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Fiz makes a thread about Julius Peppers


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I'd like to hear more about this tertiary syphilis rumor/theory/fact?

I don't know a thing about it, wikpedia mentions it can possibly be fatal in late stages but 5-10 year life sentence?

So, I have questions about the disease itself and whether or not Julius has been diagnosed with TS.

If true, how could he expect to pass any pre-trade physical?

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It's good to know that our board isn't the only one that gets tired of Fiz's self serving posting. In between his bragging about struggling to land a role as an acting extra in shitty movies, all he does is spam whiny bullshit about Peppers every week. Grow up kid.

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Touché. Who knows?

I think you hit the nail on the head about him not being mentally stable though because what you explained was somewhere along the lines of what my friend said after he met Julius two years ago.

Friend's older brother was at UNC when Peppers was. Was "friends" with him. He has told me that Julius only opens up to a very very very very very select group of friends. And when I say open up, I don't mean telling then EVERYTHING, I mean ANYTHING. I'd surprised if anyone on the team knows anything about him that's meaningful in any way.

Remember the banned substance he was found to be using in 2002? Yeah, that was recommended to him by one of those trusted few. Didn't help his paranoia or insecurity or whatever his problem is.

Remember the Carl Carey question? Well Peppers keeps Carey as his agent because he trusts Carey. Even if we go off the assumption that Carey is a retard and Peppers isn't orchestrating this whole ordeal, it doesn't matter because Peppers believes Carey will look out for his bests interests more so than a professional, big-name agent like Drew Rosenhaus would.

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Touché. Who knows?

I think you hit the nail on the head about him not being mentally stable though because what you explained was somewhere along the lines of what my friend said after he met Julius two years ago.

Friend's older brother was at UNC when Peppers was. Was "friends" with him. He has told me that Julius only opens up to a very very very very very select group of friends. And when I say open up, I don't mean telling then EVERYTHING, I mean ANYTHING. I'd surprised if anyone on the team knows anything about him that's meaningful in any way.

Remember the banned substance he was found to be using in 2002? Yeah, that was recommended to him by one of those trusted few. Didn't help his paranoia or insecurity or whatever his problem is.

Remember the Carl Carey question? Well Peppers keeps Carey as his agent because he trusts Carey. Even if we go off the assumption that Carey is a retard and Peppers isn't orchestrating this whole ordeal, it doesn't matter because Peppers believes Carey will look out for his bests interests more so than a professional, big-name agent like Drew Rosenhaus would.

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From what I understand, it's true. I heard of it a while back but kept my mouth shut because I didn't think it was appropriate to discuss in this format.

these guys do stil have a right to their private personal lives. being an overpaid football player on a losing team doesn't negate that.

If Julius has an illness that severe then how is he allowed to play football?

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Something probably was wrong with Peppers in 07, because he lost a lot of weight and he was getting his heart rate checked several times on the sidelines when he usually would have been in the game, but he looks healthy now. In fact, he's bigger than he's ever been, and it looks like it's all muscle. I guarantee you that he's a lot closer to 300lbs than the 280 something he's listed as on the roster. There is absolutely no excuse for him to be getting single blocked by a TE in the biggest damn game of the year so far, and it has nothing to do with how he's being used by the coaching staff. He's letting them and the team down, plain and simple.

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Having syphilis doesn't make you play like ass. That would be like saying Herpes is the reason that Ron Mexico can't throw a football. It would be irrelevant to any team who believes he'd be willing to play hard for them. He's playing like poo to make sure he doesn't get tagged again after this off-season

Again, paranoid.

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I think the terminal disease thing is bogus. I DO think he had something two years ago, and it affected his play greatly, but he did fine last year and as people have said this year he's put on weight.

Julius marches to his own drummer, for sure. I remember on a caravan tour where we all rode a bus together, he sat in the first seat by himself the whole trip (four hours each way) playing on his blackberry, while four teammates sat in the rear of the bus together. He trusted the two African American guys in the PR department, but hardly anyone else in the building.

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repeating myself but, IF true, how could any trade be expected to go through?

and any illness with "fatigue" listed as a chief symptom would not be an irrelevant medical condition to a professional athlete or whatever Pep is passing himself off as these days.

Well I just don't see how he'd be allowed to play. Football is a physical game, wouldn't cuts and bleeding be cause for some serious concern of infecting other players? As minuscule the odds could be it rounds too risky to allow.

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