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Fiz makes a thread about Julius Peppers


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Fiz you are a self-absorbed tool of the highest order. Peppers has been to 2 of the 3 past Pro Bowls. I guess he really hasn't been good in 3 years. You have officially been discredited. Good day.

Easy to make the Pro Bowl when you are universally overrated by everyone who has never really watched you and just noticed the big games you happen to have against teams like the fuging Lions.

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You cannot argue that consistently making pro bowls is NOT an indicator of some talent. I'd say if after a season you are voted to the pro bowl, it was successful. The corollary is not true (Williams last year). But no amount of popularity is going to get you to the PB if you're a slouch.

About as effective at gauging talent as looking at stats on paper (Hines Ward).

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Last time I'll appeal to your ridiculous methods. You completely avoided to respond to my argument by.....

when did he express disgust?


it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone because peppers hasn't been good in three years.

You're a twat.

it was a bad decision by the organization, like I said in the original post.

It would suck if you were wrong about everything.

lol what a terrible analogy. find me a kid that at some point doesn't want to drop out of school

Sorry you went to school in the projects.

defense. DEFENSE. There is a difference between Defense and Julius Peppers. The offense doesn't change Julius Peppers assigned task of getting to the QB and shutting down the run.

Julius Peppers plays defense. I'm guessing you've never played team sports as you underestimate the offense/defense synergy.

I don't know. I've never talked to them. But this thread is about Julius Peppers, not the defense. You're having a hard time connecting these dots.

Let me rephrase so you may understand. You're telling me it doesn't frustrate Julius Peppers when Williams, averaging 6 yards per cary, only carries the ball 11 times, while Delhomme, averaging 3 turnovers per game, throws it up 33 out of 49 plays?

well there's one important word in there.

Avoiding the point I made.

putting these things in don't make your non sensical arguments any easier to stomach.

don't worry, you'll get to rhetoric in your second semester of freshman year.

Explain in more detail how any one of my points is nonsensical.

I'm afraid if you go down any farther on yourself you might break a rib.

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Great thread, enjoyed reading other opinions about our team. Goshdarn, I (one of the biggest Panther Fans in the world) does not want to beleive this, but I am starting to feel this way myself. My heart just broke for this team last night. I feel for Smitty, he deserves better. Smitty is not getting any younger, I can only imagine a QB being able to get him the ball and see him soar. I feel for the whole team, those that honestly are trying. Peppers should have had a loud goodbye when he stated he was no longer happy. Seeya buddy!

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Easy to make the Pro Bowl when you are universally overrated by everyone who has never really watched you and just noticed the big games you happen to have against teams like the f**king Lions.

I don't recall anyone complaining about Peppers after either of those two seasons.

Now that he gets a million a week, people expect his performance to suddenly change. Fools. It's not my $16m so frankly, I think it's hilarious he can sit on the sideline laughing to the bank. Panthers FO deserved to lose twice as much with this decision (well they lost $20m to Jake so I'll accept that as justice).

Too bad these two decisions come at the likely cost of several losing seasons, and too bad that's what it will take to bring about changes in the organization I so dearly love...

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