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Fiz makes a thread about Julius Peppers


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The thing is, Fiz, we're pretty much in agreement on the underlying point of this thread: Peppers isn't performing like an all star DE, nor is he earning his $1m+ per game. He has lost the touch of a few seasons ago. I think it's because he has no heart for this team (which, believe it or not, is a big factor in performance), and you think it's because... I dunno, really, maybe because he's just fallen off and his career is over (which is a very real possibility - perhaps his spark didn't burn as long as others')?

I simply pointed out the fact that, if a player expresses disgust with an organization, giving them mega-mondo-zillion-dollar contracts will NOT erase this disgust. Basically, Peppers can play, or even choose to play, like poop each week and there's not much we can do about it.

But, this should BE OF NO SURPRISE to anyone, because he all but "agreed" to play like this at the end of last season when he voiced his want to be traded (he said he couldn't do any better, not that he would "tank" the season on purpose). I can't fathom why any organization would want to retain any individual with no desire to further said organization's goals, much less pay them insane amounts of money. If said organization does this, they probably deserve to get their dumb asses burned (wake up calls are a good thing).

Here's an analogy for the logic-challenged: children who wish to drop out of school but are forced to stay due to laws, parents, or both. Do they perform as well as children who go to school willfully with the desire to learn? I think not...

Peppers struggles have spanned far more than one half of football last night, during good stretches of offense and bad, and to point out one half to support your point is anecdotal as hell and not really worth addressing.

Sorry, but you clearly said "what does offense have to do with Peppers," and that's a ludicrous statement. Last night simply emphasized how offense has everything to do with defense. I didn't realize I needed to backlist every game where solid defensive efforts have been undone when the offense implodes after a solid start (coaching error, in my book). You're telling me it doesn't frustrate the defense when Williams, averaging 6 yards per cary, only carries the ball 11 times, while Delhomme, averaging 3 turnovers per game, throws it up 33 out of 49 plays?

I wouldn't argue that the 2009 draft was a disaster. However, you said past "few" years. I kinda expected you to follow that up by pointing to one draft, because you pretty clearly can't argue in good faith.

I was in a rush to get to class. You're absolutely right, I simply used poor language. Mismanage is the word I was looking for. This applies on a philosophical level, i.e. refusal to draft a QB in the first round. The 2009 draft wasn't even really a disaster...

There are plenty of stones to throw at the Panthers drafts over the past few years. Saying they've drafted LIKE poo for the past few years is demonstrably false.

Above. Heat of moment choice of words, I'll admit. So I'm eating my foot a tiny bit on this statement. But this is also a tiny piece of my argument about why Peppers isn't happy with the team. Really not a big deal.

I just want to make this clear. You're forgiving Julius Peppers for vanishing against the Cardinals because of what Jake did. You're saying "it's okay you vanished, we weren't going to win anyway, blame Jake." This is okay in your mind.

When did I use the word "OK"? Now you're putting words in my mouth. How would you have played in that game? "Delhomme accounted for six turnovers (five interceptions, one fumble) and the Cardinals scored 23 of their 33 points off of those takeaways." He was obviously frustrated this and the past season. My guess is he wanted out before 2007.

that's something we can agree on

Aren't you the God of the English language? So I used an oxymoron... And you used that as an opportunity to overlook the point I made by making an ad hominem attack (Sweet Jesus I'm the God of Latin, now I'll brag about it on the internet :nonod:).

It is more than clear that Peppers has zero faith in Jake and zero faith in Fox (the Panthers organization a whole). Surely you can agree on this. His using the 4-3 and 3-4 explanation is simply a clever way of having to avoid saying "I hate Jake Delhomme and John Fox" on national television. I'll say it again, obviously implied.

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Not that it matters, b/c I think this thread is on its way to being hijacked either way... BUT, if Pep was diagnosed with Syphilis, even in the later stages, I was under the impression that it could still be treated unless it has caused dementia.

In other words, in very rare cases does it result in death... And from looking up stuff on it after this thread, Wikipedia says the tertiary stage is still treatable after years of the initial infection? So unless it got into his central nervous system and began attacking his brain, how is he going to die in 5-10 years?

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Not that it matters, b/c I think this thread is on its way to being hijacked either way... BUT, if Pep was diagnosed with Syphilis, even in the later stages, I was under the impression that it could still be treated unless it has caused dementia.

In other words, in very rare cases does it result in death... And from looking up stuff on it after this thread, Wikipedia says the tertiary stage is still treatable after years of the initial infection? So unless it got into his central nervous system and began attacking his brain, how is he going to die in 5-10 years?

Where is epistaxis when we need him? somebody go set a trap in the Cutler thread.

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Peppers has always taken plays off but this season I knew he wasn't going to put up an effort because he wants to get released. Anyone with half a brain knows he isn't going to produce except for Dumb (Fox) and Dumber (Hurney). I look for us to win no more than 3 or 4 games this year and its going to be painful to sit through but if we can get a new coach who can utilize Smith in his last few years its going to be worth it.

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My god a more detailed and analytical account of what I've been saying for months. Thank you O Fiz.

We've screwed ourselves into the wall with the Peppers deal (along with others), and while it won't get our salary cap space back, we should cut him to at least send a message to the other players that we won't accept his level of performance. As was apparent last night, he's worse than a waste of money, he's actually a LIABILITY on the field. As Fiz said, give Johnson the reps.

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Peppers has always taken plays off but this season I knew he wasn't going to put up an effort because he wants to get released. Anyone with half a brain knows he isn't going to produce except for Dumb (Fox) and Dumber (Hurney).

Ding, ding, ding!

Yes! Oh yes!!!!

I simply don't understand why some others can't see this. I agree completely except I think people with only 1/4 of a brain qualify as intelligent enough to understand this logic.

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I simply pointed out the fact that, if a player expresses disgust with an organization,

when did he express disgust?

But, this should BE OF NO SURPRISE to anyone,

it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone because peppers hasn't been good in three years.

I can't fathom why any organization would want to retain any individual with no desire to further said organization's goals, much less pay them insane amounts of money. If said organization does this, they probably deserve to get their dumb asses burned (wake up calls are a good thing).

it was a bad decision by the organization, like I said in the original post.

Here's an analogy for the logic-challenged: children who wish to drop out of school but are forced to stay due to laws, parents, or both. Do they perform as well as children who go to school willfully with the desire to learn? I think not...

lol what a terrible analogy. find me a kid that at some point doesn't want to drop out of school

Sorry, but you clearly said "what does offense have to do with Peppers," and that's a ludicrous statement. Last night simply emphasized how offense has everything to do with defense.

defense. DEFENSE. There is a difference between Defense and Julius Peppers. The offense doesn't change Julius Peppers assigned task of getting to the QB and shutting down the run.

He does neither of these things.

If the offense scores fifty points, Julius will still not be beating a left tackle any better than he would last night.... when the offense kept them in the game in the first half.

Since we're using just single games, what would your excuse be last year against Denver? The Panthers scored thirty points. Why did Julius make a tackle or a sack? Was he too well rested?

I didn't realize I needed to backlist every game where solid defensive efforts have been undone when the offense implodes after a solid start (coaching error, in my book).

well you know the plural of anecdote is data.

You're telling me it doesn't frustrate the defense when Williams, averaging 6 yards per cary, only carries the ball 11 times, while Delhomme, averaging 3 turnovers per game, throws it up 33 out of 49 plays?

I don't know. I've never talked to them. But this thread is about Julius Peppers, not the defense. You're having a hard time connecting these dots.

When did I use the word "OK"? Now you're putting words in my mouth. How would you have played in that game? "Delhomme accounted for six turnovers (five interceptions, one fumble) and the Cardinals scored 23 of their 33 points off of those takeaways." He was obviously frustrated this and the past season. My guess is he wanted out before 2007.

well there's one important word in there.

It is more than clear that Peppers has zero faith in Jake and zero faith in Fox (the Panthers organization a whole). Surely you can agree on this. His using the 4-3 and 3-4 explanation is simply a clever way of having to avoid saying "I hate Jake Delhomme and John Fox" on national television. I'll say it again, obviously implied.

putting these things in don't make your non sensical arguments any easier to stomach.

don't worry, you'll get to rhetoric in your second semester of freshman year.

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My god a more detailed and analytical account of what I've been saying for months. Thank you O Fiz.

We've screwed ourselves into the wall with the Peppers deal (along with others), and while it won't get our salary cap space back, we should cut him to at least send a message to the other players that we won't accept his level of performance. As was apparent last night, he's worse than a waste of money, he's actually a LIABILITY on the field. As Fiz said, give Johnson the reps.

Peppers may not give you 100% or with his worth the check but he is no liability on the field.....that is absurd. There is not a single defensive player not named Thomas Davis that has looked legit so far this season over the course of 3 games.

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i'm not going to take the time to go back and quote posts, but if Peppers is playing half-assed just because he doesn't want to be here well then boo hoo. Be a man, and play your heart out on what would be your contract year, you want to make a good audition for one of the 2 teams you want to be on, dummy, playing like ass isn't going to get you signed anywhere but Oakland, and for once, learn a move that's a bit more complex than just charging straight ahead to an OT that has about 40 lbs on you.

This isn't the first time a player has been disgruntled about being tagged. Lance Briggs talked a poo ton about how he was "done with Chicago" but when it was all said and done he put his pads on, took the field, and put forth the effort he always had. I knew Peppers wasn't too smart or mature enough to make a good judgment, but he exceeded my expectations of how stupid he was the way he handled this in the offseason.

So whether it's the fact that he's being a lazy little man child or that he's just not that good I don't want him here next year.

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