranny and it'd be a lot more difficult for the government to get away with stuff if everyone had access to pure information which is basically what the internet is and why members of both party want to censor it but god damn if you have to put something on lay away you don't need to be buying it


You're missing more periods than Travis Henry's girlfriends.
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I agree. Our fans are the same as any other team, basically. any team that loses, including Green Bay, will have empty seats. Crowd noise gets loud when things are good, quiet when not. And I like the rule that you can't take your shirt off. I have zero desire to see an idiot who looks like John Goodman without his shirt.

Maybe one or two years ago, ESPN was showing highlights of a Steelers game where they were down by 14+ at the end of the third. That might have jumped up to 21+ at the start of fourth, but that's not important. What stuck with me about the highlight package was a clip ESPN rolled of thousands of Steelers fans leaving the game early in the fourth. I think they did end up pulling out the dramatic last second come from behind win, but it was to a half-empty stadium.

So yeah, I don't buy this bullshit about us having the worst fans in the NFL for one second. Check out Jacksonville-they have entire sections of seats in that stadium covered in tarps and they still have problems with blackouts. You couldn't give away tickets to Falcons games in 2007. NFL ticketholders are fickle and impatient for the most part.

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Maybe one or two years ago, ESPN was showing highlights of a Steelers game where they were down by 14+ at the end of the third. That might have jumped up to 21+ at the start of fourth, but that's not important. What stuck with me about the highlight package was a clip ESPN rolled of thousands of Steelers fans leaving the game early in the fourth. I think they did end up pulling out the dramatic last second come from behind win, but it was to a half-empty stadium.

So yeah, I don't buy this bullshit about us having the worst fans in the NFL for one second. Check out Jacksonville-they have entire sections of seats in that stadium covered in tarps and they still have problems with blackouts. You couldn't give away tickets to Falcons games in 2007. NFL ticketholders are fickle and impatient for the most part.

Their stadium was half empty last night by the end of the 3rd quarter...when they were winning, so it's further proof that BOA isn't that much different than anywhere else.
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I know you guys are really excited because your trailer park just got internet and you want the world to know how you feel about the atmosphere at bank of america stadium, because it's a serious and pressing issue that requires discussion right now with everything going on for the panthers, but no one cares at all and we'd all be a lot happier on this little corner of the internet if you wouldn't bother us with such mundane crap.

The Argument: BoA Stadium is the Worst Place in all of Sport History Ever And This is Why the Panthers are Bad

Well I think it's pretty simple to see why this is a flawed, worthless, easily dissected argument.

Firstly nothing fans do at all during the game has much of an affect on what happens on the field. Maybe sometimes they can get loud enough to force the QB to take a timeout, but all that does is make them switch to a silent count for the rest of the game. This can be pretty misleading because announcers like to scream "Whoa ho ho look at that crowd noise" and people watching TV think "yeah we can do that too" then get angry when everyone won't stand up on 1st and 10 from the opposite side of the field.

The truth to this is that football players simulate crowd noise with jet engines and no matter how loud you and your toothless girlfriend in a pink bedazzled jake delhomme jersey get you're not going to be louder than that.

Secondly, some people think the defense needs to be "pumped" up. If the defense needs a bunch of people yelling to play well then they don't need to be collecting a paycheck. The idea of home field advantage almost certainly has more to do with logistical problems associated with traveling, and playing on a different kinds of grass than anything coming from the stands.

The Argument: This is the Quietest Place in All Sports!

No it is not. In fact, it's quite average. I've been to playoff games in Green Bay. I've been to more Panthers game in Atlanta than most of you have been pro football games period. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

The simple fact of the matter is that with the exception of the Eagles and maybe the Bills (who are indescribably insane for some reason) most atmospheres at NFL games are remarkably similar. There is a lot of stuff going on in a stadium, people yell when good things happen, they get easily discouraged. Yes, Lincoln Financial Field looks like some Byzantine hippodrome, but that is a very rare exception.

The Argument: They've Priced Out the Real Fans

While I agree that the NFL has basically made the games inaccessible for lower classes, and if you're unlucky enough to be in a city where the elites don't decide to sell out a game you'll be blacked out, this means nothing about real fans.

What is a real fan?

I've missed eight panther home games in my entire life. I sit in the lower deck. When I think real fan, I think some inbred hick with a picket tooth slack jawed grin. I think of someone who stumbled down to the lower sections who wants to get the crowd "pumped up." I think of some dude who gets drunk, picks a fight, then shits down his pant leg.

Basically I think of AKPantherfan.

I really don't know where I'm going with this anymore but it's stupid and childish to think that there's a proper way to behave at a football game. From everything I see the Panthers crowds are comparable to other teams. Yeah you can't take your shirt off but no one wants to see your jiggling gut and totally awesome new tribal arm band tattoo.

If you want to just pick a fight somewhere wait until your ex's new boyfriend comes to collect child support. It's hard to cheer for a bad team, not to mention one that plays as unexcitingly as the Panthers have since time immemorial.

There's a time and a place to get drunk on poo beer, piss yourself, and f**k a goat; they're called South Carolina games.

So you don't believe in the 12th man eh? Wow. Don't think fans booing their offense affects their offense? Same w/D? This is crazy talk. And what's up with all the trailer park talk? You got a phobia with trailer parks or something?

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The Argument: They've Priced Out the Real Fans

While I agree that the NFL has basically made the games inaccessible for lower classes, and if you're unlucky enough to be in a city where the elites don't decide to sell out a game you'll be blacked out, this means nothing about real fans.


One thing i like about the new cowboys stadium is the area were you pay like 20.and get to have like a stand or area were you and all the other people can see the game.

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So you don't believe in the 12th man eh?

no I don't.

Don't think fans booing their offense affects their offense? Same w/D?

oh you're right. Sorry. I forgot all the times I boo'd the Panthers offense and defense off the field and Fox immediately adjusted his gameplan.

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