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Fiz makes a thread about Julius Peppers


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I agree. Peppers deserves to be benched. Its the only thing that would light a fire on him. We should make him look so bad that no one will want to sign him. Quite frankly he deserves to be called out in the locker room(hell even publicly). He should be ashamed of himself for letting his teammates down like this. At least Charles Johnson looked good.
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So what does that say about our genius GM who put the franchise tag on a poo player?

"Oh look my star DE player gets wtfpwned by TE's" lets tag him.

Really if it is so well known that he sucks, why did our team tag him?

Peppers wanted to leave, Panthers are the ones who didn't let him.

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If we had the cap room, I would offer to trade you guys Jamaal Anderson DE for the Falcons for Julius Peppers just to get him off of your plate.

Jamaal has been even more useless than Peppers, and he was the #8 pick in the draft 3 years ago. Maybe a change of scenery for both of these guys would help. Obviously Pepp is worth a lot more though, and we are division rivals, so it wouldnt happen.

Its hard to dispute that Peppers looks terrible with the facts in this thread and the video from last night. I question how much of it is just reated to not wanting to be there. He made it known he wanted out, and the Carolina front office chose not to act while they could. Now they have a guy who is probably barely giving effort in the weight room, could care less about film study, and looks clueless, lazy, and indifferent. I think everyone knows what Peppers was/is capable of if he is committed and focused. Somehow that staff and management of the Panties lost him a while back. I'm not taking the blame off of Peppers, because he should be giving 100% in all aspects, but it sure seems someone on the staff or management dropped the ball as well.

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I don't think you can really "defend" him right now, but we do have to be practical.

He's here, whether he wanted to be or not. Barring injury, he will be here all season. He's got more athletic ability than anyone else on the D-Line, and he's earning a big-a$$ paycheck.

With all that in mind, you can't simply write him off as crap and bench him just out of spite or disgust. You have to find a way to get whatever you can out of him.

Getting a solid DT beside him is one tangible thing that is both doable, and practical.

Beyond that, the coaches have to find a way to motivate him. How? Don't know. At this point I'd be all in favor of Brian Baker getting in his face and questioning his manhood. Yes, the possibility exists that he might just curl up into a ball, but if I were Fox that's a risk I'd be willing to take.

(FYI: I expected that this would have already happened by now. the fact that it doesn't seem to have makes me wonder if Fox won't allow it)

What Pep is long overdue for is a, for lack of a better term, a "Singletary".

When hot shot tight end Vernon Davis was playing like ass for the 49ers Singeltary took him off the field during a game and sent him to the locker rooms. The sh!t hit the fan but it's all come around and Davis is now "rehabbed" and playing well.

Singletary doesn't care, Alex Smith Mister Numero Uno Draft pick is riding the pine in favor of a QB with heart who gives the 9ers a better chance to win. Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells had no problem making an example of a player, even to the extent of cutting them loose.

Play hard or ride the pine or just get the fug out. Fox needs to do this himself now.

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What Pep is long overdue for is a, for lack of a better term, a "Singletary".

When hot shot tight end Vernon Davis was playing like ass for the 49ers Singeltary took him off the field during a game and sent him to the locker rooms. The sh!t hit the fan but it's all come around and Davis is now "rehabbed" and playing well.

Singletary doesn't care, Alex Smith Mister Numero Uno Draft pick is riding the pine in favor of a QB with heart who gives the 9ers a better chance to win. Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells had no problem making an example of a player, even to the extent of cutting them loose.

Play hard or ride the pine or just get the fug out. Fox needs to do this himself now.

I would agree with the notion. Not sure Fox has the personality to do it though.

Brian Baker does, but I find myself increasingly wondering if Fox is keeping a hold over how Baker handles Peppers and preventing such a thing from happening.

With all that said, Peppers has a "Ricky Williams" like personality. There's really no predicting how he'd react to such a thing. Could he get fired up/ Sure. He could also just retreat into a shell, sulk and say a virtual "up yours" to Baker, Fox and the Panthers as a whole.

I'd still say trade for a high quality DT first. If Pep doesn't show up after that, let baker rip him apart. At that point, there'd be nothing to lose.

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Mr. Scot, normally I'd agree, but I just personally feel that Peppers is done. He's obviously a beast, and so he'll be out there all year. He'll also get a job somewhere else next season when we let him walk. But he won't do anything there either.

Peppers is done like Delhomme is done. Unfortunately, they both "expired" at about the same time. They just don't have it anymore. It's unfortunate but such is the way of pro sports. Time to move on.

The notion that he needs some super star DT to be good is just insane. Peppers is supposed to be a game-changer. He's supposed to be a super star. You're casting him like he's some role player. You don't franchise tag a useless role player for 16m dollars.

And you certainly don't expect a player to improve any, when he can't even shed single blocks anyhow. This goes back to 2007, but I just don't see how you're not seeing this. You could have the Williams wall AND Jenkins combined into one massive super DT.. and Peppers would still be a non-factor.

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Mr. Scot, normally I'd agree, but I just personally feel that Peppers is done. He's obviously a beast, and so he'll be out there all year. He'll also get a job somewhere else next season when we let him walk. But he won't do anything there either.

Peppers is done like Delhomme is done. Unfortunately, they both "expired" at about the same time. They just don't have it anymore. It's unfortunate but such is the way of pro sports. Time to move on.

The notion that he needs some super star DT to be good is just insane. Peppers is supposed to be a game-changer. He's supposed to be a super star. You're casting him like he's some role player. You don't franchise tag a useless role player for 16m dollars.

And you certainly don't expect a player to improve any, when he can't even shed single blocks anyhow. This goes back to 2007, but I just don't see how you're not seeing this. You could have the Williams wall AND Jenkins combined into one massive super DT.. and Peppers would still be a non-factor.

We need the DT for reasons other than Peppers.

Get some interior pressure in there and you can watch the sack totals go up across the board.

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Personally I don't think its his athletic ability that is diminishing he's just playing like poo because he can. And I feel that since Peppers is a veteran the other players aren't willing to call his ass out on it. I would love nothing more than for Beason and Davis to rip him a new one. They are supposed to be friends and teammates but Peppers looks like he's just playing for himself/when he wants to. It's truly disgusting. Guys like Beason, Davis, Chris Harris, Munnerlyn, and Richard Marshall are winners and they have intensity and they give their all to try and win the game. They are not letting down teammates(and the franchise) because of a lack of drive.

Fvck him he should have to earn his spot back. Go Charles Johnson.

Exactly, I agree with you and they should be chewing his ass out, since it is blatantly obvious Pep is playing like this intentionally.

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misterjiggyfly is melting down lol

just relax dude and go make some sonic videos for youtube or something

As far as I can read I didn't disagree with anything you said in your original post (I even pointed this out later on). I made it clear that I believe Peppers is done with the Panthers, and the FO has made a number of decisions that almost no fans seem to agree with that will surely cause some problems over the next few years.

I posted a few quick comments adding my further beliefs that anyone with eyes and some intelligence could see this collapse from a mile away, and since the Panthers management and coaching staff lack one or both of these, they're getting what they deserve.

I asked you for a "logical and tasteful reply" to my comments (which again, expanded on yours rather than opposed them) and you came out swinging like you caught me in bed with your wife (which brings me back to the self-absorbed part, why are you looking for a fight on the internet?...). Grow up just a little, could you?

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As far as I can read I didn't disagree with anything you said in your original post (I even pointed this out later on). I made it clear that I believe Peppers is done with the Panthers, and the FO has made a number of decisions that almost no fans seem to agree with that will surely cause some problems over the next few years.

I posted a few quick comments adding my further beliefs that anyone with eyes and some intelligence could see this collapse from a mile away, and since the Panthers management and coaching staff lack one or both of these, they're getting what they deserve.

I asked you for a "logical and tasteful reply" to my comments (which again, expanded on yours rather than opposed them) and you came out swinging like you caught me in bed with your wife (which brings me back to the self-absorbed part, why are you looking for a fight on the internet?...). Grow up just a little, could you?

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