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Fiz makes a thread about Julius Peppers


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This is my thread about Julius Peppers. I hope you like it!

Firstly, just to gloat, since I love reminding you people how smart I am...


Once the face of the franchise, the disgruntled North Carolina product has decided he's tired of the team and his position. His demands for a new position and new team (but not just any team) have hampered the Panthers' ability to move him and have led the team into a standoff.

Now that the draft has come and gone, it's become known that the Panthers didn't even receive offers for Peppers. That's led the Panthers into a corner. They're on the hook for $14 million and change to a player that's in a city he doesn't want to be in, in a system he doesn't like, at a position he doesn't want to play anymore.

They're holding out for a trade that isn't likely to happen and legally can't happen until Peppers signs his franchise tender, which he hasn't shown any inclination of doing. So what?

Simple. Just remove the franchise tag.

Last night during the game in the thread on another forum, I asked everyone to specifically focus in on Julius Peppers. These guys aren't Panthers fans, don't have any deep seeded hatred of them, and are generally more knowledgeable than a lot of the posters here. No offense, but when you're constantly talking about every nfl team instead of just one, your opinion on things changes.

Anyway, these were off the cuff reactions from everyone during the game. Some of these are pretty funny, some are crass, but all are immediate responses, off the cuff, and pretty telling.

Delhomme and Peppers carrying this team right into the ground.

Nice call, nice call.

By the way, Peppers hasn't gotten a single pressure all night.

Vince Young and Justin Gage for Julius Peppers and Steve Smith


Well, the hilarious comeback can't happen if Dallas scores again. Come on Peppers make your one million dollar play!

peppers looking like a sex offender on the sideline

Pretty good rape face there on peppers


Jerry Richardson looks like he's tied up and being robbed.

(by Peppers)

Julius Peppers getting f**ked by a TE

Peppers has to be dominant for the Panthers to have a chance?

Panthers are fuuuuuuckked

Fiz I just want to thank you again for telling me to focus on Peppers because it's seriously f**king hilarious.

peppers is just getting called out repeatedly ahah

Panthers D and Julius peppers making a difference on an obvious passing down. Oh wait.

Seriously, I don't think he's been double teamed all game.

"Julius Pepper lulls you to sleep."

haha why does julius peppers need a break he hasn't done poo

I doubted Fiz that Julius Peppers is overrated.. never again

Fiz, I have been looking at peppers the past few plays and he might as well not even be there. It is pretty pathetic.

I am so f**king glad the Cowboys have Tashard Choice, dude is a badass.

And don't trade Barber, then I will have to change my avatar :(

Oh and Peppers is horrible

I am so f**king glad the Cowboys have Tashard Choice, dude is a badass.

And don't trade Barber, then I will have to change my avatar :(

Oh and Peppers is horrible

On the last holding play, Romo rolled away from him, so Peppers stopped, stood up straight and just watched.

Dude fiz! I just saw julius peppers make a play!

if by make a play you mean speed rush way past the qb and get yourself taken out of the play.

Dear Julius Peppers,

On fiz's recommendation I decided to watch you during the game. I mean lock on to you and only care about you. All I can say is you are f**king terrible. I'm not charting you or anything but for making $1 million dollars a game all you did was get single teamed, take time off plays, consistently power rush past the QB and in general be terrible. IT's not pressure if you just power rush past the QB as the LT rides you down the field, that's not pressure.

I'm not kidding when I say you are a worse than about 25 other DEs in the league. You are terrible in the running game because you can't tackle and you always over pursue. You are godawful in the passing game because you can't even beat single coverage to do anything. Your idea of pressure is to bull rush right past the goddamn qb. You have no moves but speed and it's not enough, you have nothing.

I have never had my expectations of an "elite" player shattered like I did tonight. You were invisible and the Panthers should try to desperately trade you for a 1st rounder. I honestly can't even believe you are a starting DE, it's just f**king pathetic. Jesus.


What's even sadder is on occasions when it was obvious passing downs all you did was be invisible. Bull speed rush and pushed out of the way by Flozell. Every. Time. Listen, I know FLozell is a good LT, but you're supposed to be one of the best and you did nothing. NOTHING. He manhandled you consistently. Flozell is OK, but I don't know if I'd even put him in the top 10 of best tackles in the league.

I honestly can't believe that Peppers is employed. Why didn't they just cut him during the offseason? I would have been more of a factor in there and I'm 5'8" and 175 lbs.

Flozell and Julius made an agreement before the game that Peppers wouldn't play hard so Adams could basically take the night off. Its a win win

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Peppers shuts down the run on his side. Teams run away from him

This hasn't been true for a while and was evident last night. As a matter of fact, Julius was frequently losing contain and taking himself out of the play. Watch him literally just stand up and walk away from the end here, right before Jones' outside run.


or here, where walks into an atrocious angle and the running back easily just blows right by him. This is just awful technique and laziness.


Peppers faces double teams and chips all the time though

Peppers is hardly even teamed anymore. He's either pushed way out of the play by rushing straight up field, locked up by one of the worst tackles in the league, or locked up by a tight end, as he was last night by Witten.

He's not even particularly athletic anymore. He's slow off the snap, has lost that speed he once had, and gets pushed around with relative ease.

Julius Peppers isn't being used right

This argument is really irritating. What the f**k is "used right?" How is it any different than what he's been doing?

He is playing the most glamorous defensive position in the NFL. Nothing gets idiots more riled up and ready to defend a player (as we've seen) than sacks. Nothing is more important for DPOTY, or DROTY, or any other award than the almighty sack.

Those that watched the Indianapolis game saw what Freeney could do snap in and snap out. He didn't get there every time, but he was a consistently disruptive force. Peppers was invisible. He has every chance to make a play and does nothing. He's getting run all over.

Uh he could see the defense was collapsing and he doesn't want to be here

Uh Peppers is the reason the defense is collapsing. No one is going to pay him the money he wants just so he can be support player.

Peppers doesn't want to be here so it's not his fault

This is tricky. On one hand, I really don't like the concept of a franchise tag as an idea and if I weren't a football fan I know exactly how I'd feel about it.

On the other hand, Peppers is playing himself out of a contract next year. Tank a year, get out, sign a one year deal, go nuts, then.... you're 32. No one is going to give you what you want.

Furthermore, if Peppers really wanted out, you don't get that by listing only five teams you'll accept a trade to, basically giving the Panthers no flexibility at all and making yourself untradeable.

So no, I actually don't believe that Peppers wanted out, because none of his actions taken after the hold out support that hypothesis.

Honestly, the worst part

Peppers was always kinda on and off, even in college. However, you could at least expect that when a tackle had the audacity to play dirty, he'd go f**king insane.

Kenyatta Walker used to grow his nails out to gouge people, would kick him in the balls, would scratch at his eyes, the whole nine yards. Peppers would in turn terrify whoever was playing quarterback.

Now, not even dirty play can get Peppers going.


What's that, getting tripped by the tackle? Eh, no problem. I just made a cool million. Gonna go buy me a platinum helicopter.

Fiz, what do we do, WHAT DO WE DO

We acknowledge that the team had arguably the worst offseason in franchise history. Gross was good, yes, and I'm glad he'll never leave, but the Jake deal, Peppers deal, and Brown trade have likely set this team back three years, and the entire front office and coaching staff will lose their jobs because of it. In no other job in the world could you fail that spectacularly and not expect dire consequences. Except, of course, the presidency.

Specifically with Julius Peppers, there's no reason at all to start him anymore. He's done, broken, finished. He won't be on the team next year, and every snap of him f**king around is one less snap for Charles Johnson.

What we need to hope for is a defensive end rotation that aggressively focuses on Everette Brown and Charles Johnson, even over Brayton.

Julius is done. Sic Semper Tyrannis

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I agree. Peppers deserves to be benched. Its the only thing that would light a fire on him. We should make him look so bad that no one will want to sign him. Quite frankly he deserves to be called out in the locker room(hell even publicly). He should be ashamed of himself for letting his teammates down like this. At least Charles Johnson looked good.

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Fiz you are the most self-absorbed, narcissistic, cocky poster I've ever seen on any message board....too bad you're right.

I honestly feel Peppers just doesn't want to play football anymore. He could have had a 100 million dollar contract, but that would mean he'd have to play for at least 5 more years. I think he just wanted the franchise money, knew he'd get it, and fade away with his millions.

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Personally I don't think its his athletic ability that is diminishing he's just playing like poo because he can. And I feel that since Peppers is a veteran the other players aren't willing to call his ass out on it. I would love nothing more than for Beason and Davis to rip him a new one. They are supposed to be friends and teammates but Peppers looks like he's just playing for himself/when he wants to. It's truly disgusting. Guys like Beason, Davis, Chris Harris, Munnerlyn, and Richard Marshall are winners and they have intensity and they give their all to try and win the game. They are not letting down teammates(and the franchise) because of a lack of drive.

Fvck him he should have to earn his spot back. Go Charles Johnson.

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